纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第01期:人类的肉食史
Bacon and eggs for breakfast. 早餐来一份培根加蛋 Steaming roast beef for lunch. 午饭来份烤蒸牛肉 Followed by a helping of apple crumble 接着再来点苹果酥 and a dollop of fresh cream. 加上一口新鲜奶油 We all have our fa
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第02期:只有聪明的动物才有肉吃
We know that 2.6 million years ago, our ancestors started to eat meat. 260万年以前 我们的祖先开始食肉 You have to be tough and clever to be able to live like this, 只有身手矫健警觉机灵 才有可能吃到肉 and our ancestors ce
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第03期:巧人祖先
Six million years ago, deep in the heart of Africa, 六百万年前非洲大陆的腹地 ancient humans started to walk upright. 古人开始直立行走 Professor Travis Pickering is on their trail 特拉维斯皮克林教授正追寻着古人的足迹
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第04期:靠蔬果为生
It's the first early human 这是早期人类中 that has really modern human-like characteristics. 第一个真正拥有现代人类特征的种别 Really big brain and indication 头部很大 还有证据显示 that it was a big game hunter. 他们曾
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第05期:人类喜欢吃蔬果的本能
Though our lifestyles are now more 尽管我们今天的生活 sophisticated than our ancestors', 比祖先们的丰富多彩 there's nothing like a bit 但是还没有什么东西 of raw fruit and veg to put us in touch with our inner ape. 能像新鲜
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第06期:体验古人的饮食
Morning, everybody! - Morning! 大家早上好 -早安 The dietician running the study is Lynne Garton. 进行这项研究的营养学家是琳妮加顿 Are you all hungry? - Yes. 大家都饿了吧 -是的 Yeah? Well, I'm going to introduce 是嘛 好
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第07期:只吃蔬果生活不下去
They chew long into the night. 他们一直吃到晚上 By the next morning... 到了第二天早上 Good morning. 早上好 ..The diet leaves them decidedly dissatisfied. 这样的饮食只会让他们感到失意 ..Sausage sandwiches. - Sausage san
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第08期:复杂的狩猎活动
Professor Travis Pickering is travelling to northern Namibia 特拉维斯皮克林教授 远赴纳米比亚北部 to meet some of the world's most expert hunters. 去拜访世界上最为专精的猎人 By watching them in action, he hopes to get an
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第09期:漫长的狩猎过程
But after half an hour's burrowing, the hole gets too small. 但向内挖了半个小时之后 洞已变得太小 Under the boiling Namibia sun, 在纳米比亚炽烈的阳光之下 they start to dig a shaft nearly two metres 他们开始挖掘一条长
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第10期:只吃蔬果会得不到满足
This diet does not provide enough energy for modern humans. 这样的膳食并不能为现代人类提供足够能量 You feel full, but not sort of satisfied. 你会觉得饱 但是不会满足 I'm used to eating a lot more cheese 我通常会吃很多
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第11期:食肉祖先
Could eating meat really have caused us to evolve? 难道真是食肉让我们得以进化 About 2.3 million years ago, 大约230万年以前 Homo habilis - the first ancestor we THINK ate meat - appeared. 出现了我们认为最先开始食肉的祖先
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第12期:猎食肉类不容易
It's a big old bull porcupine. 这是只肥大的雄性老豪猪 Look how long it's quills are. 看它的刺有多长啊 The bushmen now have an evening meal. 丛林人的晚餐有了着落 I don't particularly like eating porcupine 我不是特别喜欢
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第13期:南方古猿
It's the first early human 这是早期人类中 that has really modern human-like characteristics. 第一个真正拥有现代人类特征的种别 Really big brain and indication 头部很大 还有证据显示 that it was a big game hunter. 他们曾
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第14期:古人类的牙齿
Professor Julia Lee-Thorp is examining 朱莉娅里霍普教授检测了 very ancient teeth from the jaws of both animals and humans 生活在数百万年前的动物和人类的 which lived millions of years ago. 古老牙齿 I'm incredibly nervous 处
纪录片《熟食造就了人类吗》 第15期:古人的饮食起居
The gas given off contains two carbon isotopes. 释放出的气体包含两种碳同位素 The ratio of one to the other will indicate 两种同位素之间的比例可以说明 whether our ancestors were foraging in woods 我们的祖先是在森林中
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