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美国小学英语教材4:第69课 托尼诺带着陶器去集市(5)

时间:2018-08-24 08:49来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   "What cunning1 cups and saucers those are," she said.  "Where did you get them?" “这些杯子和碟子多可爱啊,”她说。“你从哪儿弄来的?”

  She was surprised when Tonino told her that he had made them all himself; 当托尼诺告诉她,这些都是他自己做的,
  and that his little sister, Nanou, had painted them. 上面的图案是他的小妹妹娜努画的时,她很吃惊。
  Then the friendly lady picked up one of the cups. 接着,这位女士拿起其中一个杯子。
  It was the one that had the figure of a cat climbing up the side, instead of a handle. 杯子侧面不是把手而是一只向上爬的猫。
  Then she examined the bowl with a donkey sitting on the lid. And what do you think she said? 然后,她观察到杯盖上坐着一头驴,你猜她说了什么?
  "I wonder if you would like to sell me all the pottery2 that you have here," she said. “我想知道,你是否愿意把这里所有的陶器都卖给我,”她说。
  "I have a pottery shop near the fountain, and I am always looking out for something new and different." “我在喷泉附近开了家陶器店,我总是在寻找新的、与众不同的东西。”
  Well, I don't have to describe to you what Tonino's feelings were. Think of it! 我不必描述托尼诺此刻的心情,想想就知道了!
  To sell every one of his cups and saucers and bowls! 所有的杯子、碟子和碗都卖完了!
  To have the rest of the day free to see the fair and to ride on the merry-go-rounds and to buy presents at the booths! 剩下的时间可以自由地逛集市,骑旋转木马,在摊位买礼物了!
  Just then Mameto came back. 就在这时玛莫回来了。
  She was delighted that the lady who kept the pottery shop had bought all Tonino's pottery, but she was not a bit surprised. 开陶器店的女士买下了托尼诺所有的陶器,玛莫很开心但一点儿也不惊讶。
  Had she not expected it all along? 她不是早就料到了吗?
  So she and Tonino and the pottery-shop lady started right away to pack the pottery back in the baskets. 于是玛莫、托尼诺以及陶器店女士立刻开始把陶器装回篮子里。
  Every now and then the lady would notice a cunning little figure, and laugh. 这位女士不时地注意到可爱的小人儿,笑了起来。
  Anyone could see that she was as much pleased to buy Tonino's pottery as he was to sell it. 任何人都看得出来,陶器店女士买陶器和托尼诺卖陶器一样开心。


1 cunning 6nyyY     
  • A spy used cunning means to find out secrets.间谍使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • The fox is known for its cleverness and cunning.狐狸的机敏和狡猾是人所共知的。
2 pottery OPFxi     
  • My sister likes to learn art pottery in her spare time.我妹妹喜欢在空余时间学习陶艺。
  • The pottery was left to bake in the hot sun.陶器放在外面让炎热的太阳烘晒焙干。
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