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  • 每日一句口语 3468 The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. 世界是一本书,不旅行的人只读了其中的一页。 【知识点讲解】 page n. 页;页码;侍从 例句: There are several faults in the page of figures. 那一页的
  • 每日一句口语 3469 Remembrance is the beginning of healing. 铭记才是治愈的开始。 【知识点讲解】 Remembrance n.回想,回忆; 纪念品; 记忆,记忆力 例句: Aged persons often call to remembrance the scenes of their youth. 老年人常常回忆起
  • 每日一句口语 3470 Shed no tears for me, my glory lives forever! 不要为我流泪,我的荣誉将永远流传。 【知识点讲解】 glory n. 光荣;荣誉;赞颂;壮丽 例句: No road of flowers lead to glory. 没有一条通往光荣的道路是铺满鲜
  • 每日一句口语 3471 Some things are best left unsaid. 有些东西不说最好。 【知识点讲解】 unsaid adj. 未说出口的;收回的 例句: I think some things are better left unsaid. 我觉得有些实情还是不说的好。
  • 每日一句口语 3472 If you look for it, lve got a sneaky feeling youll find that love actually is all around. 如果你仔细寻找,你会发现爱其实无处不在。 【知识点讲解】 look for v. 寻找;寻求;期待 例句: He turned on the torch to look
  • 每日一句口语 3473 Get a move on, or all the good ones will have gone. 心动不行动,机会流失中。 【知识点讲解】 move on 继续前进; 更换工作(话题等); 离开 例句: He decided to go on and continue with his quest. 他决定继续前进,
  • 每日一句口语 3474 Maybe the truth is there's a little bit of loser in all of us. 也许我们每个人都有做失败者的时候。 【知识点讲解】 loser n. 失败者;输家;遗失者 例句: He is a born loser. 他天生是个庸才。
  • 每日一句口语 3475 Its not the load that breaks you down, its the way you carry it. 压垮你的不是那些重担,而是你背负的方式。 【知识点讲解】 break down 分解;发生故障 例句: The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候
  • 每日一句口语 3476 Travel can be one of the most rewarding forms of introspection. 旅行可能是最有益的自省方式之一。 【知识点讲解】 introspection n. 内省;反省;自省 例句: Behaviourism leaves out of account consciousness and introspect
  • 每日一句口语 3477 Just because you make a good plan, doesn't mean that's what's gonna happen. 制定完美的计划不代表事情会按着计划发生。 【知识点讲解】 make a plan 制定计划 例句: It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out. 制订了
  • 每日一句口语 3478 All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination. 你所需要的只是计划,路线图,以及朝着目标前进的勇气。 【知识点讲解】 press 压; 按; 把塞入; 例句: She can't sing. So don'
  • 每日一句口语 3479 Sometimes it's about doing the right thing, even if it's painful inside. 有时候就是要做对的事,哪怕内心万分痛苦。 【知识点讲解】 painful adj. 痛苦的;疼痛的;费力的 例句: The operation was very painful. 手术很
  • 每日一句口语 3480 Every family has the one person who keeps the genealogy in check. 每个家庭都有一个经常保持联系的成员。 【知识点讲解】 genealogy n. 家系;宗谱 例句: Many libraries specialize in genealogy. 许多图书馆专门收藏氏
  • 每日一句口语 3481 Its when you start to become really afraid of death that you learn to appreciate life. 只有当你真正感受到对死亡的恐惧,你才会学到要珍惜生命。 【知识点讲解】 afraid of 害怕 例句: The little girl is afraid of thu
  • 每日一句口语 3482 I was just wondering if you'd found the Heart of the Ocean yet. 我只是想知道,你们有没有找到海洋之心? 【知识点讲解】 wonder v.想知道,感到疑惑; 感到诧异 例句: I wonder what you think of this. 足下以为如何