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生活英语听力文章 第24期:和家人的沟通(2)

时间:2018-07-20 02:40来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 Something else I am remembering this Father’s Day is the relay race at track and field events. 这个父亲节我所记得的其他事情还有小路上的接力赛和田赛。

While in high school I was a member of a relay team which competed in the two-mile relay. 虽然在高中的时候,我是接力队的一员,这个接力队参加了一个2英里的接力赛。
I was in the second position on the team for each event. 每一次比赛,我都站在队伍的第二个位置。
I remember how much emphasis and importance our coach placed on the “hand off” of the baton1. 我记得我们教练有多么强调和重视接力棒的传递。
Actually the race could be won or lost depending on how well the first three relay members passed on the baton. 的确,比赛的成败可以决定于前三个接力队员在传递接力棒时做的如何。
I have drawn2 an analogy from that experience, reminding myself of the grave importance in passing on life’s baton to my children and grandchildren. 我用这个经历做个类比,提醒我自己将生活的接力棒传递给我的儿女和儿孙时的巨大重要性。
For me, two special concerns remain: 对我来说,有两个关注点:
1) What am I passing on? 我在传递什么?
2) How well am I making the “hand off?” 我做的“传递”如何呢?
Finally I have come to realize there is a “gift exchange” between generations. 后来我意识到每一代之间都有一个“礼物交换”。
The exchange begins with parents and grandparents who love, listen, and recognize with respect each child’s natural preferences and affirm his or her potential. 这个交换始于父母和祖父母,他们尊敬地爱护、听取、意识到每一个孩子的天生癖好,并肯定他或她的潜能。
Eventually the gifts of honor and gratitude3 will return from the children for years to come. That has been my cherished experience. 最终,在未来几年后尊敬和感激的礼物会从孩子那儿反馈回来。这就是我珍贵的经验。
Are we a perfect family? By no means! But, we are on a journey together where faith, hope, and love are the atmospherics we breathe. 我们是一个完美的家庭吗?绝不!但是,我们在一个能让我们呼吸信任、期望和爱之空气的旅程上。
We believe in one another, we desire and expect good things for one another, and we love and forgive one another. 我们互相信任,互相祝福,互相爱护,互相宽恕。
Is that always easy? Not at all! But it’s more than worth it. 这样做总是很容易吗?一点也不。但这非常值得。
For me, being the father and grandfather in our family is one wonderfully rewarding journey. 对于我来说,做我们家庭的父亲和祖父是一个非常有益的旅程。
I salute4 my children and grandchildren for who they are and are becoming. 我为我的儿女和儿孙现在是谁、将成为谁而感到自豪。
I challenge you to resist trying to control others; accept each person for who they are. 我冒昧劝你不要尝试去控制别人;接受每个人本身。
Engage in genuine listening and understanding. Be consistent in respect for one another. It almost always makes for treasured connectedness. 做真正的倾听和理解。相互尊重。这样就可以促成宝贵的联系。
I certainly agree with Jack5 Baker6, actor and author, who says,every dad, if he takes time out of his busy life to reflex on his fatherhood,can learn ways to become an even better dad. 我完全同意杰克·贝克,一位演员兼作家的观点。他说,每一位父亲只要肯从他繁忙的生活中抽出时间来反省自己作为一个父亲是否称职,他一定会变成一位更好的父亲。
Happy Father's Day. 父亲节快乐。


1 baton 5Quyw     
  • With the baton the conductor was beating time.乐队指挥用指挥棒打拍子。
  • The conductor waved his baton,and the band started up.指挥挥动指挥棒,乐队开始演奏起来。
2 drawn MuXzIi     
  • All the characters in the story are drawn from life.故事中的所有人物都取材于生活。
  • Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.她的目光禁不住被外面的风景所吸引。
3 gratitude p6wyS     
  • I have expressed the depth of my gratitude to him.我向他表示了深切的谢意。
  • She could not help her tears of gratitude rolling down her face.她感激的泪珠禁不住沿着面颊流了下来。
4 salute rYzx4     
  • Merchant ships salute each other by dipping the flag.商船互相点旗致敬。
  • The Japanese women salute the people with formal bows in welcome.这些日本妇女以正式的鞠躬向人们施礼以示欢迎。
5 jack 53Hxp     
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
6 baker wyTz62     
  • The baker bakes his bread in the bakery.面包师在面包房内烤面包。
  • The baker frosted the cake with a mixture of sugar and whites of eggs.面包师在蛋糕上撒了一层白糖和蛋清的混合料。
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