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  • VOA新闻杂志2023 2022年哪座城市的空气污染最严重?

    Pakistan's second-largest city, Lahore, has been named the city with the most polluted air in the world in 2022. 巴基斯坦第二大城市拉合尔被评为2022年全球空气污染最严重的城市。 IQAir, a Swiss company that makes air purifie...

  • VOA新闻杂志2023--Six Killed in Latest US School Shooting

    Six Killed in Latest US School Shooting An attacker shot and killed six people, including three 9-year-olds, at a private Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee Monday. Police killed the shooter about fifteen minutes into the attack at The Covenant...

  • VOA新闻杂志2023 以色列人抗议总理试图改革司法制度

    In Israel, thousands of protesters demonstrated Sunday and Monday against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plans to make changes to the nation's top court. 以色列数万名抗议者周一和周日发起示威,反对总理内塔尼亚胡计划对...

  • Colombia to Vote on Bullfighting Ban

    Colombia is one of just eight countries where bullfights remain legal. Many places in those countries are establishing restrictions on the activity. Courts and city governments in Spain and Mexico have issued rulings that have discouraged the events....

  • Older Americans in Government Program Struggle to Buy the Basics

    Older Americans in Government Program Struggle to Buy the Basics Living simply is at the heart of Alex Morisey's Quaker religion. The 82-year-old graduated from a good college and spent years working in nonprofit organizations. He helped farmworkers,...

  • VOA新闻杂志2023 报告称索马里去年预计有43000人死于干旱

    A new report says an estimated 43,000 people died during Somalia's longest drought on record last year. Half of them were likely children under five years old. 一份新报告称,估计有43000人在索马里去年最长的干旱期间死亡。 其中...

  • VOA新闻杂志2023--James Monroe: Likeable

    James Monroe: Likeable VOA Learning English presents America's Presidents. James Monroe easily won election in 1816. He had a relaxed, likeable personality and was popular with voters. In addition, many saw him as a last connection to the country's f...

  • ‘Atmospheric Rivers’ Bring Storms to California

    A rare tornado touched down near Los Angeles on Wednesday. It followed another major storm that hit the state of California on Tuesday. The violent weather brought heavy rain and snow from the Pacific Ocean. It caused floods, moved earth, uprooted tr...

  • Japan Celebrates Victory over USA in World Baseball Classic

    Japan's national baseball team defeated the United States Tuesday night in Miami to win the World Baseball Classic (WBC) for the third time. The final score was 3-2. The team's star player, Shohei Ohtani, pitched the final inning. He recorded the las...

  • UN Says One in Four Do Not Have Safe Drinking Water

    The United Nations said 26 percent of the world's population does not have safe drinking water in a report released Tuesday. The U.N. World Water Development Report 2023's release comes at the start of a three-day meeting on water resources and usage...

  • VOA新闻杂志2023 法国罢工继续 巴黎垃圾围城

    A strike by French garbage collectors has led to mountains of trash sitting on the streets of Paris. 法国环卫工人罢工导致巴黎街头垃圾堆积成山。 The strike entered its 16th day on Tuesday. The strikers are protesting a recent deci...

  • VOA新闻杂志2023--IMF Approves $3 Billion Bailout for Sri Lanka

    IMF Approves $3 Billion Bailout for Sri Lanka The International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a nearly $3 billion financial assistance plan for Sri Lanka Monday. The IMF also said it will carefully study Sri Lanka's governing practices including possi...

  • VOA新闻杂志2023--James Madison: Scholar

    James Madison: Scholar VOA Learning English presents America's Presidents. James Madison was elected in 1808. He was a capable president who served two terms. But most Americans do not remember Madison for his presidency. They remember him for work h...

  • US Government Rethinking Race, Ethnicity Classifications

    The United States is considering updating racial and ethnic categories recognized in the country for the first time since 1997. The government's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) plans to decide on the new categories next year. It is holding thre...

  • VOA新闻杂志2023 马克龙绕过议会下令提高法国退休年龄

    French President Emmanuel Macron ordered a highly unpopular bill Thursday to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Macron acted without the support of Parliament. 法国总统马克龙周四下令通过了一项极不受欢迎的法案,将退休年...
