But stepping out onto theopen savanna1 also clearly left the early hominids much more exposed. An uprighthominid could see better, but could also be seen better. Even now as a species,we are almost preposterously2 vulnerable in the wild. Nearly every large animalyou can care to name is stronger, faster, and toothier than us. Faced withattack, modern humans have only two advantages. We have a good brain, withwhich we can devise strategies, and we have hands with which we can fling orbrandish hurtful objects. We are the only creature that can harm at a distance.We can thus afford to be physically3 vulnerable.
All the elements wouldappear to have been in place for the rapid evolution of a potent4 brain, and yetthat seems not to have happened. For over three million years, Lucy and herfellow australopithecines scarcely changed at all. Their brain didn't grow andthere is no sign that they used even the simplest tools. What is stranger stillis that we now know that for about a million years they lived alongside otherearly hominids who did use tools, yet the australopithecines never tookadvantage of this useful technology that was all around them.

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n.大草原 | |
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adv.反常地;荒谬地;荒谬可笑地;不合理地 | |
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adj.物质上,体格上,身体上,按自然规律 | |
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adj.强有力的,有权势的;有效力的 | |
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