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  • VOA慢速英语--:维吉尼亚城纪念二战牺牲的士兵

    Virginia Town Remembers Its Fallen WWII Soldiers Marguerite Cottrell remembers the summer day almost 75 years ago when a note was brought to her familys farm. Her mother opened the note, read it, sat down and cried. The note informed the family that...

  • VOA慢速英语2019 研究表明狗狗也能感受到主人的压力

    Study: Dogs Can Feel Their Owners' Stress, Too When dog owners experience a long period of stress, they are not alone in feeling the pressure.Their dogs feel it, too. 当狗主人长时间处于压力中的时候,他们并不是唯一感受到压力的...

  • VOA慢速英语2019 有些皮肤即使没有接触太阳也会出现黑色素瘤

    Melanoma Can Happen on Skin That Does Not Get Sun Melanoma is an often deadly skin cancer that can develop when a person spends too much time in the sun without protection.But medical doctors now say the disease can form even with little time out in...

  • VOA慢速英语--世卫组织称每天有一百万人受到性感染

    WHO: A Million People a Day Get Sexual Infections Every day, more than a million people around the world get a sexually transmitted infection, the World Health Organization said last week. It added that rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis a...

  • VOA慢速英语2019 苏丹涂鸦艺术家纪念反政府抗议活动受害者

    Sudanese Graffiti Artist Honors Anti-Government Protest Victims Sudanese officials are seeking to end months of anti-government protests. More than 50 people have died in the unrest. 苏丹官员正试图结束长达数月的反政府抗议活动。 已...

  • 教授与学生寻找北美第一位诗人的墓地

    Professors, Students Search for Burial Site of North Americas First Poet Anne Bradstreet was the first person on the North American continent to publish poems, but her legacy has largely been lost to time. Now, professors and students at Merrimack Co...

  • After President's Resignation, Algerian Officials Plot Next Steps

    Algerias Constitutional Council met Wednesday to confirm the resignation of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Constitutional Council president Tayeb Belaiz opened Wednesdays meeting of the 12-member body. He said the reason for the meeting was to estab...

  • VOA慢速英语2019--华盛顿樱花盛开

    DCs Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom Washington, D.C.s, cherry blossom trees are in full bloom. The United States National Park Service declared that the blossoms reached peak bloom on Monday. That means 70 percent of the Yoshino Cherry trees around the...

  • 加沙的抗议活动未能结束以色列的封锁

    Weekly Protests in Gaza Fail to End Israels Blockade Last weekend, the Islamist group Hamas marked the one year anniversary of violent, weekly protests in the Gaza Strip. The unrest has failed to end Israels blockade of the territory. The Associated...

  • VOA慢速英语2019--北约庆祝成立70周年

    NATO Quietly Marks 70th Anniversary Foreign ministers from countries belonging to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are gathering in Washington to mark the 70th anniversary of the military alliance. NATO is one of the oldest common defense allia...

  • VOA慢速英语--Should Professional Card Players Be Punished for Using Drugs?

    Last year, top-ranked Geir Helgemo received a one-year suspension from his sport: bridge, a kind of card game for four players in two teams. Helgemo tested positive for banned substances that are more commonly used in active sports like cycling, weig...

  • 由太阳光驱动的宇宙飞船将从SpaceX火箭上发射

    Sunlight-Powered Spacecraft Set to Launch Aboard SpaceX Rocket A major experiment in solar sailing is set to launch this month. Solar sailing is a method that can push, or propel, a vehicle through space. A spacecraft is attached to a large solar sai...

  • VOA慢速英语2019--美国宇航员期待新的太空任务

    US Astronauts Look Forward to New Space Mission The first U.S. astronauts chosen to fly on a private spaceship to the International Space Station, or ISS are preparing for the planned trip later this year. The two astronauts, Bob Behnken and Doug Hur...

  • VOA慢速英语--一些航空公司仍在努力回避冲突地区

    Some Airline Companies Still Struggle with How to Avoid Conflict Areas It has been nearly five years since a Malaysian passenger airplane was shot down over Ukraine. A missile brought down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, killing all its 298 passengers...

  • Music Therapy to Help People with Special Needs

    Music Therapy to Help People with Special Needs Several major studies have suggested music can be good for ones health. The research has shown that listening to music or playing instruments can help heal both physical and mental conditions. In the Un...
