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  • 愉悦口语:第135期 让步英文怎么说

    讲解文本: split the difference 折中,妥协,互相让步 Okay, let's split the difference and make it 10. 我们各让一步,十块钱吧! They are trying to split the difference to achieve a good result. 他们试着在相互妥协,以...

  • 愉悦口语:第134期 悠闲英文怎么说

    讲解文本: laid-back 悠闲的,懒散的,自在的,从容不迫 Why are you so laid-back? The exam is in 30 minutes! 你怎么还是这么闲散?考试30分钟之后就要开始了! Everyone here has a really laid-back attitude. 这里的...

  • 愉悦口语:第133期 激怒英文怎么说

    讲解文本: piss off 激怒,立刻走开 What did you do to piss her off? 你究竟做了什么把她给惹火了? The way she treats me really pisses me off. 她对待我的态度让我彻底怒了。 Piss off, or I'll kick your ass. 立刻滚...

  • 愉悦口语:第132期 瑕疵英文怎么说

    讲解文本: flaw 瑕疵,小缺点 It is a large diamond, but it has a flaw. 这是颗大钻石, 但它有一点瑕疵。 There's a flaw in your plan. 你的计划有个缺陷。 Jealousy is a big flaw in his character. 嫉妒是他品格中的一...

  • 愉悦口语:第131期 翘课英文怎么说

    讲解文本: skip class 翘课 I always skip my physics class because it's boring. 我总是逃物理课,因为特别无聊。 cut class 翘课 I never cut class during my four years in college. 我在四年大学里没有逃过一次课。 疯狂...

  • 愉悦口语:第130期 理发英文怎么说

    讲解文本: barber 理发师 I must go to the barber's this weekend, my hair is too long. 这周末我必须去理发店修剪一下,我的头发太长了。 haircut 理发,发型 I'm going to the barber's to get a new haircut. 我要去理发店...

  • 愉悦口语:第129期 谈恋爱还能这样说!?

    讲解文本: go out 交往,恋爱,出去约会 Are you two going out? 你们两个在交往吗? Jennifer is going out with a teacher. 珍妮弗在和一个老师交往。 He started to go out with someone else after his divorce. 离婚后他开...

  • 愉悦口语:第128期 叙旧英文怎么说

    讲解文本: catch up 赶上(进度),和朋友叙旧,聚一聚 We should catch up when I get some free time. 等我有空,咱们聚一聚。 This bar is a very good place to catch up with friends and have some nice beer. 这个吧很适合和朋...

  • 愉悦口语:第127期 低谷英文怎么说

    讲解文本: down 失意,低谷,挫败 Life is full of ups and downs. 人生充满着起起伏伏。 He went through a lot of ups and downs. 他经历了很多起起伏伏。 you look so down today, are you ok? 你今天看起来情绪很低落啊...

  • 愉悦口语:第126期 脸红英文怎么说

    讲解文本: blush 脸红 She blushes every time Jack talks to her. Jack每次和她说话时她都会脸红。 I blush whenever I think about it. 每当我想到这件事时就会脸红。 疯狂练习吧!...
