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英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第161期:第十章 审问(9)

时间:2018-06-20 02:27来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 Then, thankfully, Mr. Varner called on Jessica for an answer. 然后,谢天谢地,温纳老师把杰西卡叫起来,让她回答一个问题。

She didn't get a chance to start on the subject again during class, and as soon as the bell rang, I took evasive action. 整堂课她都没有机会再继续开展这个话题,当铃声响起的时候,我采取了规避话题的行动。
"In English, Mike asked me if you said anything about Monday night," I told her. “英语课的时候,迈克问我你有没有提到周一晚上的事。”我告诉她。
"You're kidding! What did you say?!" she gasped1, completely sidetracked. “你一定是在开玩笑!你是怎么说的?”她渴望地喘着气说道,完全被转移了话题。
"I told him you said you had a lot of fun—he looked pleased." “我告诉你说你过得很开心——他看上去很高兴。”
"Tell me exactly what he said, and your exact answer!" “确切地告诉我他是怎么说的,还有你确切的回答!”
We spent the rest of the walk dissecting2 sentence structures and most of Spanish on a minute description of Mike's facial expressions. 我们把走路的时间都花在了剖析句子结构上,而大部分的西班牙语课都用在了描述那一分钟里迈克的面部表情上。
I wouldn't have helped draw it out for as long as I did if I wasn't worried about the subject returning to me. 我本不会禁得住花那么多的时间在绘声绘色地讲述这一切上,但我不想让话题回到自己身上。
And then the bell rang for lunch. 而后,铃声响了起来,提醒我们午餐时间到了。
As I jumped up out of my seat, shoving my books roughly in my bag, my uplifted expression must have tipped Jessica off. 当我从座位上跳起来,粗暴地把书塞进书包里的时候,我亢奋的表情铁定向杰西卡出卖了我。
"You're not sitting with us today, are you?" she guessed. “你今天不跟我们一起坐,对吧?”她猜测着。
"I don't think so." I couldn't be sure that he wouldn't disappear inconveniently3 again. “我不这样想。”我不便下定论,他可能会又一次消失不见。
But outside the door to our Spanish class, 但就在我们的西班牙语课教室外,
leaning against the wall looking more like a Greek god than anyone had a right to Edward was waiting for me. 倚着墙的看上去比任何人都有权利更像一位希腊神祗的爱德华正等着我。
Jessica took one look, rolled her eyes, and departed. 杰西卡只看了一眼,转了转眼睛,然后速速闪人。
"See you later, Bella." Her voice was thick with implications. “待会儿见,贝拉。”她的话里充满了浓浓的暗示。
I might have to turn off the ringer on the phone. 也许我得把电话的铃声关掉。
"Hello." His voice was amused and irritated at the same time. “你好。”他的声音同时充满了快乐和懊恼。
He had been listening, it was obvious. 显而易见,他一定偷听了。


1 gasped e6af294d8a7477229d6749fa9e8f5b80     
v.喘气( gasp的过去式和过去分词 );喘息;倒抽气;很想要
  • She gasped at the wonderful view. 如此美景使她惊讶得屏住了呼吸。
  • People gasped with admiration at the superb skill of the gymnasts. 体操运动员的高超技艺令人赞叹。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
2 dissecting 53b66bea703a0d1b805dfcd0804dd1b3     
v.解剖(动物等)( dissect的现在分词 );仔细分析或研究
  • Another group was dissecting a new film showing locally. 另外一批人正在剖析城里上演的一部新电影。 来自辞典例句
  • Probe into Dissecting Refraction Method Statics Processing under Complicated Surface Conditions. 不同地表条件下土壤侵蚀的坡度效应。 来自互联网
3 inconveniently lqdz8n     
  • Hardware encrypting resists decryption intensely, but it use inconveniently for user. 硬件加密方法有较强的抗解密性,但用户使用不方便。
  • Even implementing the interest-deferral scheme for homeowners has proved inconveniently tricky. 甚至是对房主实行的推迟利息的方案,结果证明也是极不方便的。
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