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初来乍到第二季:第15集 让他们分开

时间:2017-08-28 01:05来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   I am so excited for book club! 我们的阅读俱乐部终于开始了,我太激动了

  Oh, I've been looking forward to this for weeks. 我已经期待了好几个星期了
  Oh, me too. 我也是
  I haven't seen you in forever. 我好久都不见你人了
  I had to go through your mail 都得去翻你的邮件
  to see what's going on with you. 看看你是不是发生什么事了
  That was a joke. 开玩笑而已
  I hope so, because I'm missing a Redbook. 我也想去啊,可我的《红皮书》丢了
  My mother-in law's birthday is coming up and I need those perfume samples. 但我婆婆的生日就要到了,我需要这些香水小样
  So, I was thinking about who I would haunt if I was a ghost, 我在想如果我是一个鬼魂的话我会缠着谁
  Ohh, you ladies having wine club? 噢,女士们在喝酒聊天?
  I would love some. 我也想来点
  Tha... That was my glass. 那...那是我的杯子
  Oh, uh, we have more of these bad boys in the kitchen 我们厨房里有的是酒
  just to the left of the fridge. 就放在冰箱左侧
  O...kay. 好...好吧
  Can I...Or not. Okay. Yeah, all right. 我能不能...算了,好吧,还是算了
  Cheers. 干杯
  Sorry about last night. 昨晚真是抱歉
  I guess Louis was feeling chatty. 路易斯是有点太能说了
  Oh, I thought his idea for a wide-mouth gas-pump nozzle was interesting. 我觉得他那个广口气泵喷嘴的主意还是挺有趣的
  Oh, yesterday you were telling me about who you would haunt. Yes. 对了,昨天你说到你想缠着谁,对
  Okay, so, you know that female traffic cop 是这样的,你知道公园对面那条街的
  that's across the street from the park? 那个女交通警察吗?
  Knock, knock! 有人在吗
  With the... The kids said you were here,  就是那个... 孩子们告诉我你们在这儿
  and I thought you might like some snacks from the restaurant. 我想着你们也许想尝尝我们饭馆的零食
  See this? 看到了吗?
  This is about half the diameter 这个大概有我昨晚跟你们说的
  of that nozzle we were talking about last night. 那个喷嘴一半大
  Doesn't it feel a little weird1 你不觉得这样有点怪吗
  hiding from your husband like this? 这样躲着你老公
  Here we go. 来了
  Louis is great, but ever since he stopped 路易斯是很好
  staying late to close the restaurant, 但自从他不再撑到很晚才关店之后
  he's just been around a lot more. 他总在我身边晃悠
  And sometimes you just want girl time. 有时候我也需要一些女生专属时间嘛
  So, ghost, haunting, go. 好的,鬼魂,要缠着谁,开始吧
  There you are! 你们在这儿啊
  Marvin told me where you two were, 马文跟我说你们在这
  and I felt bad about drinking all of your wine, so... 我很内疚我喝光了你们的酒,所以...
  Sorry, chief. No pocket wine. 不好意思,哥们,本店不准外带
  How did you get that past our bouncer? 你是怎么通过那个保镖的
  It wasn't easy. She's got a meaty frisk. 是不容易,她一直在吃我豆腐
  That's Barb2. 果然是巴布的作风
  If I was a ghost, I would haunt the female traffic attendant, 如果我是鬼魂的话,我会缠着那个女交通警察
  which would cause an accident, creating more ghosts! 这样我就能造成一起车祸,创造更多鬼魂
  Thank you. That's all I wanted to know. 谢谢,我就是想知道这些
  Just so we're clear, once again, 都清楚了吗,再来一次
  what are the closing procedures? 我们的关门程序有哪些
  Turn off the ovens, comb the bear, 关烤箱,给熊梳毛
  and make sure I lock the door after I leave. 确保离开后锁好了门
  Good. Also, you don't have to comb the bear. 很好,当然,你不必给熊梳毛
  We'll see. 走着瞧
  The one place Louis won't go after work is work. 路易斯下班后唯一不会来的地方就是他上班的地方
  Was Louis always so, um, "Present" Back in D.C.? 路易斯以前在华盛顿的时候也这么粘人吗?
  No. If he had any free time, 也不是,那会如果他有闲暇时间的话
  he'd just shoot pool with his buddy3 Hank. 他会和他的朋友汉克打台球
  They would hang out and talk about whatever guys talk about. 他们会玩在一起然后讨论男人们爱讨论的话题
  For me, the Pomeranian 对我来说,波美拉尼亚人
  is the unsung hero of the toy dog group. 就是玩具狗公司的无名英雄
  I'm sorry, are we in a pool hall or a fool hall, 不好意思,我们现在是在台球房还是傻瓜房
  'cause that is ridiculous. 你说的也太傻了
  I don't get it. 我不懂了
  It seems like Louis has tons of friends here. 看起来路易斯在这也应该有很多朋友才对啊
  He's friendly with a lot of people, 他只是对所有人友好而已
  but he doesn't have a close friend to hang out with. 他根本就没什么可以一起玩的亲密朋友
  Maybe if Louis gets back into playing pool, 那也许,如果路易斯又重新开始打台球了
  then he can find someone not us to hang out with. 那他就可以和别人一起玩,不用再烦我们了
  Maybe he just needs a little nudge. 也许他需要我推他一把
  Surprise! Black Ball Becky! 惊喜吗,黑球贝基
  Got her out of the garage. 我从车库里拿出来的
  Had her re-tipped for you. 为你重新擦拭过哦
  Look at that nub. 看看这个杆头
  Is that a bo staff? 这是长棍吗
  No, son. This is a different kind of weapon. 不是的,儿子,这是另一种武器
  A two-piece, low-deflection, maple-shaft pool cue. 是一个两件套,低偏差,枫木材质的台球杆
  Remember how much fun you used to have playing with Hank? 记得你以前和汉克一起玩的时候有多开心吗
  Oh, we did have fun. Yeah.  确实很开心,就是啊
  You know, they used to call me "Louie Short Pockets." 知道吗,他们以前都叫我“空袋路易斯”
  Because you were poor? 是因为你很穷吗
  No. Because I was accurate. 当然不是,因为我打球很准
  You should get back out there. 你得重出江湖了
  Oh, I can't. I'm too busy with work. 不行啊,工作太忙了
  Oh, the restaurant is doing fine on its own. 但饭馆已经走上正轨了
  And you seem to have more free time. 而且你现在也有更多闲暇时间了不是么
  I don't have anyone to play with. 没人和我一起玩啊
  Just go down to the pool hall. 你就直接去台球室
  I'm sure you'll meet somebody there. 我肯定你能找到伙伴
  Where? I don't even ... 哪有台球室啊?我甚至都...
  There's Rockn' Roll on Orange, Cue-Tips on Third, 在橘子街有摇滚台球室,在第三大道有枪头台球室
  and downtown there's Stars and Stripes and Solids, 在市中心,有星星台球室,条纹台球室和立方体台球室
  though the ad in the phone book said "No foreigners," 虽然电话簿里的广告说这家“外国人不准入内”
  so maybe not that one. 那就不去这家嘛
  Oh, and there's turn-by-turn directions on the back. 背面还有路线图哦
  All the ladies in here are fully4 clothed. 这本书里的女士都好好地穿着衣服嘛
  Hey, you see Whitney in your mailbox, 如果你在邮箱里看到有惠特尼的
  you grab her and go. I get it. 直接拿了就走,懂了
  She's like your Mario Van Peebles. 她就是你的马里奥·范·皮布尔斯
  I got to go. Bye. 我得走了,回见
  You guys hear the news? 你们听说了么
  Nicole and Hot Chris broke up. 尼可和帅克里斯分手了
  Hasta la vista5, baby. 再见,宝贝
  Schwarzenegger? 施瓦辛格
  I've heard that impression before. 我之前听过这个
  No. Hasta la vista, baby. 不是,再见,宝贝
  Like, for eva. 永远不见
  Oh, daaamn! 该死
  That's how he broke up with her? 他竟然这么跟她分手
  "T-2"? That's cold. "T-2"? 太冷漠了
  So, Eddie, is it cool if I take a run at Nicole? 那,艾迪,我能追妮可吗
  What? Why are you asking me? 什么?你问我干吗
  Well, you used to have a crush on her, 你以前不是喜欢她嘛
  and I wouldn't want it to be weird. 我不想事情变得太奇怪
  Yeah, that's why it'd be weird. 是啊,说的就跟你能追到似的
  Take your dark cloud somewhere else, Brian! 带着你那乌云密布的脸哪凉快哪呆着去,布莱恩
  Hey, man, you do your thing. 伙计,你做你想做的
  Me and Nicole are just friends now. 我和妮可现在只是朋友
  You want these Jerky Boys CDs? 你想要这些《捣蛋双宝》的CD吗
  They were dumb-ass Chris'. 都是那个混蛋克里斯的
  Sorry you guys broke up. 抱歉你们分手了
  Yeah. Sorry. 真抱歉
  It's fine. My dad said he liked him, 没事,我爸爸说他很喜欢他
  so I was starting to lose interest. 所以我已经开始失去兴趣了
  You want to sit with us? 你想跟我们一起坐吗
  Yeah. Sit. Nah. 是啊,坐吧,不要了
  I'm gonna take a "Half day," If you know what I mean. 我得休息"半天"你懂我的意思
  Yeah. Like half a full day. 当然懂,就是一整天的一半
  Maybe we can grab some ice cream later this week? 也许我们之后可以一起去吃冰淇淋
  That'd be nice. Yes!  那很好啊,好耶
  Not you, pumpkin6 head. 不是说你,南瓜头
  The dance begins. 好戏开始了
  "Stay out as late as you ca-want. 你想在外面呆多久就呆多久
  Jessica. P.S. We're out of eggs." 杰西卡,另外,家里没有鸡蛋了
  You lookin' for a game? 你要来打一局么
  Hey, Tony! Fresh meat! 托尼,小鲜肉
  They call me Louie Short Pock 他们叫我“空袋路易斯”
  You win a game, then you can tell me your name. 你先赢了这一局,然后你就可以告诉我你的名字
  Can I tell you her name? 我能告诉你她的名字么
  No. It's Black Ball Becky.  不行,是“黑球贝姬”
  Okay, rack 'em up! 好了,赢了他们吧
  So, I was thinking about you getting ice cream with Nicole. 所以,我在想你和尼科尔一块去吃冰淇淋的事情
  Won't Alison be mad? 艾莉森不会生气么
  Why would she be? 她为什么要生气
  Cause Nicole's single now. 因为尼科尔现在是单身
  Chicks can't have their men hanging out with single chicks. 女孩不会让她的男朋友和另外的单身女孩出去的
  I saw that on "Maury Povich." 我在《毛利·波维奇》连续剧里面看到的
  Alison wouldn't care. 艾莉森不会在意的
  She was fine with Whitney Houston. 她就不在意惠特尼·休斯顿
  First of all, Whitney's unattainable. 首先,惠特尼是可望而不可即的
  She's married to Bobby Brown. 她嫁给了鲍比·布朗
  Second, you used to have a hard crush on Nicole. 其次,你曾经非常喜欢尼科尔
  Alison doesn't know about that. 艾莉森不知道这件事情
  And pause. 暂停一下
  You never told Alison about Nicole? 你从来没有告诉艾莉森关于尼科尔的事情么
  No. It just... 没有,这是因为
  I don't know. It-It didn't come up. 我不知道,没有合适的时机
  It didn't...come...up. 没有,合适的,时机
  Well, you better hope she doesn't-Unpause! 好吧,你最好期盼她,开始
  You're playing cheap, dude! 你这一招真廉价,伙计
  Cheap as the toilet paper in your house. 就像你家里的卫生纸一样廉价
  For me, it's Denzel in "Glory." 于我而言,是《荣誉》里面的登塞尔
  I like a man with a musket7. 我喜欢拿着步枪的男人
  Gene8 Hackman in "Hoosiers." 火爆教头草地兵里面的金·哈克曼
  Mm. What can I say? 我能说什么
  I like 'em old and cranky with a checkered9 past. 我喜欢的有复杂过去的脾气古怪的老男人
  Oh, hey! How was the pool hall? Great! 台球厅如何?太棒了
  Cheap beer, nonstop Thorogood on the jukebox, 便宜的啤酒,自动点唱机里面停不下来的索罗古德
  the smell of Camel Lights and desperation! 骆驼牌香烟和绝望的味道
  You were smoking? 你抽烟了
  No, but I was smoked on. 没有,但是我兴奋了
  It was great! 这太棒了
  Me and Tony held the table for nine straight games. 我和托尼连着赢了九局游戏
  No one wanted play us anymore, 再也没有人想和我们玩了
  so we're gonna hit a new pool hall. 所以我们要到一个新的台球厅去
  Figured I'd drop off the eggs. 想起来要买鸡蛋
  I also picked us up an "Archie Digest" For the bathroom. 我还给我们拿了一本《阿奇食谱》当浴室读物
  Jughead starts a business. 笨蛋开始了他的事业
  Okay, bye. Don't wait up! 好了,拜拜,别等我
  Hey, we won't. You boys have fun! 我们不会等你的,男孩们玩得愉快
  Boys? No, Tony's a woman. 男孩们,不,托尼是个女的
  It -Ah, oh, I'm just gonna top you off here. 这,帮你倒满吧
  There we go. 好啦
  Louis is hanging out with another woman?! 路易斯和另外一个女人出去转
  You're overreacting. It's fine. 你反应过度了,没事的
  It is inappropriate for an adult 一个成年人有一个异性朋友
  to have a friend of the opposite sex. 是不合适的
  My parents never had that. 我的父母从来没有这样过
  Can you imagine my mom saying, 你能想象我妈妈说
  "Travis and I are going to the movies"?  特拉维斯和我要去看电影了
  Who's Travis? There is no Travis.  谁是特拉维斯,根本就没有特拉维斯
  That's the point! Jessica, it's the '90s.  这才是重点,杰西卡,那是九十年代的事
  It's normal to have friends of the opposite sex. 有异性朋友很正常
  In-In fact, Marvin and I were friends for months before... 事实上,马文和我交往之前做了好几个月的朋友
  We got to see this bitch. 我们要去看看这个婊子
  I don't get it. Why don't you just tell Alison 我不明白,你为什么不直接告诉艾莉森
  that you used to have a crush on Nicole? 你喜欢过尼科尔
  It's too late. I should've told her before. 太迟了,我之前应该告诉她的
  Now it's gonna seem like I'm hiding something. 现在看起来就像是我在隐瞒什么事情
  What if they run into each other? 她们如果碰到了对方怎么办
  Nicole's in the 8th grade. That's a different hallway. 尼科尔在八年级,是不同的走廊
  Yeah, what about the cafeteria? 在餐厅里呢
  Or the tetherball court? 或者是绳球课上
  And let's not forget a little place called 并且我们不要忘记一个叫做女厕所的
  the girls' bathroom. 小地方
  I heard there's a couch in there. 我听说那里有一个长条沙发
  What am I gonna do?! 我要怎么办
  Eddie, look, all we got to do is 埃迪,听着,所有我们要做的事就是
  We gotta keep 'em separated. 我们要把她们分开
  You know, like the song? 你明白么,就像是一首歌里那样
  Huge song. Millions sold. 非常出名的歌,数百万的销量
  There she is. 她在那里
  Okay, so, she may be attractive, 好吧,所以,她或许很有魅力
  but everything is sexy to this song. 但听着这首歌,所有人都变得很性感
  See what I mean 你明白我说的么
  Hey, Short Pockets. 你好啊,短袋
  Hey, Jessica. What are you doing here? 你好,杰西卡,你在这里做什么
  This must be Tony. Why did your parents name you that? 这一定就是托尼了,你的父母为什么给你起这个名字啊
  That's a man's name. It's very misleading. 这是个男的的名字啊,很有误导性
  It's short for Antonia. How convenient.  是安东尼娅的简称,真是简洁啊
  You must be Jessica, Louis' wife. 你一定是杰西卡·路易斯的妻子
  He's told me so much about you. 他告诉我了许多关于你的事情
  Oh, really? Did he mention my gender10? 真的么,他提起过我的性别么
  Do you just hang around pool halls hoping to meet men? 你在台球厅里面乱晃是希望认识男人么
  No, I just love playing pool, 不是,我只是喜欢打台球
  and most people who play are men. 然后大多数打台球的都是男的
  It's more like I hang around men trying to pick up pool halls. 更像是我在男人周围乱晃希望能够找到一个台球厅
  You have no power here, witch. 你的魔法被屏蔽了,巫婆
  Excuse me? 什么
  You heard me, demon11. 别装了,恶魔
  Come on, Louis. Let's go. 好啦,路易斯我们走
  Uh, Jessica, we're in the middle of a game. 呃,杰西卡,我们打得正火热
  If we win, we get a free basket of chicken wings, 如果我们赢了就能免费得到一篮鸡翅
  and I made a big show out of pre-ordering extra ranch12. 我还信心十足地另外预定了沙拉酱
  Oh, it's an emergency. 这是紧急情况
  Mitch locked himself in the restaurant again. 米奇又把他自己锁在饭店里了
  What? Ugh! Of course he did. 什么?那个蠢蛋
  Oh, I'm a locksmith. 哦,我是开锁的
  Is there something I could do to help? 有需要我帮忙的吗
  No. Uh, thank you. 不用,谢谢
  We don't need it. 我们不需要
  Okay. 好吧
  Whew, that was tough. 真是不容易
  But it worked. 但计划成功
  We kept Alison and Nicole apart all day. 我们让艾莉和尼科尔一整天都没碰上面
  I thought they were gonna talk in the lunch line. 在午饭排队的时候我以为她们会杠上
  But luckily Trent stepped in with a distraction13. 但幸好特伦特在中间插了一腿
  That's the great thing about this baby. 流鼻血有点好处就是
  I can turn it on and off at will. 我能让它开关自如
  "Trent, it's time for church!"  特伦特该去做礼拜啦
  Oh, yeah? Thanks for your help, guys. 哦,是吗?谢谢你们的帮忙
  Now we just need to keep it up until Nicole graduates. 现在我们要一直这样做直到尼科尔毕业
  Hopefully. 但愿能做到
  Don't wipe off the rouge14 yet, boys. 别高兴太早
  Looks like we've got a second show. 似乎我们还要接着演
  What? They're talking right outside.  什么,她们正在外面聊
  Oh, no. They're about to fight! 她们要打起来了
  Get out of here! 不是吧
  No, seriously, they were only seven bucks15 不骗你,在克莱儿服饰店
  at Claire's Boutique. Go ahead and borrow them. 只要7美元,快去借吧
  Really? Okay, then here, I have to return the favor. 真的吗,好吧,这是我还你的人情
  Thank you. I'm so excited to wear them. 谢谢,戴着它感觉自己萌萌哒
  What's happening? Walter, narrate16! 发生什么了,沃尔特快实况转播
  So, long story short, 长话短说
  you can't make raisin17 bread in the microwave. 你不能在微波炉里做葡萄干面包
  Uh-huh. 这样啊
  So, I was hanging by the buses today 今天我在巴士上的时候
  and I saw you talking with Nicole. 看到你和尼科尔在说话
  Oh. Yeah, we met on the couch in the bathroom. 是的,我们在洗手间长椅那里碰面了
  She said she liked my backpack, and we started talking. 她说她喜欢我的背包,我们就聊开了
  So, uh, no big surprises or anything? 所以没有重大新闻什么的吗
  Um... no big reveals? 或者有什么值得透漏的
  No, nothing like that. She was just really cool. 没有,她真的很酷
  I totally get why you had a crush on her. 我现在完全理解为什么你之前那么迷恋她
  Whaaaat? It's cool. She's badass! 什...么,没什么,她超屌的
  Wait, so you're not mad? 等下,所以你没有生气吗
  Fart no! You and I are good. 绝壁没有,对我们俩的关系没影响
  Besides, that was before we even knew each other. 再说,那是在我们认识之前
  We don't care about old crushes. 我们之间不介意互相的旧情什么的
  Of course we don't! 当然不会
  That's what I'm sayin'. 我就是这个意思
  It's like how you don't care about my old crush on Dave. 就像你不会介意我之前对戴夫的迷恋
  Dave who? Dave. Your best friend Dave? 哪个戴夫?你好基友戴夫
  I saw him feeding a squirrel once and thought it was cute. 有次我看见他喂一只松鼠,我觉得那很可爱
  Alison! Chili18 bar's ready! 艾莉辣椒棒好了
  You better get those chives before your brother dives in! 在你弟弟捣乱之前你最好先给你自己弄点韭菜
  Oh, man, I got to go. 我天,我得先挂了
  I'll talk to you tomorrow! 明天再聊
  I checked all of Mitch's hiding spots. 我翻遍了所有米奇可能的藏身之处
  He's nowhere. 都没发现他
  Although he obviously combed the bear. 很明显他给熊梳了毛
  He left a pick in its haunches. 但在手臂上留下了凌乱的一撮
  Okay, I lied about Mitch to get you out of that pool hall. 为了把你弄出台球室我骗你说米奇关在饭店了
  What? 什么
  You're the one who told me to go there in the first place! 一开始是你叫我去那里的
  Yes, because I thought you were going to meet a guy friend! 是,那是因为我以为你会去找到个男性朋友
  So I can't be friends with a woman? 所以我不能跟女性做朋友吗
  That's ridiculous. I'm around women all day here. 太荒唐了,在这里我身边全是女的
  That's different. 那不同
  That's during the day, at work. 在这里是白天,在工作
  So I can never be around a woman outside of work? 所以我不能在工作之外接触女性
  That's not what I'm saying. 我不是那个意思
  That would be crazy. 那样就太过了
  All I am saying is if you're going to hang out with a woman, 我只是说如果你要跟女人玩的话
  it has to be when the sun is up. 只能是在白天
  And she can't be taller than me. 还有她不能比我高
  Or younger than me. Or weigh less than me. 或者比我年轻,或者体重比我轻
  Or look like she weighs less than me. 看起来比我轻也不行
  Also, you can't share food. 还有你们不能一起吃饭
  Okay, I guess if you're stranded19 and you have to share food, 如果你们被困了,必须要共享实物
  then clear soups or broths20 only. 那只能吃清汤或肉汤
  And you will display your wedding band 还有你要把你戴结婚戒指的手
  close to your face at all times. 一直挨着你的脸展示给她看
  Photos of your children must be present 如果孩子们没能在现场
  if they themselves cannot be. 你必须展示他们的照片
  If she happens to touch you, even if by accident, 如果她跟你有肢体接触,即使是不小心的
  you will excuse yourself and call me immediately. 你必须想办法脱身然后立刻打电话告诉我
  If she has smoky eye makeup21, that is bad. 如果她化了烟熏妆那是不行的
  If she has a lazy eye, that's good. 如果她睡眼惺惺就很好
  Jessica...You must always travel in separate vehicles. 杰西卡,你们不能同坐一辆车
  Going back, lazy eye is out. It encourages eye contact. 等等,睡眼惺惺也不行,那样会有更多眼神接触
  And she must never have ever been 她必须没当过体操运动员
  or even wanted to be a gymnast. 甚至不能有过想做体操运动员的想法
  Oh, and this goes without saying, but no Denzel movies. 这个就不用说了,不能看登塞尔的电影
  I have no interest in Tony other than playing pool. 除了打球以外,我对托尼没半点想法
  That's how it starts, though, that connection. 一般剧情就是这么发展的,台球就是个红娘
  I've fallen asleep during enough Meg Ryan movies. 好多次看梅格·瑞恩的电影时我都睡着了
  So what do you want me to do, then? 那你想让我怎么样嘛
  You want me to give up pool? Is that it? 你想让我戒球吗,那总行了吧
  I want you to get a different partner. 我想让你换个玩伴
  Who do you suggest? 你觉得谁可以
  Need to see I.D. 身份证检查
  Oh, sure. It's just in my purse. 没问题,在包里
  What do I do? 该怎么打
  Just lean in and aim for the white ball. 倾身,瞄准白球
  I can't move in these leather pants. 穿着皮裤我行动不便
  It's like two snakes are eating my legs. 就像两条蛇缠在我腿上
  Well, at least you had me run out to the car 至少你让我去后备箱
  and get your emergency Keds from the trunk. 拿了你的备用帆布鞋
  No spare tire, but eight pairs of Keds. 没带备胎,但带了八双帆布鞋
  Rematch! No. We have to wait to play again. 再来一次,不行,我们必须等会才能打
  There are four stacks of quarters ahead of us, so... 我们前面有四摞硬币,所以...
  Hey, who took my quarters? 嘿,谁拿走了我的硬币
  I thought they were for the jukebox. 我以为它们是点唱机
  Hey, who put this crap on? 嘿,谁放的这首垃圾
  He'll come around. 他会意识到的
  Amy Grant works from the inside out. 这是来自艾美·格兰特内心深处的作品
  What do you guys know about Dave? 你们了解戴夫吗
  What do you mean? We hang out with him every day. 什么意思,我们每天和他出去玩啊
  No, I mean, what do we really know? 不,我们真的了解他吗
  Can we trust him? 我们能不能信任他
  He fed my cat for a week when we went skiing. 我们去滑雪的时候他帮我喂了一周的猫
  Like that deadbeat-dad angle he always plays up -- 像个游手好闲的人,总扮演爸爸的角色
  How do we know it's even real? 我们怎么能知道是不是真的
  Anyone can cry on Father's Day. 任何人都可以在父亲节哭
  Trent, you better pick up my homework, 特伦特,你帮我拿下作业
  'cause I'm about to get suspended. 我要被停学了
  Hey. Am I interrupting? 嗨,我打扰到你们了吗
  I was just telling Alison about how 我正要告诉艾莉森
  You had that thing for Jasmine from "Aladdin"? 你对贾丝明有意思
  Hey, I told you that in private! 嘿,我说过这是私事
  I just think she's symmetrical. 我只是觉得她身材好
  You know, I don't think this is a good idea, 我觉得,你们俩一起玩
  you two hanging out. 不是一个好想法
  Why not? Eddie. 为什么,埃迪
  Fun fact, Alison. That squirrel you saw Dave pet? 很有意思,艾莉森,你见过戴夫喜欢的那只松鼠
  It actually bit him, 它咬了他
  and he's been trying to trap it ever since. 从那以后他就设陷阱捕捉它
  That's what this whole thing is. 这就是真相
  Too bad you didn't make a Dad trap, huh, Dave? 你不能用爸爸陷阱真是太糟糕了
  Now who's playing cheap, man? 现在谁比较可耻
  That was really mean, Eddie. 刚刚真的很过分,埃迪
  Dave didn't do anything to you. 戴夫没做什么对不起你的事
  He's your best friend. 他是你最好的朋友
  Hey, Eddie, are we still on for ice cream tomorrow? 嗨,埃迪,我们明天还出去吃冰淇淋吗
  You freaked out about Dave, 你害怕戴夫破坏你的好事
  but it's okay for you guys to hang out? 而你们却要一起出去玩
  Hey, Nicole, cute sweater. 嗨,尼科尔,毛衣很可爱
  Thanks, girl. 谢谢
  Ned, what are you doing here? 内德,你在这儿干什么
  I stay here. 我留在这儿
  Ned knows drama. 我知道怎么回事
  How many times did you play this song? 这首歌你放了多少遍
  They love it at the Denim22 Turtle. 他们喜欢听
  Listen, why don't we just go? 我们不如走吧
  No, you want to play pool, let's play pool. 不,你想打台球,我们来打台球
  Okay. Hit the ball at the triangle 好吧,击摆成三角形的球
  and sink as many balls as you can. 尽可能把球打进洞
  And that means we lost. 那意味这我们输了
  Now we have to wait again. 现在我们又要等着了
  Pool is so boring. It's so much standing23 around. 打台球太无聊了,太浪费时间了
  It's worse than baseball. 还不如棒球
  Well, there's usually some good conversation to pass the time. 通常这个时间可以好好聊聊天
  Like what? 比如说
  What was so fun that you and Tony talked about? 你和托尼聊什么有趣的事情
  Hey, pretend I'm your pool buddy Jess. 嘿,假如我是你的球友杰丝
  See? Nobody can tell my gender, either. 而且没有人知道我的性别
  All right, we were debating who'd win in a fight— 好吧,我们谁会在搏斗中获胜
  a Cabbage Patch Kid possessed24 by a demon 着魔的椰菜娃娃
  or Teddy Ruxpin with a Metallica tape in him? 还是有金属乐队专辑的泰迪华斯比
  Teddy Ruxpin? Is that the little guy from "Twins"? 泰迪华斯比,"双胞胎"中小个子的那个
  No. What was the fight about?  不,为什么搏斗
  Was it a money issue? Most fights are. 是因为钱吗,跟大多数搏斗一样
  I don't know. They're just fighting. 我不知道,他们就是搏斗
  This is what you talk about? It's so dumb. 这就是你们聊的内容,太无聊了
  That's the point! We talk about whatever. 就是这样,我们就是随便聊聊
  Like when you and Honey hang out. 像你和霍尼在一起的时候
  Honey and I do not talk about dumb things. 我和霍尼才不聊这些无聊的事情
  We talk about who we would haunt if we were ghosts 我们聊,如果我们是鬼,我们会缠着谁
  or which vegetable would make the best weapon, 或者哪种蔬菜作武器最好
  or we talk about if one of us turned into an animal, 或者我们聊如果我们变成一种动物
  how would we get the other one's attention— 我们怎么吸引他人注意
  You know what? I get it. I see your point. 好吧,我知道了,我懂你的意思了
  Louis. I was almost not right. 路易斯,之前是我不对
  I shouldn't keep you from talking to somebody 我不应该禁止你和别人聊
  about dumb things. 一些无聊的事情
  I don't want to be that person. 我不想成为那样的人
  You mean the "Wet blanket" Wife? 你指那些扫兴的妻子
  No, I mean the person you talk to about dumb things. 不,我说和你聊一些无聊的事情的人
  You have nothing to worry about. 你不用担心
  Trust me. I do. 相信我,我相信
  So it's okay if I play pool with her? Yes. 那么我和她一起打台球没关系了?是的
  I just have one request. 我只有一个要求
  Choco Taco? 吃冰棒吗
  I thought you were getting ice cream with Nicole. 我以为你和尼科尔去吃冰激凌了
  I wanted to say sorry about before. 我想为之前的行为道歉
  Alison told me she used to have a crush on you, 艾莉森告诉我她喜欢过你
  and I got jealous. 所以我吃醋了
  Wait. Alison used to have a crush on me? 等一下,艾莉森喜欢过我
  You're a good dude. 你是个优秀的小伙子
  Anyways, I just went nuts, and I can't explain it. 总之,是我发神经了,我也不知道为什么
  I guess I still can't believe Alison really likes me. 我觉得我还是不能相信艾莉森真的喜欢我
  I can. You're a good dude, too. 我相信,因为你也很棒
  Maybe one day you and Alison 也许有一天,你和艾莉森
  and me and Jasmine could double-date. 我和贾丝明,可以一起约会
  I'd like that. 我也希望
  Well, I mean, it really depends 好吧,我觉得,那要看情况
  what Metallica tape we're talking about, 金属乐队的哪张专辑
  "Master of Puppets" Or "Ride the Lightning"? 《傀儡大师》还是《飞驰雷擎》
  "Master of Puppets," Obviously. 当然是《傀儡大师》
  I mean, he is a talking bear. 他可是个会说话的熊
  Hey! No touching25. 嘿,不能肢体接触
  You know Jessica's rules. 你知道杰西卡的规矩
  Right. Sorry. Uh... 好的,对不起
  Your shot, Tony. 该你击球了,托尼


1 weird bghw8     
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
2 barb kuXzG     
  • The barb of his wit made us wince.他那锋芒毕露的机智使我们退避三舍。
  • A fish hook has a barb to prevent the fish from escaping after being hooked.鱼钩上都有一个倒钩以防上了钩的鱼逃走。
3 buddy 3xGz0E     
  • Calm down,buddy.What's the trouble?压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?
  • Get out of my way,buddy!别挡道了,你这家伙!
4 fully Gfuzd     
  • The doctor asked me to breathe in,then to breathe out fully.医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。
  • They soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。
5 vista jLVzN     
  • From my bedroom window I looked out on a crowded vista of hills and rooftops.我从卧室窗口望去,远处尽是连绵的山峦和屋顶。
  • These uprisings come from desperation and a vista of a future without hope.发生这些暴动是因为人们被逼上了绝路,未来看不到一点儿希望。
6 pumpkin NtKy8     
  • They ate turkey and pumpkin pie.他们吃了火鸡和南瓜馅饼。
  • It looks like there is a person looking out of the pumpkin!看起来就像南瓜里有人在看着你!
7 musket 46jzO     
  • I hunted with a musket two years ago.两年前我用滑膛枪打猎。
  • So some seconds passed,till suddenly Joyce whipped up his musket and fired.又过了几秒钟,突然,乔伊斯端起枪来开了火。
8 gene WgKxx     
  • A single gene may have many effects.单一基因可能具有很多种效应。
  • The targeting of gene therapy has been paid close attention.其中基因治疗的靶向性是值得密切关注的问题之一。
9 checkered twbzdA     
  • The ground under the trees was checkered with sunlight and shade.林地光影交错。
  • He’d had a checkered past in the government.他过去在政界浮沉。
10 gender slSyD     
  • French differs from English in having gender for all nouns.法语不同于英语,所有的名词都有性。
  • Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.妇女有时仅仅因为性别而无法获得种种机会。
11 demon Wmdyj     
  • The demon of greed ruined the miser's happiness.贪得无厌的恶习毁掉了那个守财奴的幸福。
  • He has been possessed by the demon of disease for years.他多年来病魔缠身。
12 ranch dAUzk     
  • He went to work on a ranch.他去一个大农场干活。
  • The ranch is in the middle of a large plateau.该牧场位于一个辽阔高原的中部。
13 distraction muOz3l     
  • Total concentration is required with no distractions.要全神贯注,不能有丝毫分神。
  • Their national distraction is going to the disco.他们的全民消遣就是去蹦迪。
14 rouge nX7xI     
  • Women put rouge on their cheeks to make their faces pretty.女人往面颊上涂胭脂,使脸更漂亮。
  • She didn't need any powder or lip rouge to make her pretty.她天生漂亮,不需要任何脂粉唇膏打扮自己。
15 bucks a391832ce78ebbcfc3ed483cc6d17634     
n.雄鹿( buck的名词复数 );钱;(英国十九世纪初的)花花公子;(用于某些表达方式)责任v.(马等)猛然弓背跃起( buck的第三人称单数 );抵制;猛然震荡;马等尥起后蹄跳跃
  • They cost ten bucks. 这些值十元钱。
  • They are hunting for bucks. 他们正在猎雄兔。 来自《简明英汉词典》
16 narrate DFhxR     
  • They each narrate their own tale but are all inextricably linked together.她们各自讲述自己的故事,却又不可避免地联系在一起。
  • He once holds the tear to narrate a such story to mine.他曾经含着泪给我讲述了这样的一个故事。
17 raisin EC8y7     
  • They baked us raisin bread.他们给我们烤葡萄干面包。
  • You can also make raisin scones.你也可以做葡萄干烤饼。
18 chili JOlzm     
  • He helped himself to another two small spoonfuls of chili oil.他自己下手又加了两小勺辣椒油。
  • It has chocolate,chili,and other spices.有巧克力粉,辣椒,和其他的调味品。
19 stranded thfz18     
  • He was stranded in a strange city without money. 他流落在一个陌生的城市里, 身无分文,一筹莫展。
  • I was stranded in the strange town without money or friends. 我困在那陌生的城市,既没有钱,又没有朋友。
20 broths fb65e5c3a0e1bd93b86c93728ce7adcd     
n.肉汤( broth的名词复数 );厨师多了烧坏汤;人多手杂反坏事;人多添乱
  • Other ingredients commonly used to thicken soups and broths include rice, flour and grains. 其它用来使羹汤或高汤变浓的配料通常包括米,面粉和谷物。 来自互联网
  • When meat products, especially broths, are cooked, they often have lower oxidation-reduction potentials. 肉制品尤其是当肉汤被蒸煮时,它们经常有较低的氧化还原电势。 来自互联网
21 makeup 4AXxO     
  • Those who failed the exam take a makeup exam.这次考试不及格的人必须参加补考。
  • Do you think her beauty could makeup for her stupidity?你认为她的美丽能弥补她的愚蠢吗?
22 denim o9Lya     
  • She wore pale blue denim shorts and a white denim work shirt.她穿着一条淡蓝色的斜纹粗棉布短裤,一件白粗布工作服上衣。
  • Dennis was dressed in denim jeans.丹尼斯穿了一条牛仔裤。
23 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
24 possessed xuyyQ     
  • He flew out of the room like a man possessed.他像着了魔似地猛然冲出房门。
  • He behaved like someone possessed.他行为举止像是魔怔了。
25 touching sg6zQ9     
  • It was a touching sight.这是一幅动人的景象。
  • His letter was touching.他的信很感人。
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