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    A kindergarten in Leshan, Sichuan, conducted a survey among parents to find their reaction to campus bullying. 四川乐山某幼儿园近日在家长中开展了一项关于他们如何应对校园欺凌的调查。 About 60% said they emphasized tr...

  • 第一季度22省GDP增速超全国均值

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  • 北京环保局将对环保数据作假零容忍

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  • 2017年中国新锐中产调查报告发布

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  • 女主播谎称夜宿故宫 博物院方面表示强烈谴责

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  • 微信在俄罗斯因登记注册问题遭封禁

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  • 亚投行首个印度贷款项目获批

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  • 周杰伦对怒吼保安事件道歉 称未控制住情绪

    Popular Taiwan singer Jay Chou has released a video to say sorry for shouting at a security guard and ordered him to leave his concert in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, on April 30. 日前,台湾流行歌手周杰伦发布了一则视频,为4月30日自己...

  • 火箭马刺死磕,异样的历史轮回

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  • 蛟龙号5天4次下潜 南海科考任务全速推进

    Jiaolong, China's manned submersible, conducted its fourth dive last Sunday around the Zhenbei Seamount in the South China Sea. 中国载人潜水器蛟龙号于上周日在中国南海的珍贝海山完成了第四次深潜。 Jiaolong stayed underw...

  • 中国农民工总数达2.8亿人 月均收入3275元

    The number of farmer-turned workers reached 281 million in 2016, up 1.5% over the previous year, which marked the first growth-rate increase since 2011, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics. 国家统计局发布的数据显示,...

  • 孔夫子旧书网卖博士学位论文 涉清华北大等多家高校

    According to a report from news portal thepaper.cn, there are some 4,000 items tagged as doctoral dissertations for sale on kongfz.com, which come from dozens of elite Chinese universities including Tsinghua University, Peking University and Fudan Un...

  • 八家银行收紧北京房贷 首套最低执行基准利率

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