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相关教程: 科学技术 2022年 慢速英语 VOA
  • VOA科学技术2022 日本研究人员开发出能剥香蕉皮的机器人

    Researchers in Japan have developed a robot capable of peeling a banana without crushing the fruit inside. 日本研究人员开发了一种机器人,它能够剥开香蕉皮,而不弄坏里面的香蕉肉。 While the two-armed machine is only s...

  • VOA科学技术2022 英国将遥控机器人船勘察汤加火山爆发后的海底

    Robotic Boat to Help Measure Sea Effects of Tonga Volcano A scientific team is headed to Tonga to measure the effects of January's undersea volcano explosion on the surrounding ocean. 一个科学小组将前往汤加,测量1月份海底火山爆发对...

  • California Permitting Its Rivers More Space to Flow

    California Permitting Its Rivers More Space to Flow Between huge almond farms and dairy fields in the heart of California's farm country sits a property under redesign. Engineers are seeking to return the land there to what is was like 150 years ago,...

  • VOA科学技术2022 科学家完整绘制全套人类基因组

    Scientists say they have finished mapping the full set of genetic information for human life. 科学家表示,他们已经绘制了人类生命的全套遗传信息。 The effort involved the first-ever sequencing of a complete human genome. A grou...

  • VOA科学技术--首个私人平民宇航员机组抵达国际空间站

    First Private Astronaut Crew Launches to Space Station An astronaut crew of private citizens has launched to the International Space Station (ISS). The launch happened Friday morning from Florida's Kennedy Space Center. The flight is the first to be...

  • Does Software that Explains Itself Really Help?

    Does Software that Explains Itself Really Help? Scientists who make artificial intelligence (AI) systems say they have no problem designing ones that make good predictions for business decisions. But they are finding that the AI may need to explain i...

  • Climate Scientists: There Is Hope

    Climate Scientists: There Is Hope Recent scientific reports show the destructive effects of climate change, but many scientists say it is important to remain positive. If the world continues to change and not give up, we can still prevent some of the...

  • VOA科学技术2022 天文学家观察到巨行星的形成

    Scientists have recently observed a large planet at an early stage of formation. The planet is already nine times the mass of Jupiter. 科学家最近观察到一颗处于早期形成阶段的大行星。这颗行星的质量已经是木星的9倍。...

  • VOA科学技术2022--探索电动汽车电池背后的技术

    Exploring the Technology Behind Electric Vehicle Batteries Editor's note: This story is the first in a three-part series that will explore the main issues surrounding electric vehicle technologies. Because they power electronic devices we depend on e...

  • VOA科学技术2022--气候难民在孟加拉国找到希望

    Climate Refugees Find Hope in Bangladesh Town In Bangladesh, the south west seaport town of Mongla is home to thousands of refugees. They are not fleeing war or another conflict. They are refugees from climate change. Monira Khatun is 29 years old an...

  • VOA科学技术2022 天文学家发现最远恒星

    Astronomers Discover Most Distant Star on Record Space scientists say they have identified the most distant star ever recorded. 太空科学家表示,他们已经发现了有记录以来最遥远的恒星。 Astronomers made the discovery with the...

  • VOA科学技术2022 美国宇航局最强大火箭进入发射前最终测试

    The American space agency NASA is carrying out final testing on its new rocket that aims to help return humans to the moon. 美国宇航局正在对其旨在帮助人类重返月球的新火箭进行最终测试。 NASA says its Space Launch System,...

  • VOA科学技术2022 科学家发现冥王星存在冰火山的新证据

    Scientists from the American space agency NASA say they have found evidence of large ice volcanoes on the dwarf planet Pluto. 美国航天局科学家称其已经在矮行星冥王星上发现了大型冰火山的证据。 The finding is based on ima...

  • VOA科学技术2022--甲烷可能是寻找外星生命的关键

    Methane May be Key in Search for Alien Life Researchers recently said methane may be the first detectable sign of life outside of our planet. But the gas would only suggest the presence of life if discovered in the atmosphere of a rocky planet orbiti...

  • VOA科学技术2022 美国宇航员搭乘俄罗斯飞船返回地球

    美国宇航员搭乘俄罗斯飞船返回地球 An American astronaut has arrived back to Earth after spending 355 days at the International Space Station, a U.S. record. 一名美国宇航员在国际空间站停留355天后返回地球,创下了美...
