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    Amazing photographs have emerged capturing one of the skys rarer sights a cloud formation known as a fallstreak hole. 这些精彩照片拍下了一种罕见的天象雨幡洞云。 Also known as a hole punch cloud the unusual occurrence, which appea...

  • 中国推动建立亚太自由贸易区

    Chinese officials are planning to press for the establishment of an Asia-Pacific Free Trade Area at the upcoming APEC meetings in Beijing. There are currently 56 different FTAs in the Asia-Pacific region. Zhang Shaogang with the Chinese Ministry of C...

  • 海上丝绸之路国际博览会开幕

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  • 减肥手术可降低糖尿病风险

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  • 中国将为墨西哥建造首条高铁

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    Benedict Cumberbatch got some high-profile magazine covers to promote The Imitation Game. In addition to his Out Magazine cover profile, were still waiting on his Elle UK special edition, and theyve already promised us an eight-page editorial plus an...

  • 俯身亲吻导盲犬 失明女孩恢复视力

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  • 美国愚公 32年只身挖通穿山隧道

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  • "哈利•波特"神曲串烧四六级核心词汇

    Daniel Radcliffe stunned the hip-hop and TV-viewing communities on Tuesday night's episode of The Tonight Show, delivering an epic, word-for-word version of Blackalicious' mind-numbing 1999 track Alphabet Aerobics.在周二晚上的《今夜秀》上,...

  • 4岁设计师参展纽约时装周

    Like many designers at New York Fashion Week, Mayhem expertly posed for photos, showed off her creations and took interviews. Unlike most designers, however, she is only four years old. 和纽约时装周上许多其他的设计师一样,梅赫姆拍...

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    A former Lockheed Martin engineer showed off his pictures of aliens this summer that he claims to have obtained through conversations with extraterrestrial life. 今年夏天,美国洛克希德马丁公司的前工程师博伊德?布须曼曝光了一...

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    Nobody could deny that Kylie Minogue and Andre Balazs make a handsome couple. Balazs, a man about town best known for his celebrity-studded restaurants and hotels, is tall and dark with a penchant for suave suits and a touch of Gene Kelly in his musc...

  • 维珍飞船沙漠坠毁 “太空一游”需25万美元

    LOS ANGELES, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) -- A passenger rocket plane developed by Virgin Galactic's crashed on Friday after suffering an in-flight anomaly during a powered test flight over the U.S. state of California, the commercial company said on Twitter. 新华...
