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  • Spain's Deficit Worsens as Europe Reels into New Year

    Spain is getting ready to start the new year with a new round of austerity measures, hoping to contain a growing deficit. The country's new government announced $11.5 billion in fresh spending cuts Friday, saying the budget was in worse shape than th...

  • Do Nothing' Option for US Deficit Reduction Explored

    Hopes were dashed this week for bold congressional action to slow the growth of Americas $15 trillion national debt. A special bipartisan committee failed to agree on ways to trim the deficit by $1.2 trillion. But if Congress has shown itself incapab...

  • Signs of Compromise to Reduce US Deficit

    With a deadline looming to cut Americas massive federal deficit, lawmakers of both parties appear to be softening rigid ideological stances in hopes of striking a bipartisan accord that would put the United States on a sounder fiscal path. Economists...

  • US Deficit Super Committee Prepares to Begin Work

    As President Barack Obama prepares to unveil proposals to spur U.S. economic growth and job creation, a bipartisan committee of lawmakers tasked with slashing the federal deficit prepares to convene for the first time. The Joint Select Committee on D...

  • Obama: Congress Must Face Deficit

    President Barack Obama will meet Sunday with top lawmakers, in hopes of making progress toward an agreement to prevent a government default. Both the White House and top Republicans are playing down the prospects for a deal in Sundays talks. The ongo...

  • unit29 The American Sleep Deficit 美国的睡眠赤字

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  • U.S. fiscal deficit issue is manageable

    NEW YORK, April 26 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said Tuesday that the current U.S. fiscal deficit(国库赤字) problems were manageable and bipartisan efforts were required to address the challenge. (The fiscal deficit...
