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 根据大仲马小说《基督山伯爵》改编,该剧描述一个名叫Emily Thorne的神秘女人来到富人云集的汉普顿,租下一栋靠海的房子,对外宣称自己是来度夏的。她很快赢得了邻居的信任。但他们都不知道,这个女人所做的每一件事都有目的--她要让多年前使其家破人亡的Grayson家族血债血偿。

  • 《复仇》第19集 第12期:头号嫌疑人 Jump in anytime. 随时可以加入我 I'm waiting for someone. 我在等人 You win. 你赢啦 A bird of prey, perhaps? 或许是 一只猛禽 Falcon? 猎鹰 Smart move, 真聪明啊 using Grayson to get my attention. 用格雷森引起我的注意
  • 《复仇》第19集 第13期:眼神杀死我 Charlotte. 夏洛特 You've been avoiding me. 你一直在躲我 No, mother. I've just been busy. 没有 妈 我只是很忙 Punching classmates in the face? 忙着用拳头揍同学吗 Would you have approved if I slapped her instead? 如果是扇耳光
  • 《复仇》第19集 第14期:复仇的使命 Your emotions for Emily have endangered her mission. 你对艾米莉的情感已经威胁到了她的任务 Daniel's growing suspicious of your past, 丹尼尔对你的过去越来越怀疑 a past that should've been erased, 你的过去 还有你的名
  • 《复仇》第19集 第15期:背后的隐情 Governor Mark Stoddard... 马克斯托达德州长 and his wife Alison have been married for 28 years. 与其夫人艾莉森结婚28年 Both native Ithacans. 都是希腊伊萨卡岛人 Alison actually defeated Mark 实际上 艾莉森 in the race to
  • 《复仇》第19集 第16期:街头霸王 Although... truth be told, 虽然 说实话 you throw me a token 你扔给我一个游戏币 and jump me in front of Street Fighter, 让我去玩街头霸王 and... I turn into Bruce friggin' Lee. 我会摇身一变变成李小龙 Until, uh... 不过
  • 《复仇》第19集 第17期:家族企业 Thank you. No, it'll be great. 谢谢 这样就好 I'll talk to her now. All right. 我现在去找她谈 You made it. 你还是来了 Deja vu. 真是似曾相识 Are you sure you're ready to face the cameras again? 你确定准备好重新面对镜头
  • 《复仇》第19集 第18期:泄露隐私 Well, in keeping with your father's platform 为了延续你父亲的 for transparency, 透明竞选政策 perhaps you'd like to comment 也许你可以解释一下 on the flip-flop from last year's interview. 去年采访后发生的转变 Back then
  • 《复仇》第19集 第19期:愚蠢的采访 Oh, it's Declan. 是德克兰 I completely forgot to cancel with him. 我完全忘了要跟他说我不去了 Go. I'm right behind you. 你先去吧 我很快就来 All right. 好吧 Declan. 德克兰 Charlotte, hey. 夏洛特 I thought you were gonn
  • 《复仇》第19集第20期:秘密怀孕 That's precisely why we've welcomed you into our home. 这就是为什么请你们来我们家的原因 Well, I have to say, I'm so happy to hear that, 我很高兴听到您这么说 because my team has just independently confirmed 因为我们的团队
  • 《复仇》第19集第21期:报仇的人 Nightline will be back after this commercial break. 《晚间报道》将在广告后继续 I really should watch more television. 我真应该多看看电视 Oh, I thought you might be calling. 我就知道你要打来 The only evidence of Victoria'
  • 《复仇》第19集第22期:共度余生 How are you holding up? 你还好吧 I'm fine. 我还好 At this point, nothing my parents do surprises me. 现在我父母做什么 我都不感到惊讶了 Even the likelihood that you have a brother out there? 即使你有可能会冒出个哥哥 也
  • 《复仇》第19集第23期:事后诸葛亮 Thanks for watching Carl. 谢谢你照看卡尔 Everything okay? 没什么事吧 I was watching the Grayson interview on TV. 我在电视上看了格雷森家的访谈 Whole family's a train wreck, aren't they? 整一家子就是辆脱轨火车 是吧
  • 《复仇》第19集第24期:无权无势 As much as I hate to say it, 我很不想这么问 Shouldn't you be with Daniel right about now? 你现在不应该是跟丹尼尔在一起吗 I was. 本来是的 Daniel's pushing me to define our relationship. 丹尼尔逼我 确定我们的关系 W
  • 《复仇》第20集第1期:良心 Thought you went to school. 你不是去学校了么 Charlotte flaked on me again. She was supposed to drive me. 夏洛特又爽约了 她本应该载我上学的 Does it have anything to do with that paparazzi video of her with that girl? 这是不是
  • 《复仇》第20集第3期:定居 Daniel, can I steal a moment with you? 丹尼尔 我能单独跟你谈谈吗 Unless, like your sister, 除非你也像你妹妹一样 you're still giving me the cold shoulder over the news. 因为那次新闻而对我不理不睬 Mother, I'm neither