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  • 2021年经济学人 一周要闻 面对政治施压美国纽约州州长拒辞职

    A new interim government in Libya was sworn in, replacing two rival administrations. Its main task is to prepare the war-torn country for elections in December. Libya descended into conflict after the last nationwide elections, in 2014. 利比亚一个...

  • 2021年经济学人 关于口罩你不知道的秘密

    Face-masks and covid-19 口罩和新冠 Helpful humidity 有用的湿度 As well as filtering air, face-masks may boost the immune system 口罩除了过滤空气,还可以增强免疫系统 Face-masks help reduce the spread of SARS-COV-2, the viru...

  • 2021年经济学人 死亡的权力--安乐死(2)

    The similarity between the euthanasia underground that it describes and underground abortion networks is striking. The president of Compassion amp; Choices, a lobby group for doctor-assisted dying, once referred to plastic-bag hoods as the end-of-lif...

  • 2021年经济学人 死亡的权力--安乐死(1)

    Books arts 文艺板块 Book review 书评 The right to die 死亡的权力 Going gently 安乐死 The Inevitable. By Katie Engelhart. 《不可避免》。作者:凯蒂恩格哈特 If it is humane to put down a dog in unbearable and incurable pain...

  • 2021年经济学人 NFT引爆币圈,难道是下一个风口?(2)

    The bumper Beeple sale, plus the arrival of ever more creators, means a mania that has been largely confined to crypto and techie circles could move mainstream. The global NFT market grew from a few tens of millions of dollars in annual sales a few y...

  • 2021年经济学人 NFT引爆币圈,难道是下一个风口?(1)

    Non-fungible tokens 非同质代币 What's wrong with this picture? 这幅图咋了? Non-fungible tokens are useful, innovativeand frothy 非同质代币是有用的、创新的但也是泡沫 Equivalent VIII by Carl Andre was a minimalist sculptur...

  • 2021年经济学人 西西莉·泰森-佳人绝世而独立(4)

    One day, however, she had seen her mother in a line of black women waiting to be hired as maids. White people in cars drove slowly past, looking them over. Americas original sin of slavery seemed as sharp as ever. Even decades later racism still ran...

  • 2021年经济学人 一周要闻 阿斯利康疫苗被欧洲多国紧急叫停

    The world this week 一周国际要闻 Politics 政治板块 At least 16 EU countries, including Germany, France, Italy and Spain, suspended the use of AstraZenecas COVID-19 vaccine, following reports that a handful of people had developed blood-clot...

  • 2021年经济学人 黑客秘史--撬开一堆17世纪的信件

    Hacking history 黑客史 Origami in reverse 逆向折纸 Cracking the security on a trove of 17th-century letters 撬开一堆17世纪的信件 A modern correspondent wanting to communicate privately can use computerised encryption. Three hundred ye...

  • 2021年经济学人 疫情后时代社会保障的绝处逢生(3)

    That is the easy part. Balancing generosity and dynamism is harder. Part of the solution is to top up the wages of low-paid workers. AngloSax on countries have done this well since reforms in the 1990s and 2000s. But wage top-ups are of little use to...
