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相关教程: VOA标准英语2011年
  • VOA标准英语2011--Poet Kay Ryan Named MacArthur Fellow

    PoetKayRyanNamedMacArthurFellow The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation named 22 new MacArthur fellows on Tuesday. They'll receive Genius awards, which come with a no-strings attached grant of $500,000 over five years. The diverse grantees...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Euro Under Fire as Debt Crisis Continues

    EuroUnderFireasDebtCrisisContinues The debt crisis in some countries that use the euro has caused social unrest and speculation that the euros run as a joint currency may be coming to an end. There is a plan in place to solve the problem, but it is n...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Iraqi Foreign Minister Sees Country on '

    Iraqi Foreign Minister Sees Country on 'Right Path' Speaking to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, Iraqs foreign minister says his country is headed in the right direction. Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari spoke without notes to membe...

  • VOA标准英语2011--California Company Helps Extend Reach of

    CaliforniaCompanyHelpsExtendReachofFresh-GrownFood A growing number of Americans grow fruit and vegetables at home in their own gardens. These small plots let gardeners savor the flavor of fresh-picked produce and improve their diet. One company in L...

  • VOA标准英语2011--US Congress Gets Conflicting Advice on E

    USCongressGetsConflictingAdviceonEconomy,Debt For U.S. lawmakers, no issue is more pressing or contentious than how to revive an ailing American economy while confronting a $14.7 trillion national debt. Complicating this monumental task is a sharp di...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Small Town's Big Auction Draws Hundreds

    Small Town's Big Auction Draws Hundreds Along US East Coast The search for a bargain and the hope for an unrecognized treasure draws hundreds of people to a tiny East Coast town each week. Every Wednesday, they descend upon a cavernous warehouse in C...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Israelis, Palestinians Brace for UN Stat

    Israelis, Palestinians Brace for UN Statehood Debate It is market day in Ramallah, the West Bank. Shoppers are making their daily purchases. And as they shop, the Palestinian proposal to seek recognition at the United Nations is a major topic of disc...

  • VOA标准英语2011--AU's Slow Recognition of NTC Prompts Cal

    AU'sSlowRecognitionofNTCPromptsCallsforReform The African Union has finally recognized Libya's National Transitional Council, dealing another blow to ousted leader Moammar Gadhafi. Some African leaders say the delay in acting on Libya shows the Afric...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Obama: 'No Shortcut' to Israel-Palestini

    Obama: 'No Shortcut' to Israel-Palestinian Peace President Barack Obama has addressed the 66th United Nations General Assembly about what he calls a time of transformation, especially in the Middle East and Africa. In his roughly 35 minute address, t...

  • VOA标准英语2011--NY Wellness Week Focuses on Prevention

    NYWellnessWeekFocusesonPrevention The air was crisp and the music was loud in the vast plaza in front of the New York State office building in Harlem as health advocates and vendors set up information tables for Harlem Wellness Week. It is a wide-ran...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Jazz Age Music Rocks Big Apple Club

    JazzAgeMusicRocksBigAppleClub It's been nearly a century since the big band music of the Jazz Age was in full swing, but a nighttime visit to a nightclub in the Big Apple might have you fooled. On a recent Monday night at Sofias, a small nightclub in...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Doctor Fights Cervical Cancer in Develop

    DoctorFightsCervicalCancerinDevelopingCountries Cervical cancer is the second deadliest cancer - after breast cancer - among women in developing countries. Eight hundred women die of cervical cancer every day, nearly 300,000 each year worldwide. Cali...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Plummeting US Satellite to Hit Earth Fri

    PlummetingUSSatellitetoHitEarthFriday NASA launched the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) 20 years ago this month. And now that bus-sized satellite is plunging toward Earth. Mark Matney, an orbital debris scientist at NASA's Johnson Space Ce...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Ivory Coast Refugees Question Security o

    IvoryCoastRefugeesQuestionSecurityofReturningHome Refugees from this year's political crisis in Ivory Coast say it is not yet safe enough to return home. Ivory Coast's new national army and U.N. peacekeepers are increasing security along the borders...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Ethiopian Migrants Stranded in Yemen

    EthiopianMigrantsStrandedinYemen More than three thousand Ethiopian migrants who risked their lives leaving the Horn of Africa find themselves stranded in Yemen, near the Saudi Arabian border. The migrants want to return home, but the International O...
