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  • pbs高端访谈:足球,丑闻,腐败如同草渍一样普遍

    GWEN IFILL:Next, we turn to a scandal that's rocked one of the world's most popular sports. Hari Sreenivasan reports. HARI SREENIVASAN:Soccer has been tainted in the past by evidence of match fixing. But European law enforcement officials outlined a...

  • pbs高端访谈:《刺杀本拉登》引发对酷刑的批评

    JEFFREY BROWN: And finally tonight, this was Oscar nomination day. The civil war-era drama Lincoln led the pack with 12 nominations, followed by the fantasy Life of Pi with 11, and Les Miserables with eight. Another new film, Zero Dark Thirty, lookin...

  • pbs高端访谈:就职诗人理查德·布兰科作品体现统一和归属感

    JEFFREY BROWN:And now to the man who will be just the fifth inaugural poet in the nation's history. Richard Blanco was, as he said, made in Cubahe was conceived thereassembled in Spain his mother gave birth to him thereand quickly imported to the Uni...

  • pbs高端访谈:庆祝《解放奴隶宣言》150周年

    RAY SUAREZ:New Year's Day marks the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, and the National Archives in Washington, D.C., honors the occasion with a rare public viewing. It's one of the defining documents of American democracy, issued on...

  • pbs高端访谈:从诗人角度看希腊经济危机

    GWEN IFILL:Another way of looking at the ongoing economic crisis in Greece. Jeffrey Brown was in Athens recently and talked to two poets about hard times now and in the nation's past. JEFFREY BROWN: All right, so, sometimes, you're out with the kids...

  • pbs高端访谈:用140个字或者更少的数字平台评论美国历史

    JEFFREY BROWN:And finally tonight: doling out history lessons on Twitter. Gwen Ifill has that. GWEN IFILL:NewsHour regular Michael Beschloss has written eight books and countless commentaries on the American presidency, but recently he's discovered a...

  • pbs高端访谈:安吉丽娜导演处女作尝试战争片

    GWEN IFILL:Finally tonight, an unflinching look back at the war in Bosnia, as told by Angelina Jolie. Jeffrey Brown recently sat down with the Oscar-winning actress and the stars of her new film. JEFFREY BROWN:She's one of the most recognizable women...

  • pbs高端访谈:时代音乐家 伟大的大卫·布鲁贝克

    GWEN IFILL:Finally tonight: remembering jazz giant Dave Brubeck. The pianist and composer died today after a seven-decade career that spanned much of the post-war jazz world. Born in California in 1920, he and his quartet would become known for rhyth...

  • pbs高端访谈:如何让舞蹈吸引多样化观众

    JEFFREY BROWN:Next: a story of the arts and community. It's about a group in Minnesota that aims to take dance to new places. Its name is TU Dance. Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro tells its story. FRED DE SAM LAZARO:TU Dance's location, a ru...

  • pbs高端访谈:格雷格·奥尔曼的艰辛摇滚路

    JEFFREY BROWN:And next: a hard-lived life amid the sound, success and sorrow of rock 'n roll. MAN:One, two, one, two, three. JEFFREY BROWN:From the bench behind his Hammond B-3 organ, Gregg Allman has been belting out the rock 'n roll blues for more...
