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  • 第256期:可别轻易放弃一次创造奇迹的机会 重点词汇 give up 放弃;交出 miracle n. 奇迹,奇迹般的人或物; 1. I'm not giving up on you. You don't understand this yet, but people need you. So let's get back to work. 我不会放弃你的。你现在还不明白,但是人们需
  • 第257期:真正的安慰无需多言 重点词汇 mastectomy n.乳房切除术; diagnose vt.诊断; 判断; Once, many years ago, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and was scheduled for a mastectomy. That morning I attended a college class in which the husband of a good friend was
  • 第258期:世界上最知名的品牌 重点词汇 Revenue n.收益; 财政收入; 税收收入; Prestigious adj.受尊敬的,有声望的; Averse adj.反对的; 不乐意的; (植)与茎方向相反的; What makes a brand well known? It must be a combination of consumer awareness, pop
  • 第259期:懒汉歌 重点词汇 feel like doing想要(做) tone (语)声调,语调; Today I don't feel like doing anything 我今天啥事都不想干 I just wanna lay in my bed 只想赖在床上 don't feel like picking up my phone 电话也懒得接 so leave a
  • 第260期:学习的真实原因 重点词汇 fear vt. 害怕;敬畏;为担心 Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. Marie Curie, Physicist 「生命里没有要畏惧的,只有要了解的,我
  • 第261期:"Fail"除了失败的意思外,还可以怎么用呢 重点词汇 companion n. 同伴;朋友;指南;手册 Say you will forgive me 说你会原谅我 Anyone can fail 谁都可能有把控不住自己的时候 Say you will believe me 说你会相信我 Follow your fate 跟随命运 Love and hate 爱
  • 第262期:焦虑的树叶 重点词汇 about adj. 在附近的;四处走动的;在起作用的 twig n. 小枝;嫩枝;末梢 nestle vi. 舒适地坐定;偎依;半隐半现地处于 whirl vi. 旋转,回旋;急走;头晕眼花 Once upon a time a little leaf was
  • 第263期:节省的苏格兰人 重点词汇 thrifty adj.节约的;茂盛的;成功的 steep adj.陡峭的;不合理的;夸大的;急剧升降的 Jock asked the bus conductor how much it would cost to travel into town. 80 pence said the conductor. Jock thought this was a
  • 第264期:单曲重复一百遍的英文歌Sunrise 重点词汇 brand new全新的;崭新的 I've got to reach you 我必须找到你 I've got to see you 我一定要见你 let the light shine down on me 让阳光照耀在我身上 when the day breaks 黎明破晓 and the sky is changing colors 天空
  • 第265期:学会用自己的时间来投资自己 重点词汇 invest vt.投资; 花费; The only thing you really have in your life is time. And if you invest that time in yourself, to have great experiences that are going to enrich you, then you cant possibly lose. Steve Jobs, Entrepreneur 「你真
  • 第266期:on your own 重点词汇 communal adj.公共的;公社的 survive vi.幸存;活下来 1.People aren't always there for you, that's why you learn to handle things on your own. 人们并不总是在你身边,所以你要学会靠自己处理事情。 2.Someh
  • 第267期:爱的目光 重点词汇 sprinkle vt. 洒;微雨;散置 trace vt. 追踪,查探;描绘;回溯 peer into 往中仔细看 A grandmother and a little girl whose face was sprinkled with bright red freckles spent the day at the zoo. The children were waitin
  • 第268期:别在做话题终结者了 重点词汇 people person: 善于交际的人 ego: 自我,字符,自尊心 1. Don't Try to Be Popular. 2. Think of Others more than you think of yourself. 3. Be Yourself. 4. Have a big Heart. 5. Reduce Your Ego. 6. Humor 1. 不要刻意迎合别人
  • 第269期:学一首连续九周蝉联美国单曲榜冠军的歌 重点词汇 in one's way: 挡道的; 妨碍人的; 使人不便的; (英) 近在咫尺; rip: v.撕成; 扯破,撕坏 I threw a wish in the well 我将一个愿望投入许愿池中 Don't ask me I'll never tell 别问我,我绝不泄露 I looke
  • 第270期:一年之计在于晨 《论语》中有这样一句话: 曾子曰:吾日三省吾身;为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎? 翻成白话是这样: 我每天必定用三件事反省自己:替人谋事有没有不尽心尽力的地方?