[00:04.70]2 Booking a room in a hotel
[00:10.95]Hello.The Old Old Ship Hotel.How can I help you?
[00:16.09]Oh,hello.I'd like to book a room for next month.
[00:21.66]Of course.When exactly would you be arriving?
[00:26.62]The 19th and we're leaving on the 24th.
[00:32.89]So that's five nights.And what kind of room would you like?
[00:39.13]Well,there are actually two of us.So how much would two singles be?
[00:46.08]That would be 60 each per night.
[00:51.12]Right.And what if we shared a twin room?
[00:56.97]That would be 95 for the room per night.
[01:02.12]Is that with an en-suite bathroom?
[01:07.68]Yes,of curse1.All rooms are en-suite and have all the normal facilities.
[01:14.24]OK.Well,in that case,I'd like two singles,if possible.
[01:21.68]Let me just check if we have those available...
[01:26.05]No,I'm sorry.We only have one single room available for those days.
[01:33.60]Oh right.Well,never mind.We can share.
[01:39.47]So you'd like one twin room for five nights arriving the 19th
[01:45.64]and departing2 the 24th?
[01:49.30]That's right.
[01:52.35]That'll be 75.We'll need to take your credit3 card details to make the booking.
[02:04.26]What kind of card are you paying with?Visa4.
[02:09.02]OK.And the number? 5362387064298479.
[02:25.37]That's fine.And what's the expiry date?06/09.
[02:33.73]OK.And your name as it appears on the card?
[02:39.37]Anton Yurick.That's Y-U-R-I-C-K.
[02:48.12]Great.So that's all booked for you,Mr Yurick.
[02:53.87]4 Using grammar:first conditionals
[03:06.44]Listen to the second part of the conversation
[03:10.88]So,if there's anything else you need to know,
[03:15.74]please don't hesitate5 to get in touch.
[03:19.99]Well,actully,there is one more thing.
[03:24.75]I need confirmation6 of the booking for my visa application.
[03:30.91]Of course,no problem sir.
[03:34.99]If you fax us with your request,
[03:39.06]we'll fax you back a letter by tomorrow.
[03:43.19]Great.If you wait a second,I'll get a pen.Yes,what's the fax nuber?
[04:01.19]OK,that's great.You've been very helpful.Thanks.
[04:07.35]No problem.We look forward to seeing you.
[04:25.53]4 Using grammar:first conditionals
[05:10.33]The best place I've ever stayed was a little wooden hut7 in the tain forests of Borneo,
[05:17.70]looking out over the mountains.
[05:21.75]There were lots of mosquitoes8 there and I woke up covered in bites,
[05:28.41]but the really great thing was that the following day,
[05:33.58]we climbed the highest mountain in South-east Asia-mounk Kinabalu.
[05:40.85]I spent my eighteenth birthday there
[05:45.39]and my cake was a piece of bread covered in little bits of chocolate!
[05:51.45]It was wonderful.
[05:58.27]The best place I've ever stayed is a small Greek9 island called Serifos.
[06:05.64]It's really quiet.
[06:09.16]There is no airport.
[06:12.79]There are hardly any hotels
[06:16.84]and most people who go there rent a room from a local family.
[06:22.30]When I go there,I always stay with the same family.
[06:27.66]They are lovely and give me home-made10 bread and cakes,and even eggs!
[06:34.74]There are some wonderful beaches
[06:38.99]with hardly any people on them and the house I stay in looks out over the sea.
[06:44.95]When you're there,you can forget about the rest of the world,
[06:50.20]eat well and just relax.
[06:58.51]The best place I've ever stayed in is the Miyamoto hotel in Tokyo.
[07:05.35]It's in a district which is a great mixture of modern buildings,
[07:12.22]restaurants,old squares,
[07:16.27]bollkshops and museums.
[07:20.35]The hotel has one of those foyers that seem to go up to the sky,
[07:26.82]and about seven or eight restaurants,
[07:31.19]but what I really like about it is the open-air swimming pool on the ninth floor.
[07:38.03]Swimming about up there and looking out over Tokyo is amazing.
[07:44.59]I stayed at the hotel in August,though,which was maybe a mistake.
[07:51.43]Going back into the air-conditioned hotel in the afternoon
[07:56.68]from the hot streets was a real shock because it waw so cold!
[08:08.41]The best place I've ever stayed was a 1920s hotel in France.
[08:14.76]It was a lovely building with a big fountain11 in lovely gardens,
[08:20.40]but what I really remember about it
[08:24.76]is that it's where my husband asked me to marry him!
[08:29.20]While I was having a shower,I think he phoned room service and organised it.
[08:35.37]They brought breakfast up,
[08:39.13]and all the hot food was covered with metal lids13.
[08:43.60]I sat down expecting a nice breakfast.
[08:47.73]I lifted up one metal lid12,and there was toast.
[08:52.45]I lifted up a second,and there were some eggs.
[08:56.61]I lifted up a third lid and there was the ring!
[09:01.05]I started crying immediately.It was so romantic14!
[09:10.43]One of the best places I've ever stayed in was my friend Joel's parents'house in Maine.
[09:17.58]I've been there for the last two Thanksgiving holidays and I've had a wonderful time.
[09:24.43]They have a beautiful house on the beach looking out over the Atlantic Ocean.
[09:30.49]They designed the house themselves and the rooms have amazing light,
[09:36.44]especially during the morning and at sunset15.
[09:40.41]They have a great dog called Kaja that my girlfriend really loved!
[09:46.48]2 While you listen
[09:57.03]Hi,Kasia.Have you had a good day?
[10:01.18]Yes,great thanks,I spent most of the day walking round town.It's really nice.
[10:08.03]Yes,it is.
[10:10.80]What about you?What kind of day have you had?
[10:15.76]Oh,the usual.Work.It was OK,but I'd prefer to be on holiday.
[10:21.51]I'm sure.Anyway,are you hungry?I'm doing some chicken for dinner.
[10:27.07]Oh,right.I'm not sure I'll have time to eat.
[10:32.11]I'm meeting Tom at half seven.
[10:36.26]Oh yes.I forgot.Sorry.
[10:40.63]Well,you should still have time to get there if you leave here at ten past seven.
[10:46.58]There's a bus which goes at quarter past.
[10:50.74]Oh,right.OK,Well,in that case,can I do anything to help?
[10:56.90]You could lay the table,if you like.The cutlery is in that drawer.Thanks.
[11:02.18]Ok.Is it OK if I have a quick shower after I've done this?
[11:09.23]Yes,of course,as long as you're quick.
[11:13.31]Dinner should be ready fairly16 soon.
[11:17.07]I think I left a towel in one of the drawers in your room.
[11:21.93]OK,great.And..er..have you got an iron17 I could use?
[11:27.88]Yes,sure.It's on the shelf in the back room where the washing machine is.
[11:33.76]There's an ironing18 board in there as well.
[11:37.60]It's folded up behind the door.
[11:40.94]OK.Great.Where do you keep the glasses?
[11:46.51]It's OK.I'll do the rest of the table if you want to go and get ready.
[11:51.37]All right.Thanks.Oh and just one last thing.
[11:57.32]I completely19 forgot to pack my make-up.
[12:01.97]Has Sheila got any I can use?
[12:06.33]Yes,I'm sure she has.You can ask her when she gets back.
[12:11.38]She should be here quite soon. Oh,OK.
[12:15.63]You sound as if you're getting quite dressed up.
[12:19.89]Are you going anywhere nice?
[12:23.13]No,not particularly.I think we might just go to the cinema.
[12:29.69]We haven't completely decided20 yet.
[12:34.05]OK,and you and Tom?Are you...?Is there..?
[12:41.81]No!No,not at all.Why do men always think that if a woman puts on some make-up,
[12:49.57]she's looking for a boyfriend!
[12:53.12]OK,OK.Sorry.I just wondered...So are you seeing someone else?
[13:00.56]Jeremy! OK,sorry.I'm just joking.By the way,are you going to be back late?
[13:07.64]I don't think so,but I've got a key,so it's not a problem,is it?
[13:13.29]No,of course not.Come back whenever you like,but if we've gone to bed,
[13:18.93]can you make sure both locks on the front door are locked before you go to bed?
[13:24.36]Sure.No problem.OK,I'm going to have that shower.
[13:30.81]5 using grammar:asking for permission
[00:10.95]Hello.The Old Old Ship Hotel.How can I help you?
[00:16.09]Oh,hello.I'd like to book a room for next month.
[00:21.66]Of course.When exactly would you be arriving?
[00:26.62]The 19th and we're leaving on the 24th.
[00:32.89]So that's five nights.And what kind of room would you like?
[00:39.13]Well,there are actually two of us.So how much would two singles be?
[00:46.08]That would be 60 each per night.
[00:51.12]Right.And what if we shared a twin room?
[00:56.97]That would be 95 for the room per night.
[01:02.12]Is that with an en-suite bathroom?
[01:07.68]Yes,of curse1.All rooms are en-suite and have all the normal facilities.
[01:14.24]OK.Well,in that case,I'd like two singles,if possible.
[01:21.68]Let me just check if we have those available...
[01:26.05]No,I'm sorry.We only have one single room available for those days.
[01:33.60]Oh right.Well,never mind.We can share.
[01:39.47]So you'd like one twin room for five nights arriving the 19th
[01:45.64]and departing2 the 24th?
[01:49.30]That's right.
[01:52.35]That'll be 75.We'll need to take your credit3 card details to make the booking.
[02:04.26]What kind of card are you paying with?Visa4.
[02:09.02]OK.And the number? 5362387064298479.
[02:25.37]That's fine.And what's the expiry date?06/09.
[02:33.73]OK.And your name as it appears on the card?
[02:39.37]Anton Yurick.That's Y-U-R-I-C-K.
[02:48.12]Great.So that's all booked for you,Mr Yurick.
[02:53.87]4 Using grammar:first conditionals
[03:06.44]Listen to the second part of the conversation
[03:10.88]So,if there's anything else you need to know,
[03:15.74]please don't hesitate5 to get in touch.
[03:19.99]Well,actully,there is one more thing.
[03:24.75]I need confirmation6 of the booking for my visa application.
[03:30.91]Of course,no problem sir.
[03:34.99]If you fax us with your request,
[03:39.06]we'll fax you back a letter by tomorrow.
[03:43.19]Great.If you wait a second,I'll get a pen.Yes,what's the fax nuber?
[04:01.19]OK,that's great.You've been very helpful.Thanks.
[04:07.35]No problem.We look forward to seeing you.
[04:25.53]4 Using grammar:first conditionals
[05:10.33]The best place I've ever stayed was a little wooden hut7 in the tain forests of Borneo,
[05:17.70]looking out over the mountains.
[05:21.75]There were lots of mosquitoes8 there and I woke up covered in bites,
[05:28.41]but the really great thing was that the following day,
[05:33.58]we climbed the highest mountain in South-east Asia-mounk Kinabalu.
[05:40.85]I spent my eighteenth birthday there
[05:45.39]and my cake was a piece of bread covered in little bits of chocolate!
[05:51.45]It was wonderful.
[05:58.27]The best place I've ever stayed is a small Greek9 island called Serifos.
[06:05.64]It's really quiet.
[06:09.16]There is no airport.
[06:12.79]There are hardly any hotels
[06:16.84]and most people who go there rent a room from a local family.
[06:22.30]When I go there,I always stay with the same family.
[06:27.66]They are lovely and give me home-made10 bread and cakes,and even eggs!
[06:34.74]There are some wonderful beaches
[06:38.99]with hardly any people on them and the house I stay in looks out over the sea.
[06:44.95]When you're there,you can forget about the rest of the world,
[06:50.20]eat well and just relax.
[06:58.51]The best place I've ever stayed in is the Miyamoto hotel in Tokyo.
[07:05.35]It's in a district which is a great mixture of modern buildings,
[07:12.22]restaurants,old squares,
[07:16.27]bollkshops and museums.
[07:20.35]The hotel has one of those foyers that seem to go up to the sky,
[07:26.82]and about seven or eight restaurants,
[07:31.19]but what I really like about it is the open-air swimming pool on the ninth floor.
[07:38.03]Swimming about up there and looking out over Tokyo is amazing.
[07:44.59]I stayed at the hotel in August,though,which was maybe a mistake.
[07:51.43]Going back into the air-conditioned hotel in the afternoon
[07:56.68]from the hot streets was a real shock because it waw so cold!
[08:08.41]The best place I've ever stayed was a 1920s hotel in France.
[08:14.76]It was a lovely building with a big fountain11 in lovely gardens,
[08:20.40]but what I really remember about it
[08:24.76]is that it's where my husband asked me to marry him!
[08:29.20]While I was having a shower,I think he phoned room service and organised it.
[08:35.37]They brought breakfast up,
[08:39.13]and all the hot food was covered with metal lids13.
[08:43.60]I sat down expecting a nice breakfast.
[08:47.73]I lifted up one metal lid12,and there was toast.
[08:52.45]I lifted up a second,and there were some eggs.
[08:56.61]I lifted up a third lid and there was the ring!
[09:01.05]I started crying immediately.It was so romantic14!
[09:10.43]One of the best places I've ever stayed in was my friend Joel's parents'house in Maine.
[09:17.58]I've been there for the last two Thanksgiving holidays and I've had a wonderful time.
[09:24.43]They have a beautiful house on the beach looking out over the Atlantic Ocean.
[09:30.49]They designed the house themselves and the rooms have amazing light,
[09:36.44]especially during the morning and at sunset15.
[09:40.41]They have a great dog called Kaja that my girlfriend really loved!
[09:46.48]2 While you listen
[09:57.03]Hi,Kasia.Have you had a good day?
[10:01.18]Yes,great thanks,I spent most of the day walking round town.It's really nice.
[10:08.03]Yes,it is.
[10:10.80]What about you?What kind of day have you had?
[10:15.76]Oh,the usual.Work.It was OK,but I'd prefer to be on holiday.
[10:21.51]I'm sure.Anyway,are you hungry?I'm doing some chicken for dinner.
[10:27.07]Oh,right.I'm not sure I'll have time to eat.
[10:32.11]I'm meeting Tom at half seven.
[10:36.26]Oh yes.I forgot.Sorry.
[10:40.63]Well,you should still have time to get there if you leave here at ten past seven.
[10:46.58]There's a bus which goes at quarter past.
[10:50.74]Oh,right.OK,Well,in that case,can I do anything to help?
[10:56.90]You could lay the table,if you like.The cutlery is in that drawer.Thanks.
[11:02.18]Ok.Is it OK if I have a quick shower after I've done this?
[11:09.23]Yes,of course,as long as you're quick.
[11:13.31]Dinner should be ready fairly16 soon.
[11:17.07]I think I left a towel in one of the drawers in your room.
[11:21.93]OK,great.And..er..have you got an iron17 I could use?
[11:27.88]Yes,sure.It's on the shelf in the back room where the washing machine is.
[11:33.76]There's an ironing18 board in there as well.
[11:37.60]It's folded up behind the door.
[11:40.94]OK.Great.Where do you keep the glasses?
[11:46.51]It's OK.I'll do the rest of the table if you want to go and get ready.
[11:51.37]All right.Thanks.Oh and just one last thing.
[11:57.32]I completely19 forgot to pack my make-up.
[12:01.97]Has Sheila got any I can use?
[12:06.33]Yes,I'm sure she has.You can ask her when she gets back.
[12:11.38]She should be here quite soon. Oh,OK.
[12:15.63]You sound as if you're getting quite dressed up.
[12:19.89]Are you going anywhere nice?
[12:23.13]No,not particularly.I think we might just go to the cinema.
[12:29.69]We haven't completely decided20 yet.
[12:34.05]OK,and you and Tom?Are you...?Is there..?
[12:41.81]No!No,not at all.Why do men always think that if a woman puts on some make-up,
[12:49.57]she's looking for a boyfriend!
[12:53.12]OK,OK.Sorry.I just wondered...So are you seeing someone else?
[13:00.56]Jeremy! OK,sorry.I'm just joking.By the way,are you going to be back late?
[13:07.64]I don't think so,but I've got a key,so it's not a problem,is it?
[13:13.29]No,of course not.Come back whenever you like,but if we've gone to bed,
[13:18.93]can you make sure both locks on the front door are locked before you go to bed?
[13:24.36]Sure.No problem.OK,I'm going to have that shower.
[13:30.81]5 using grammar:asking for permission

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n.祸因,祸根;诅咒,咒骂;骂人话 | |
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离开( depart的现在分词 ); 出发; 开出; 离职 | |
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n.信用,荣誉,贷款,学分;v.归功于,赞颂,信任 | |
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n.签证;vt.签准 | |
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vi.犹豫,迟疑,踌躇,支吾 | |
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n.证实,确认,批准 | |
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n.棚子;简陋的小房子 | |
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n.蚊子( mosquito的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.希腊(人)的,希腊语的;n.希腊人;希腊语 | |
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adj.自制的 | |
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n.喷泉,源泉,储水容器,泉水;v.使像喷泉一样流 | |
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n.盖子,眼睑;v.加盖,盖上;制止,取缔 | |
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lift improvement devices 轻重机改进装置 | |
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adj.浪漫的,风流的,传奇性的,夸大的,想象的,浪漫派的 | |
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n.日落;衰落时期(尤指人的晚年) | |
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adv.公正地,正当地;相当;完全,简直 | |
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n.铁,熨斗,坚强,烙铁,镣铐;vt.烫平,熨,用铁包;vi. 烫衣服 | |
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n.熨烫;刚熨好的[待熨烫的]衣物v.熨平( iron的现在分词 );用鱼叉叉(鱼);用铁铸成;给…加铁具(以使牢固) | |
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adv.完全地,十分地,全然 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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