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  • 英语播客EnglishPod 530

    Elementary - Where should we eat? (B0024) A: Do you two have any plans for the evening? B: We were thinking of checking out a restaurant in the neigbourhood. Do you have any suggestions? A: I know this really nice Italian place. The food is fantastic...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 529

    The Weekend - Christmas Chronicles II (C0022) A: Really, gentlemen, you cant take me to jail! Dont you know who I am? Kris Kringle, you know, Papa Noel, Pere Noel, Babbo Natale, sheng dan lao ren! B: Yeah, Yeah, weve heard that one before, haventwe J...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 528

    The Office - What Do You Do? (C0021) A: Oh, look, theres Veronica and her boyfriend.Shes always going on about him at the office. Oh,great, they saw us. Theyre coming this way. B: Oh, man... C: Jessica! Arthur! Hi! Id like you to meet my oyfriend Gre...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 527

    Elementary - I Can See Clearly Now (B0020) A: Hello, Arthur. What seems to be the problem? B: Hey doc. Well, I think I might need glasses. Im getting headaches, and I really struggle to see things that are far away. But I have always had 20/20 vision...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 526

    The Weekend - Christmas Chronicles A: I hate working on Christmas Eve! Whoa! Get a load of this guy! Come in central, I think weve got ourselves a situation here. B: License and registration please. Have you been drinking tonight, sir? A: I had one o...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 525

    Elementary - Turn left here! A: Hurry up, get in. B: Im in, lets go! A: OK, make a left here. . . no wait, I meant make a right. Come on, speed up! B: Geez! Whats the rush? A: Dont worry about it, just drive. Oh, no, the light is about to change. . ....

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 524

    Daily Life - Im sorry, I love you A: Whoa, whoa, whats going on? Watch out! B: Hey, watch where youre going! A: Oh, no! Im so sorry! Are you all right? B: Oh...I dont know. A: I feel terrible, I really didnt mean to knock you over. My tire, just expl...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 523

    Elementary - Im in Debt A: Hello, Im here to see Mr. Corleone. B: Right this way, sir. C: Charlie! What can I do for you? B: Mr. Corlone, Im really sorry to trouble you, but I need your help. C: Anything for you, Charlie! Your father was like a broth...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 522

    The Office - Out Of Control Spending A: OK, so now the last point on our agenda. Jill, let's go over the profit and loss statement. B: Great. Well, the main issue here, as you can see,is that our expenses are through the roof. A: Lets see... These nu...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 521

    Daily Life - Cleaning the House A: Honey, the house is such a mess! I need you to help me tidy up a bit. My boss and her husband are coming over for dinner and the house needs to be spotless! B: Im in the middle of something right now. Ill be there i...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 520

    Daily Life - New Guy in Town A: Oh, I dont know if you heard, but someone moved into that old house down the road. B: Yeah, I know. I met the owner of the house yesterday as he was moving in. His name is Armand. A: Really? Whats he like? You have to...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 519

    The Office - Driving Sales A: All right, people. Were holding this meeting today because weve got to do something about our sales, and we need to do it NOW! I want concrete solutions. How do you intend to drive sales...Roger? B: Well, in fact, were t...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 518

    The Weekend - Silence please! A: Those people in front of us are making so much noise. It's so inconsiderate! B: Don't worry about it; its not such a big deal. A: Oh... I can't hear a thing! Excuse me, can you keep it down? C: Sure, sorry bout that!...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 517

    Daily Life - Whats your name again? A: Nick! Hows it going? B: Oh, hey... A: What are you doing in this neighbourhood? Do you live around here? B: Actually, my office is right around the corner. A: It was great to meet you last week at the conference...

  • 英语播客EnglishPod 516

    The Office - Virus! (C0007) A: Oh great! This stupid computer froze again!That's the third time today! Hey Samuel, can you come take a look at my PC? It's acting upagain. It must have a virus or something. B: Just give me a second; Ill be right up. B...
