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    While more than half of bosses are skeptical of employees who phone in sick, a new study has revealed what is most likely to earn you the day in bed - and it's not having the sniffles. 虽然超过一半的老板会对员工的病假电话表示怀疑,...

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    The online shopping sale on Nov 11 has been put in the spotlight with analysts keen to find solid evidence of improving consumer demand that might bolster the slowing economy. 最近,11月11日网购十分火爆。分析师们十分希望能够找出...

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  • 我国沈阳遭遇历史最严重雾霾污染

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  • 奥巴马将会晤内塔尼亚胡

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  • 全球变暖有利英国葡萄酒

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  • 前缅甸军政府三号人物愿与昂山素季合作

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  • 天主教教宗 泄密无法阻挡改革

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  • 法媒报道黑盒子显示俄飞机被炸弹炸毁

    French media report that the black box recorders found in the wreckage of a Russian passenger jet show that a bomb brought down the plane over Egypt last week, killing all 224 on board. 法国媒体报道说,在残骸中找到的黑盒子显示,上...

  • 中国股市极有可能将迅速回归"牛市常态"

    Chinese stocks are back on the bull market, a surprising achievement after a volatile summer wiped out trillions of dollars in value from mainland equities, reported Wall Street Journal. 据华尔街日报报道,中国股市回归牛市,这是经过...
