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当前位置:主页 > TAG标签 > Europe
  • Europe Continues to Suffer Severe Winter Weather

    severe winter weather continues to dominate in many European countries with air and road travel disrupted and gas supples running low. The hardest hit country is Ukraine, where temperatures as low as minus 32 degrees Celsius have left at least 122 pe...

  • 冒着生命危险到达欧洲

    Risking Death to Reach Safety in Europe The Mediterranean Sea was a deadliest stretch of water in 2011for refugees and migrants. The U.N. refugee agency, UNHCR, says more than 1500 people drowned or went missing while fleeing Africa for Europe. UNHCR...

  • VOA标准英语2012--Europe Debates Iran Oil Sanctions Amid Debt Crisis

    Europe Debates Iran Oil Sanctions Amid Debt Crisis With sanctions tightening, Irans leader toured South America, including a stop in Cuba Wednesday. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is looking for new friends and new markets. The U.S. has already impose...

  • Europe Faces More Negative Economic Indicators

    The 17 eurozone nations are facing a new wave of negative economic indicators, a further signal that Europe's currency bloc is headed toward a recession. The European Commission said Friday that executive and consumer confidence dropped in December t...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Gorbachev's Foreign Policy Changed Map of Europe

    Gorbachev's Foreign Policy Changed Map of Europe This month marks the 20th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was the foreign policy of Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader, that contributed to the demise of the Soviet Union. Mi...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Hearing Aid Common in Europe Turns Up Volume in US

    Hearing Aid Common in Europe Turns Up Volume in US More than 10 percent of Americans have some form of hearing loss. Even with a hearing aid, deciphering sounds in places like airports, theaters and places of worship can be tough. However, a not-so-n...

  • Europe Central Bank Lowers Rates

    The European Central Bank lowered its benchmark interest rate Thursday to a record 1.0 percent. The move by the bank to help stimulate Europe's economy came as France and Germany urged other European leaders to adopt their eurozone crisis plan at a k...

  • Markets Welcome Central Banks' Efforts on Europe

    Stocks soared after the U.S. Federal Reserve and other major central banks agreed to make it easier to borrow dollars overseas, in a bid to ease the fallout of the European debt crisis. The move came as European finance ministers delayed key decision...

  • New Fears on Europe, Italy's Borrowing Costs Jump Again

    Italy had to pay nearly double the interest rates to borrow money in a six-month bond auction Friday, reflecting new fears about economic problems in the countries that use the common European currency. The euro currency and world stock markets also...

  • Germany's Merkel Calls for United Europe

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel is calling for a stronger political union in Europe to overcome the blocs debt crisis. She called the crisis the continents toughest hour since World War II. And, in Italy, Prime Minister-designate Mario Monti was hard...
