It's Thursday, June 30th, 2011. I'm Wilson Tang on Cnet.com and it's time to get loaded.
今天是2011年6月30日,周四。我是Cnet.com的Wilson Tang。是时间接收本周的最新资讯了。
As we reported yesterday, MySpace is up for sale and it looks like it's found a buyer in Specific media. As a part of 35 million dollar deal, News Corporation will take a minority stake in Specific Media, and half of MySpace's 400 personnel Staff will be cut. Although better than the 30 million dollars we reported yesterday, it's still a far cry from the 100 million dollars. And News Corp won it, and a huge loss for the 580 million dollars the company spent to buy the social network at the first place.
我们昨天报道过Myspace正在进行出售,买家有可能是Specific Media。Myspace售价高达3500万,MySpace将拥有Specific Media的少量股权,并且Myspace将裁员400人。虽然收购价格比昨天报道的300万还高,但这和Myspace预计的1亿美元有很大差距。Myspace的东家是新闻集团,这笔成交价比当初新闻集团收购Myspace 这一社交网络的5亿800万价位低了许多。
Ironically, Justin Timberbrake who played Shawn Parker in the social network Facebook movie is an investor1 in Specific media.
具有讽刺意味的是,在《社交网络》中扮演主角肖恩·帕克的演员贾斯汀·汀布莱克正是Specific media的投资人之一。
The HP touch pad will be officially released tomorrow. And here at Cnet we got our hands on a review unit. Rather than use the Google Android operating system, the new touchpad runs Palm's WebOS. In addition, the touchpad runs adobe2 flash has support for bits audio enhancements and an impressive third party calendar messaging and email services. Otherwise, CNet editors pointed3 out that the touchpad is much thicker than the ipad2, doesn't record HD vedio and has a limited latch4 of third party apps. Pricing starts at $499 for the 16 gigabyte version. Check out our more extensive view at CNet.com
惠普的全触控平板电脑TouchPad将于明天正式发售。我们的Cnet将带你一起回顾。惠普的TouchPad没有采用谷歌安卓运行系统,而是运行Palm的WebOS系统。另外,这款TouchPad运行adobe flash,支持全部格式影音播放,日历提醒,邮件服务等功能。另外,Cnet的编辑指出TouchPad比iPad2纤薄许多,不能录制高清视频,限制部分第三方应用。16G的TouchPad售价499美元。更多信息尽在Cnet.com。
Skype has announced that its app for Android will now have vedio conversing5 support. Skype for Android2.0 will be able to place and receive vedio calls with owners of Android handsets as well as iPhone, Mac, Windows PC and other Skype platforms. Calls can be placed over both wifi and 3G. In addition to the vedio chatting feature, Skype for Android 2.0 has a brand new design with a new mood message box so you can let your contacts know how you're feeling or what you up to. Skype for Android 2.0 vedio chatting feature only works for the HDC Desire S, Sony Exon Xspirial Pro6, and Google Nexus7 S phones with more coming in the near future.
Skype宣布其安卓应用将支持视频通话。适用于安卓2.0的Skype应用可接受来自安卓手机,iPhone,Mac,Windows PC和其他设备的视频通话。通话可使用Wifi或是3G网络。除了视频通话功能,Skype安卓2.0版应用还新设计了一个情绪信息功能,这样你的联系人就能通过它来了解你的心情或是最新消息。Skype安卓2.0版的新功能现在还只适用于HDC Desire S,索尼Exon Xspirial Pro和谷歌的Nexus S手机,未来这款应用将会适用于更多手机。
In response to the negative massive outcry to Final Cult8 Pro X, Apple has released a FAQ that answers some questions but confirms the fears of some professional vedio editors. First the bad news, Final Cult Pro X will not have the ability to open Final Cult Pro Ⅷ projects. And the good news, Apple says it's committed to releasing an XML and XS tool and support for multi-cam editing soon. In general, the company wants its usuers to know it hears and understands the concerns but also wants Final Cult Pro X to embrace a new editing philosophy.
为回应对Final Cult Pro X的消极抗议,苹果公司发布了FAQ以解答用户的部分问题,并肯定了部分专业视频编辑的担心。坏消息是,Final Cult Pro X将不能打开Final Cult Pro Ⅷ。好消息是苹果下定决心发布XML和XS工具支持multi-cam编辑。总地来说,苹果公司是希望用户了解并理解他们的考虑和顾虑,同时苹果公司还希望Final Cult Pro X能改进编辑方式。
Hackers9 have been in the news a lot these days. Mostly for attacking corportations and governements, and releasing private information but it looks like they maybe doing some good in the world as well. NBC news reports that hackers have temporarily shut down Al-Quaida's online distribution of vedios and statements, so far no one has claimed credit for the attack.
Those are your headlines for today. I'm Wilson Tang for Cnet.com, and you've just been loaded.
以上就是今天的头条,我是Cnet.com的Wilson Tang。感谢您的收看。

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n.投资者,投资人 | |
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n.泥砖,土坯,美国Adobe公司 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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n.门闩,窗闩;弹簧锁 | |
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v.交谈,谈话( converse的现在分词 ) | |
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n.赞成,赞成的意见,赞成者 | |
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n.联系;关系 | |
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n.异教,邪教;时尚,狂热的崇拜 | |
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n.计算机迷( hacker的名词复数 );私自存取或篡改电脑资料者,电脑“黑客” | |
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