英语 英语 日语 日语 韩语 韩语 法语 法语 德语 德语 西班牙语 西班牙语 意大利语 意大利语 阿拉伯语 阿拉伯语 葡萄牙语 葡萄牙语 越南语 越南语 俄语 俄语 芬兰语 芬兰语 泰语 泰语 泰语 丹麦语 泰语 对外汉语

高一A词汇(字母) a-z

时间:2006-01-18 16:00来源:互联网 提供网友:eilin_dong   字体: [ ]

  [00:00.00]a great of           a number of          a place of interest  a waste of
[00:05.30]很多的;相当多的      许多                 名胜                 浪费 白费
[00:10.61]Abraham Lincoln      abroad               actor                AD
[00:15.58]亚伯拉罕.林肯         ad.(在)国外          n.男演员             公元
[00:20.56]advice               aeroplane            agree on             airport
[00:25.73]n.劝告;建议          n.飞机               商定;决定           达成共识
[00:30.90]all kinds of         Allen                allow
[00:35.23]各种各样的            阿伦(男名)           vt.允许 准许
[00:39.55]although             Amy                  and so on            anger
[00:44.38]conj.尽管,虽然       艾米(女名)           等等                  n.怒,愤怒
[00:49.21]appear               area                 as a result          ask for
[00:54.84]vi.出现               n.地区  区域         结果                 询问;向...要
[01:00.47]at one time          at least             athlete              Ball
[01:05.85]以前 曾经             至少                 n.田径运动员          鲍尔(姓)
[01:11.24]bank                 Barcelona            basin                BBC1
[01:16.07]n.堤  岸              巴塞罗纳             n.脸盆;水            英国广播公司
[01:20.90]BC                   be about to          be made from         be tired of
[01:25.58]公元前                即将                由...制造             厌烦做某事
[01:30.25]bean                 bean curd            beat to death        beauty
[01:35.62]n.豆 豆科植物         n.豆腐               打死                 n.美丽
[01:40.99]because of           beer                 begin with           believe
[01:46.07]因为  由于            n.啤酒               从...开              vt.&vi.相信;认为
[01:51.15]Betty                biology              blood
[01:55.42]贝蒂(女名)            n.生物学             n.血,血液
[01:59.69]boil                 bone                 bookstore            bowl
[02:04.62]vi.&vt.煮             n.骨,骨头           n.书店               n.碗
[02:09.54]boyfriend            break away from      break out            break the rule
[02:14.96]n.男朋友              脱离...              (战争等)突然发生      违反规定
[02:20.38]bring down           bring in             British              broadcast
[02:25.61]降低                  引进;引来;吸收     a.英国的;英国人的    vt.广播
[02:30.83]burn                 Bush2 House           BBC                  but
[02:34.66]vt.晒(干)             布什大厦             办公大楼             prep.除了
[02:38.48]butter               by sea               by the side of       CAAC
[02:44.36]n.黄油                乘船                 在...附近           中国民航
[02:50.24]call                 foCarl               Carl Lewis           castor
[02:55.52]要求;号召;约请      卡尔(男名)            卡尔·刘易斯          n.蓖麻
[03:00.79]cent                 centimetre           certain              change into
[03:05.97]n.分                 n.公分,厘米           a.某种 一定的        把...变成;转换成
[03:11.14]channel              character            Charlie              cheese
[03:16.15]n.水渠               n.(汉)字;字体         查利(男名)           n.奶酪
[03:21.17]chemistry            China Radio International                 Christopher Columbus
[03:26.03]n.化学               中国国际广播电台       克里斯托夫·哥伦布
[03:30.89]civil                coffee               come about           company
[03:35.90]a.国内的             n.咖啡                 发生;产生            n.公司
[03:40.92]compete              competitor           competition          complete
[03:46.40]vi.比赛 竞赛          n.竞赛者;比赛者       n.竞争,比赛          vt.完成;结束
[03:51.89]consider             consider...as        consider doing sth   cookbook
[03:58.07]vt.考虑              (把某人)看作...        考虑做某事             n.食谱;烹饪书
[04:04.24]corn                 correct              cousin               cream
[04:09.22]n.谷物  玉米          a.正确的 对的         n.堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹)     n.奶油  乳脂
[04:14.20]crop                 cupboard             cut off              dark
[04:19.12]n.庄稼                n.器皿柜               切断                  n.黄昏  黑暗
[04:24.05]dawn                 death                decision             destroy
[04:29.07]n.黎明  拂晓          n.死                   n.决定  决心          vt.破坏  毁坏
[04:34.10]difficulty           dip                  direct3 speech        discover
[04:39.17]a.困难;费力          vt.浸,蘸              直接引语               vt.发现
[04:44.24]earthquake           eat up               electrical           electricity
[04:49.25]n.地震                吃完;吃光             a.电的,电气的         n.电;电流
[04:54.27]employ               enemy                equipment            Europe
[04:59.14]vt.雇用               n.敌人  敌军           n.装备  设备          n.欧洲
[05:04.01]European             every two years      exciting             experiment
[05:09.79]a.欧洲的;欧洲人       每两年                 a. 令人兴奋的         n.实验
[05:15.56]explain              explanation          expression           fact
[05:20.57]vt.&vi.解释;说明      n.解释,说明           n.词句;表达          n.事实  实际
[05:25.59]fall                 fall off             far away             feed
[05:30.42]n.(美)秋季             跌落  下降             远离的  遥远的        vt.喂(养);饲(养)
[05:35.26]fetch                fight                finally              firewood4
[05:40.04]vt.&vi.去取;去拿      n.斗争  战斗           ad.最后  最终         n.木柴;柴火
[05:44.82]first of all         Florida              for a while          for ever
[05:50.11]首先                  佛罗里达(美国州名)      暂时  一时            永远
[05:55.40]form                 free                 freedom              fresh
[05:59.67]n.形式  结构  表格     a.免费的               n.自由                a.新鲜的
[06:03.94]fun                  future               gap                  gas
[06:08.56]n.有趣的事 娱乐        n.将来                 n.缺口 空白处         n.煤气;气油
[06:13.19]general              general idea         geography            get along with
[06:18.48]a.大体的;笼统的       大意                   n.地理;地理学        与...相处
[06:23.76]get back             girlfriend           give advice          go away
[06:29.24]回来  返回             n.女朋友               提建议               走开;离开
[06:34.71]go on doing          go up                gold                 grammar
[06:39.39]继续干某事             上涨  上升             a.金的  黄金的        n.语法
[06:44.06]greatly              Greece               grow up              guide
[06:48.83]ad.很  非常            n.希腊                 生长                  n.导游者,
[06:53.60]guitar               and in               Harry5
[06:57.33]n.吉他 六弦琴          交上来  递交            哈里(男名)
[07:01.07]have a good trip     have sports          help oneself to      honest
[07:06.45]一路顺风!             进行体育运动            自用(食物等)          a.诚实的 正直的
[07:11.83]hotel                however              howl6
[07:15.85]n.旅馆  饭店           然而可是;尽管如此       vi.嚎叫  嚎哭
[07:19.88]ice cream            illness              impossible           improve
[07:25.45]n.冰激凌               n.病,疾病             a.不可能的            vt.改进  更新
[07:31.03]in all               in fact              in modern times      in one's opinion
[07:36.56]总计                   事实上 实际上          现代;近代            依照某人的看法
[07:42.08]in order to          in the past          Indian               indirect7 speech
[07:47.96]为了                  (在)过去               a.(美州)印第安人的      间接引语
[07:53.84]information          instead of           interest             international
[07:59.31]n.信息                代替                    n.兴趣;趣味          a.国际的
[08:04.78]introduce            invite               Jackie               Jenny
[08:09.65]vt.介绍               vt.邀请;招待           杰基(男名)            詹妮(女名)
[08:14.52]job                  John Denver          join up              junior
[08:19.70]n.工作                约翰·丹沃(美国歌手)     联合起来;联接起来       a.初级的
[08:24.87]just now             keep a record        Ken                  Kentucky
[08:29.54]刚才                  作记录                  肯(男名)             肯塔基(美国州名)
[08:34.22]kitchen              Klarke               law                  lawyer
[08:38.64]n.厨房                克拉克(男名)            n.法律 法令          n.律师
[08:43.05]leader               learner              least                line
[08:48.04]n.领袖,领导人         n.学习者;初学者        n.最少量;最少         n.线  排  行
[08:53.03]lively               Los Angeles          lovely               mail
[08:58.00]ad.活泼的             洛杉矶(美国城市)       a.可爱的 美好的        n.邮政  邮递
[09:02.98]make a decision      make a plan for      make a record        make fun of
[09:08.45]作出决定              为...作计划            录制唱片             取笑某人
[09:13.93]measure              medal                medicine
[09:17.45]vt.&vi.量             n.奖章  奖牌          n.医学
[09:20.98]mile                 minibus              mix                  mixture
[09:26.66]n.英里                n.小型公共汽车        vt.&vi.混合;搅和     n.混合物
[09:32.34]more or less         motto                movement             movie
[09:37.93]或多或少               n.箴言  格言          n.动作  活动          n.电影
[09:43.52]Mozart               Nashville            necessary            neighbour
[09:48.59]莫扎特                纳什维尔(美国地名)     a.必要的;必需的      n.邻居;邻人
[09:53.66]newspaper reporter   no more than         notice               obey
[09:59.24]新闻记者              不过;仅仅            n.通知  布告         vt.顺从  服从
[10:04.81]of one's own         offer                oil                  Olympic
[10:10.49]属于某人自己的         vt.提供              n.油                 a.奥林匹克的
[10:16.18]Olympic Games        on holiday           on the air           on the radio
[10:21.19]奥林匹克运动会         休假  渡假           (用无线电,电视)播送   通过收音机;通过广播
[10:26.21]once                 onto                 operate
[10:29.68]adv.一旦;一...就      prep.到...上面       v.操作,开动
[10:33.16]opinion              oral                 owner                Pacific
[10:38.08]n.见解   看法          a.口头的;口述的      n.物主  所有人        n.太平洋
[10:43.00]pancake              parrot               partner              passenger
[10:48.19]n.薄煎饼               n.鹦鹉               n.搭档  合作者        n.乘客;旅客
[10:53.37]pattern              Paul                 percent              petrol
[10:58.39]n.型;式样             保罗(男名             n.白分之...          n.汽油
[11:03.41]physics              phrase               pick up              plan
[11:08.24]n.物理                 n.短语;习惯用语       接收                 n.计划,打算
[11:13.07]plate                plenty               plenty of            point
[11:17.94]n.板(块)               n.充足的;相当多的     充足的;相当多的      n.点;分数
[11:22.81]political            politics             pop music            pop star
[11:27.69]a.政治的               n.政治                 流行音乐               流行歌手;歌星
[11:32.56]port                 powder               practice             prepare
[11:37.34]n.港口  码头           n.粉末  粉             n.实践  练习         vt.准备;调制;配制
[11:42.12]president            price                prize                programme
[11:47.40]n.总统                 n.价格,价钱           n.奖赏,奖品         n.节目,程序
[11:52.67]project              pronounce            pronunciation        proper
[11:57.96]n.工程                 vt.发音                n.发音              a.合适的;恰当的
[12:03.25]province             pump                 punish               purpose
[12:08.27]n.省                   vt.用泵抽水            vt.&vi.处罚,惩罚    n.目的;意图
[12:13.28]put up               quake                railway              raincoat
[12:18.76]贴(广告等)             n.震动;颤抖           n.铁路               n.雨衣
[12:24.23]reason               recently             record               regards
[12:29.95]n.理由;原因           ad.近来               记录 vt.记录;记载    n.问候;致意
[12:35.67]remain               repair               reply                reporter
[12:42.04]vt.余下;留下          vt.&vi.修理           n.回答,答复          n.记者,通讯员
[12:48.42]request              restaurant           result               revision
[12:55.39]n.请求,要求的事物       n.饭馆               n.结果               n.复习  温习
[13:02.37]Rik                  room                 rule                 sadly
[13:07.80]里克(男名)              n.空间  地方          n.规则  规定         ad.痛心的;伤心的
[13:13.23]sailing              San Francisco        Sara                 say Hi to
[13:18.97]n.航海                 n.旧金山(美国港市)     萨拉(女名)           向...问好
[13:24.70]say Hello to         school-leaver        scientist            second
[13:30.68]向...问好              n.学校毕业生           n.科学家             n.秒
[13:36.67]secret               see off              seed                 separate8
[13:42.74]n.秘密                 为某人送行            n.种子               a.单独的;各自的
[13:48.81]service              set                  set free             set up
[13:53.59]n.服务                 vt.释放                释放(某人)           建立;创建
[13:58.37]shade                shake                sharp                ship
[14:03.45]n.荫凉处;树荫          vt.&vi.震动;摇动     a.锋利的;尖的       vi.用船装运
[14:08.54]shooting             short-wave           shut                 sight
[14:13.21]n.射击                  n.短波               vt.&vi.关上;关闭    n.情景;风景
[14:17.89]slave                slavery              so that              soap
[14:22.72]n.奴隶                  n.奴隶制度           以便;以致;结果是    n.肥皂
[14:27.55]society              soil                 sound                sound lab
[14:32.58]n.社会                n.土壤;土地           vi.&vt.发出声音      语言实验室
[14:37.61]soup                 sow                  Spanish              spare
[14:42.39]n.汤                  vt.播种                n.西班牙语           a.空闲的;多余的
[14:47.17]spare time           spend...doing sth    spend...on
[14:51.44]空余时间;业余时间       做...花费             在...花费(钱)
[14:55.71]state                stay up              Steve                store
[15:00.19]n.国家;(美国的)州       挺住;站立            史蒂夫(男名)          n.商店;大百货商店
[15:04.67]stranger             success              successful           such as
[15:09.75]n.陌生人;外人           n.成功               a.成功的;有成就的    例如
[15:14.83]suck                 suggest              summary              supply
[15:19.46]vt.吮吸;舔食            vt.建议;提议         n.摘要;概要          vt.供给,供应
[15:24.08]swift                take a look at       take a taxi          take part in
[15:29.55]a.快的;迅速的            看一下               打的                 参加;参与
[15:35.03]take up              tape                 taste                taxi
[15:39.66]占去;占据                n.磁带               vt.品尝              n.出租汽车
[15:44.30]tell lies            Tennessee            tense                thanks to
[15:49.62]说慌                     田纳西(美国州名)      n.时态               由于;幸亏
[15:54.93]the more...the...    the States           the Union            the World Service
[16:00.40]越...越...               美国                  联邦                 国际广播
[16:05.88]theatre              thickly              think of             Tibet9
[16:10.41]n.戏院;剧场             ad.茂密地;葱葱地      认为;看法           n.西藏
[16:14.94]title                Tom Grade            training             training centre
[16:20.31]n.标题;题目             汤姆·格雷特(男名)     n.训练;培训         培训中心
[16:25.68]trip                 try one's best       turn off              union
[16:30.99]n.旅行;旅途             竭尽全能               关掉                 n.联合;联盟
[16:36.31]unless               unusual              used to               vacation
[16:41.48]conj.除非,如果不     a.不平常的;异常的         过去常常             n.假期,休假
[16:46.65]value                villager             vinegar               war
[16:51.63]n.价值;益处             n.村民                 n.醋                 n.战争
[16:56.61]wash away            waste                weekend               weigh
[17:02.34]冲走;冲垮               n.&vt.浪费             n.周末                vt.称...的重量
[17:08.07]wave                 western              wheat                 wheel
[17:13.10]n.(热、光、声的)波        a.西方的 西部的        n.小麦                n.轮,机轮
[17:18.13]while                wild                 wise
[17:21.82]n.一会儿;一段时间        a.未开发的;荒凉的      a.有见识的,聪明的
[17:25.50]worry about          wrestling            write to
[17:29.87]担心;烦恼                n.摔跤;摔角           写信给...


1 BBC PyrzFd     
abbr.(=British Broadcasting Corporation)英国广播公司
  • She works for the BBC.她为英国广播公司工作。
  • The BBC was founded in 1922.英国广播公司建于1922年。
2 bush MSWyJ     
  • This bush has grown up a lot in the last few months.这矮树丛几个月来已向上长高了很多。
  • A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.一鸟在手,胜于二鸟在林。
3 direct aPzzp     
  • This train is direct,you do not have to change.这辆火车是直达的,你不必换车。
  • The army is under the king's direct command.军队由国王直接统帅。
4 firewood ptkzYW     
  • Turn the firewood over and sun it.把柴火翻过来晒晒。
  • He cut down the tree and cut it up for firewood.他把树砍倒,并把它劈成烧火用的小块。
5 harry heBxS     
  • Today,people feel more hurried and harried.今天,人们感到更加忙碌和苦恼。
  • Obama harried business by Healthcare Reform plan.奥巴马用医改掠夺了商界。
6 howl fdgzR     
  • He gave a howl of pain.他发出一声痛苦的吼叫。
  • The child set up a howl.这个孩子大哭起来。
7 indirect V88xQ     
  • What he said was very indirect.他的话很婉转。
  • He gave only an indirect answer.他只作了间接的回答。
8 separate hzewa     
  • Are they joined together or separate?它们是合在一起还是分开的?
  • Separate the white clothes from the dark clothes before laundering.洗衣前应当把浅色衣服和深色衣服分开。
9 Tibet KgFzC5     
  • It was the year before last that he went to Tibet.他前年去的西藏。
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
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