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美国国家公共电台 NPR--India's population passes 1.4 billion — and that's not a bad thing

时间:2024-01-22 08:19来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

India's population passes 1.4 billion — and that's not a bad thing


India is now the world's most populous2 nation with 1.486 billion people, passing China in April according to projections3 by the United Nations. And it's still growing.

The sheer numbers might bring to mind images of city streets choked with automobiles4 and pedestrians5, of commuter7 train cars with passengers packed in right up to the doors — and of food shortages and environmental destruction.

Indeed, for decades, India ran massive public health campaigns to slow down the population growth. At times they resorted to coercive measures to sterilize8 men and women.

But the population boom is no longer necessarily seen as a population bomb.

"I think with India, the story has to be, what will India do with its population?" says Jennifer Sciubba, a scholar at the Wilson Center and author of 8 Billion and Counting: How Sex, Death and Migration9 Shape our World.

"We've got this 1.4 billion people in India, and it's up to India to decide whether or not that becomes a resource or a burden."

With about a sixth of the world's eight billion people living in India, some people do still worry about overpopulation. But the country's perspective on population growth has shifted markedly. That's in part because the rate of growth has fallen dramatically in recent decades.

"India's total fertility has reached replacement10 levels, which means that two children replace two parents," says Poonam Muttreja, executive director of the nonprofit Population Foundation of India.

And in fact, she says, having a large young population can be seen as an "advantage."

People are increasingly optimistic that this large cohort of young people will drive further economic growth. But it all depends on how the country manages its own immensity.

Why there's been fear of overpopulation

India's harsh population control measures of the past were often backed by research and funding from the West, and often targeted the poor and marginalized.

"We see throughout time that those of the upper classes, those of the elite11, being very concerned that those poorer members of society were having so many children that they could not feed and care for them adequately," says Sciubba.

She and other scholars say that is still where much of the alarm over overpopulation comes from.

"I think the fear of India's population is probably larger in the West than in India itself," says Sonalde Desai, a demographer12 at the University of Maryland, College Park, who studies India's population changes.

That said, India is still trying to figure out how to turn growth into prosperity for everybody – how to ensure the coming generation gets the education, employment, access to healthcare and amenities13 for a better life.

Population is "sort of the elephant in the room," says Mukta Naik, an urban planner and a fellow at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi. "We have all these people. And they need to be safe. They need to have safety nets. They need to find livelihoods14."

India is also starting to reckon with the environmental pressures of such a large population on a rapidly urbanizing landscape. But in contrast with the population control efforts of the past, Indian lawmakers are starting to pursue more nuanced policies toward the country's changing demographics, looking for a more sustainable path to improving lives and livelihoods.

The youth are the future ... but with a caveat15

Indian leaders had previously16 assumed that just having a large population of young people would help boost its economy, says Muttreja.

"Now, India's realized that doesn't happen automatically," she says, "and it will have to invest in our young people."

Recent data show that unemployment levels have been rising in the country. Youth in urban areas in particular are struggling to find jobs.

One way the country is trying to build a more skilled workforce17 is by creating opportunities for its youth abroad. In 2021, India signed an agreement with Japan to allow Indian professionals in certain fields such as nursing, construction, agriculture and fisheries to work in Japan as "specified18 skilled workers" and further advance their technical skills in the process.

Other efforts have focused on creating opportunities locally. Many of India's smaller cities have set up startup incubation centers, says Naik, providing mentorship, work space and connections. And each city is building on what it already has in terms of industries and local expertise19, she says.

For example, Indore, a large city in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, has a track record of exceling in cleanliness and waste management. And so, startups there are working on sustainable technology solutions such as ways to turn trash into fuel, or technologies to clean up and reuse wastewater, says Naik.

Similarly, she says, a smaller town that's an agricultural hub might have startups focused on agricultural processing. "It's less sort of tech-heavy, but more what the city or what the region needs."

Big cities vs. smaller cities

For decades, India's big metropolises20 have drawn21 millions of people from the country's villages and small towns. But as the environmental costs of those megacities become clearer, India has shifted its policies to encourage development in smaller towns and cities.

Air pollution and rising urban heat levels are taking a big toll22 on people's health. Cities like New Delhi have depleted23 groundwater reserves.

"It's fairly clear that cities like Mumbai and Delhi are extremely crowded," says Desai. "Real estate prices are very high. Sustaining a quality of life in the cities is increasingly quite difficult."

The COVID-19 pandemic threw a spotlight24 on the precarious25 existence of these cities' most vulnerable inhabitants — millions of seasonal26 migrant workers, who lost their livelihoods and were compelled to flee back home. Many died from exhaustion27 while walking home on foot or while hitchhiking. Thousands were reported to have been killed in railway accidents while walking home along railway tracks.

The crisis pushed policymakers to think more about "how to help people in different pockets of India so that you don't have cities feeling overstretched and cramped28 out and you don't have people leaving smaller towns and rural areas," says Desai.

Some of that work is underway, says Naik, with a shift toward promoting development in smaller cities and towns.

For example, the Smart Cities Mission, launched by the federal government in 2015, aims to help 100 smaller cities across the country develop better infrastructure29, technology, municipal facilities and sustainable environmental solutions.

Another program aimed at improving living conditions in small cities and towns is the Pradhan Mantri Abhas Yojana, says Naik. It's a program that gives beneficiaries money for home improvement, which she says has helped many families who only had a "dilapidated" structure for a home transform it into something bigger and stronger.

Programs like this have had a "cascading30 effect" on families, says Naik, especially for people with connections to nearby rural areas. It allows them to host relatives from villages looking for a better source of income in the city. It also allows families the option to rent a part of their home to young people from rural areas getting an education or looking for jobs.

"So you see that there is a lot of mobility31, but it's not necessarily migration," says Naik.

Another factor that has eased population movement is investment in better roads and transportation in rural areas, where the bulk of India's population still lives, says Desai.

"We have found that [in] the villages which provide better road infrastructure and bus service, people are more likely to commute6 to nearby towns and work rather than migrate away to big cities," she says.

Indian leaders may not overtly32 connect these policies to the country's population, says Naik, but the effect they have is to spread the benefits more equitably33 across India's vast landscape.

However, the country still has a long way to go to turn those smaller urban areas into cleaner and more sustainable alternatives to a megacity. Most of the smaller town and city governments do little in terms of providing services, says Naik's colleague Partha Mukhopadhyay, a senior fellow at the Center for Policy Research.

"Municipal capacity in India is very poor," he says. "Cities do little else than pick up the trash and most of them don't do that very well."

They will have to do much more, Mukhopadhyay says, to make these places liveable in the long run.

In the meantime, research that he and his colleagues are doing shows that people in India's villages and small towns are increasingly staying closer to home and family, giving many of them a shot at a better life.


1 transcript JgpzUp     
  • A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.一份录音带的文字本作为证据被呈交法庭。
  • They wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview.他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。
2 populous 4ORxV     
  • London is the most populous area of Britain.伦敦是英国人口最稠密的地区。
  • China is the most populous developing country in the world.中国是世界上人口最多的发展中国家。
3 projections 7275a1e8ba6325ecfc03ebb61a4b9192     
预测( projection的名词复数 ); 投影; 投掷; 突起物
  • Their sales projections are a total thumbsuck. 他们的销售量预测纯属估计。
  • The council has revised its projections of funding requirements upwards. 地方议会调高了对资金需求的预测。
4 automobiles 760a1b7b6ea4a07c12e5f64cc766962b     
n.汽车( automobile的名词复数 )
  • When automobiles become popular,the use of the horse and buggy passed away. 汽车普及后,就不再使用马和马车了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Automobiles speed in an endless stream along the boulevard. 宽阔的林荫道上,汽车川流不息。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
5 pedestrians c0776045ca3ae35c6910db3f53d111db     
n.步行者( pedestrian的名词复数 )
  • Several pedestrians had come to grief on the icy pavement. 几个行人在结冰的人行道上滑倒了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Pedestrians keep to the sidewalk [footpath]! 行人走便道。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
6 commute BXTyi     
  • I spend much less time on my commute to work now.我现在工作的往返时间要节省好多。
  • Most office workers commute from the suburbs.很多公司的职员都是从郊外来上班的。
7 commuter ZXCyi     
  • Police cordoned off the road and diverted commuter traffic. 警察封锁了道路并分流交通。
  • She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train. 她在拥挤的通勤列车上不小心踩到了他的脚。
8 sterilize LuwwE     
  • Antiseptic is used to sterilize the skin before giving an injection.杀菌剂被用于在注射前给皮肤消毒。
  • He pricks the blister on his heel with a sterilize needle.他用一根消过毒的针扎破他脚后跟上的水泡。
9 migration mDpxj     
  • Swallows begin their migration south in autumn.燕子在秋季开始向南方迁移。
  • He described the vernal migration of birds in detail.他详细地描述了鸟的春季移居。
10 replacement UVxxM     
  • We are hard put to find a replacement for our assistant.我们很难找到一个人来代替我们的助手。
  • They put all the students through the replacement examination.他们让所有的学生参加分班考试。
11 elite CqzxN     
  • The power elite inside the government is controlling foreign policy.政府内部的一群握有实权的精英控制着对外政策。
  • We have a political elite in this country.我们国家有一群政治精英。
12 demographer rwpxt     
  • Professor Antonio Golini is a demographer at the University of Rome. 罗马大学安东尼奥教授是位人口统计学家。 来自互联网
  • Demographer William Frey says immigrants with young families will help keep the United States competitive. 人口统计学家佛瑞表示这些年轻的家庭会帮助美国保持竞争力。 来自互联网
13 amenities Bz5zCt     
n.令人愉快的事物;礼仪;礼节;便利设施;礼仪( amenity的名词复数 );便利设施;(环境等的)舒适;(性情等的)愉快
  • The campsite is close to all local amenities. 营地紧靠当地所有的便利设施。
  • Parks and a theatre are just some of the town's local amenities. 公园和戏院只是市镇娱乐设施的一部分。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 livelihoods 53a2f8716b41c07918d6fc5d944b18a5     
生计,谋生之道( livelihood的名词复数 )
  • First came the earliest individualistic pioneers who depended on hunting and fishing for their livelihoods. 走在最前面的是早期的个人主义先驱者,他们靠狩猎捕鱼为生。 来自英汉非文学 - 政府文件
  • With little influence over policies, their traditional livelihoods are threatened. 因为马赛族人对政策的影响力太小,他们的传统生计受到了威胁。
15 caveat 7rZza     
n.警告; 防止误解的说明
  • I would offer a caveat for those who want to join me in the dual calling.为防止发生误解,我想对那些想要步我后尘的人提出警告。
  • As I have written before,that's quite a caveat.正如我以前所写,那确实是个警告。
16 previously bkzzzC     
  • The bicycle tyre blew out at a previously damaged point.自行车胎在以前损坏过的地方又爆开了。
  • Let me digress for a moment and explain what had happened previously.让我岔开一会儿,解释原先发生了什么。
17 workforce workforce     
  • A large part of the workforce is employed in agriculture.劳动人口中一大部分受雇于农业。
  • A quarter of the local workforce is unemployed.本地劳动力中有四分之一失业。
18 specified ZhezwZ     
  • The architect specified oak for the wood trim. 那位建筑师指定用橡木做木饰条。
  • It is generated by some specified means. 这是由某些未加说明的方法产生的。
19 expertise fmTx0     
  • We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已。
  • You really have the technical expertise in a new breakthrough.让你真正在专业技术上有一个全新的突破。
20 metropolises 3d837c2865033f3eb08d5709dbe6d0ee     
n.一国的主要城市(不一定是首都)( metropolis的名词复数 );中心;大都会;大城市
  • That season, you ride it, all metropolises achieve what one wishes! 那时节,您骑上它,一切都会如愿以偿! 来自互联网
  • Carl has carried the banner in infernal metropolises. 卡尔曾经在那些地狱般的大都市流浪街头。 来自互联网
21 drawn MuXzIi     
  • All the characters in the story are drawn from life.故事中的所有人物都取材于生活。
  • Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.她的目光禁不住被外面的风景所吸引。
22 toll LJpzo     
  • The hailstone took a heavy toll of the crops in our village last night.昨晚那场冰雹损坏了我们村的庄稼。
  • The war took a heavy toll of human life.这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
23 depleted 31d93165da679292f22e5e2e5aa49a03     
adj. 枯竭的, 废弃的 动词deplete的过去式和过去分词
  • Food supplies were severely depleted. 食物供应已严重不足。
  • Both teams were severely depleted by injuries. 两个队都因队员受伤而实力大减。
24 spotlight 6hBzmk     
  • This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。
  • The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。
25 precarious Lu5yV     
  • Our financial situation had become precarious.我们的财务状况已变得不稳定了。
  • He earned a precarious living as an artist.作为一个艺术家,他过得是朝不保夕的生活。
26 seasonal LZ1xE     
  • The town relies on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs.这个城镇依靠季节性旅游业提供就业机会。
  • The hors d'oeuvre is seasonal vegetables.餐前小吃是应时蔬菜。
27 exhaustion OPezL     
  • She slept the sleep of exhaustion.她因疲劳而酣睡。
  • His exhaustion was obvious when he fell asleep standing.他站着睡着了,显然是太累了。
28 cramped 287c2bb79385d19c466ec2df5b5ce970     
  • The house was terribly small and cramped, but the agent described it as a bijou residence. 房子十分狭小拥挤,但经纪人却把它说成是小巧别致的住宅。
  • working in cramped conditions 在拥挤的环境里工作
29 infrastructure UbBz5     
  • We should step up the development of infrastructure for research.加强科学基础设施建设。
  • We should strengthen cultural infrastructure and boost various types of popular culture.加强文化基础设施建设,发展各类群众文化。
30 cascading 45d94545b0f0e2da398740dd24a26bfe     
流注( cascade的现在分词 ); 大量落下; 大量垂悬; 梯流
  • First of all, cascading menus are to be avoided at all costs. 首先,无论如何都要避免使用级联菜单。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
  • Her sounds began cascading gently. 他的声音开始缓缓地低落下来。
31 mobility H6rzu     
  • The difference in regional house prices acts as an obstacle to mobility of labour.不同地区房价的差异阻碍了劳动力的流动。
  • Mobility is very important in guerrilla warfare.机动性在游击战中至关重要。
32 overtly pmlz1K     
  • There were some overtly erotic scenes in the film. 影片中有一些公开色情场面。
  • Nietzsche rejected God's law and wrote some overtly blasphemous things. 尼采拒绝上帝的律法,并且写了一些渎神的作品。
33 equitably Ut7zg1     
  • We should equitably assess historical figures. 我们应该公正地评价历史人物。
  • Land was more equitably distributed. 土地得到更公平合理的分配。
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