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英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 07

时间:2011-10-21 07:52来源:互联网 提供网友:fei   字体: [ ]

  [00:03.96]I'd die of shame. 否则我会羞死的
[00:05.84]Okay. All right. OK,好吧
[00:07.12]- Love you. - Love you, too. - 爱你 - 也爱你
[00:07.24]Bye. 再见
[00:09.64]Hello? Yeah. Hello? 是
[00:13.20]- Om. - I'll try it. - 嗯 - 我跟她说
[00:13.68]Mm-hmm. 嗯-嗯
[00:14.80]Okay. OK
[00:16.60]Okay, how about this? OK,那这样如何?
[00:18.84]Daddy drops you off at the concert and picks you up after. 爸爸把你带到演唱会现场 结束以后再去接你
[00:19.24]You mean like a little kid being picked up from day-care? 你把当成需要人照顾 一整天的小孩吗?
[00:24.96]Is there no end to the humiliation1 你们对我的累积的
[00:26.32]you want to heap upon me, Mom? 羞辱难道没有一个止境吗,妈咪?
[00:27.08]We're heaping humiliation. 我们在对她进行侮辱
[00:30.52]Yeah. Okay. 好,OK
[00:33.48]Bye. 再见
[00:34.48]All right, tonight you are eating. 好吧,今晚你得吃饭
[00:35.56]Is Mary going to die? 玛丽会死吗?
[00:37.44]She's not gonna die. 她不会死
[00:39.64]But it smells like something has died in here. 但这里闻起来好像 有什么东西死了一样
[00:41.80]What is that smell? 这味道从哪儿来的?
[00:45.20](Gasps) (喘气)
[00:50.60]Okay. That's it. 好吧,我看这样吧
[00:52.24]No allowance2 for one month, 停发一个月的零用钱
[00:52.64]and then you're gonna have a parole hearing. 然后再看你的表现
[00:55.36]But I could really use the money now, Mom. 但我现在很需要钱,妈咪
[00:58.32]Can't you take it away next month or September? 你就不能推延到 下个星期或者九月吗?
[01:00.40]No. 不
[01:01.52]It's so cool. 真酷啊
[01:07.80]I have been looking all over for you two. 我正到处找你们两位呢
[01:10.56]I knew you'd want to see these. 我知道你们一定很想看这个
[01:11.12]See, they just came in the mail. 看,刚刚邮寄过来的
[01:14.92]They've just been printed. 才印好不久呢
[01:16.52]Please, you're blocking my view. 请让一下,你挡着我了
[01:18.12]So, did you get yours yet? 那么,你们的拿到了吗?
[01:19.52]Actually, mine came in the mail yesterday, 其实,我的昨天就寄过来了
[01:22.48]but I'm nice enough not to flaunt3 them. 但我才不会拿着到处炫耀
[01:24.36]Why don't you admit you don't have tickets 你们为什么不干脆点 承认你们没有门票和邀请
[01:25.96]or an invite and get it over with? 然后就了事了呢?
[01:27.56]I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of photographers there. 我确信到时一定会有 许多摄影记者
[01:30.60]Maybe we can even get our pictures taken together. 也许我们还可以在一起 拍张照呢
[01:34.20]And you can be in the shot, too, Ella. 你也可以一起照嘛,埃拉
[01:34.60]That's a deal. 想法不错嘛
[01:40.56]Absolutely. I'll be there. 当然了 我当然会的
[01:45.76]Really? 真的?
[01:48.04]I guess. 也许吧
[01:50.32]I have enough for both of us. 我的钱够我们两个买票的
[01:53.88]I'm gonna pay you back 我发誓一旦我的零用钱得到恢复
[01:55.68]the second I get my allowance reinstated. 我会补偿你的
[01:56.16]As soon as I get my first starring role, 我拿到第一个主角的时候
[01:59.68]You sure we have enough? 你确定你的钱够吗?
[01:59.96]I'm taking you to Europe. 我带你去欧洲旅游
[02:01.92](Both gasp) (同时屏气) 牌子上写着“票已售完”
[02:07.28]Oh, no. Company. 哦,不,伙计
[02:11.72]Wow, look who's here. 哇,看看是谁在这儿
[02:12.56]I'd stay and chat, but I don't want to stay and chat. 我想留下来聊 但我不会留下来聊
[02:17.96]She was so mean to Callie Stevens, 她就像卡莉·斯蒂文斯 一下下流
[02:19.04]and her family had to move to Cleveland. 她们家不得不搬到克利夫兰
[02:20.64]Catch you at the concert Friday. 周五演唱会见!
[02:23.72]That would be a good line if we were going. 如果我们能去 这句话听起来就太好了
[02:26.08]I don't think something as small as tickets should stop us. 门票这种小事情 怎么能阻止我们呢?
[02:29.20]Part of the fun in going to New York 在纽约 你的乐趣之一
[02:30.96]Scalpers, Ella. 还有黄牛党呢,埃拉
[02:32.36]is dealing4 with the slimeball scalpers. 就是和那些狡猾 的黄牛党打交道
[02:33.12]If we go, I just know something is gonna go wrong. 如果我们去的话 我看八成会出问题
[02:36.16]I'm gonna die, and my parents are gonna find out. 我会死的 我父母会发现的
[02:39.20]LOLA: And then Mrs. Higgins says, 洛拉: 然后希金斯夫人说
[02:42.72]"And what will you do now, dear?" “那你们现在该怎么办, 亲爱的?”
[02:42.72]Hi. Hi
[02:43.88]Hey, Mom. 嘿,妈妈
[02:45.00]There's gonna be a cast party 今天演出结束以后
[02:47.76]at Carla "The Bad" Santini's house after the show. 在那个坏卡拉·桑提提的家里 有个聚会
[02:48.64]Everyone's gonna be really dressed up. 每个人都会盛装出席
[02:50.24]It's my big night. 那是属于我的夜晚
[02:51.52]I want to look absolutely perfect. 我想让自己看起来显得完美
[02:52.96]Well, the car broke down today. 不幸的是,车子今天坏了
[02:56.52]That cost me $600. 花了我600美元
[02:57.20]So, do you think you could look absolutely perfect 你能不能考虑一下 现有的衣服
[02:57.44]Plus I have to buy a new kiln5. 再说我要买个新炉子
[03:01.88]in something that you already own? 哪一件能使你看起来 显得完美呢?
[03:04.16]Sure, I'll try and find something. 当然,我试一下 也许能找到
[03:04.84]Yeah. 好的
[03:11.44]Can you believe 64 hours from now 你能想象还有60个小时
[03:13.04]we'll be within touching6 distance 我们就能和那个 写出那么多好听的歌曲的人
[03:15.92]from the man who wrote so many great songs, 面对面了,
[03:17.68]and I still haven't found something to wear? 而我在这儿还知道该穿些什么?
[03:20.08]Come on, baby, show it 来吧,宝贝,秀出来
[03:21.68]Come on, baby, show it, come in and meet the boys 来吧,宝贝,秀出来 进来见那些男孩
[03:25.36]What I needed for the concert was a drop-dead-gorgeous dress 我需要找一件 美得到死的裙子
[03:27.16]that made me look 25 and sophisticated7 enough 能让我看起来有25岁
[03:30.24]to have a perfume named after me. 并且美得可以让某种香水 以我的名字命名
[03:32.68]This had to be really, really special. 它必须十分,十分的特别
[03:34.80]It had to be glamorous8, and it had to make a statement. 必须很迷人 而且有特殊的效果
[03:36.20]If I wanted Stu Wolff to notice me, that is. 如果我想让斯图·沃尔夫注意 到我的话,就必须这样
[03:41.52]You better look good, you got to have height 你必须看起来漂亮 你必须有高度
[03:43.32]Might as well just wear this to see Stu. 或者戴上这个去见斯图
[03:45.60]Nothing else to wear anyway. 别的什么也不穿
[03:47.92]I'm gonna be the dowdy9 redhead who doesn't know how to dress. 那我就是不知道如何穿着 的寒酸的小红帽
[03:50.40](Ella sobbing) (埃拉呜咽)
[03:54.76]Don't worry, Ella, I'll find something to wear. 别担心,埃拉 我会找到衣服穿的
[03:55.88]I mean, accessories10 are good, too. 我是说,小配件也不错啊
[03:57.36]They'll help me. 它们会有所帮助的
[03:59.84]Don't cry. 别哭了
[04:03.48]I can't say I'm sleeping over at your house when I'm not. 我不能跟你说我会睡在这儿 而最后却没有
[04:04.12]I can't lie! 我不能撒谎!
[04:07.28]I can't go into New York behind my parents' backs. 我不能背着父母去纽约
[04:10.08]I can't do it. 我不能这样
[04:12.24]They're gonna be in the city, just not in the same venue11. 他们也会去的 只不过不在同一条街上
[04:12.68]We're not really going behind their backs. 我们不是在他们背后
[04:16.40]I'm not going. 我不去
[04:16.64]I'm not going. 我不去
[04:17.92]I'm not going. 我不去
[04:20.40]We're supposed to do things like this. 我们必须这么做
[04:21.72]15-year-olds in other cultures are grandmothers. 在有的国家 15岁的人都当奶奶了
[04:25.60]No one gave them permission to do that. 没有人允许她们这么做
[04:27.08]It's not our fault that the people 把我们带到这个世界上的人
[04:27.64]who brought us into this world 不理解我们大胆走出牢笼
[04:29.96]don't understand that we must fly away from the nest. 并不是我们的错
[04:31.64]Nature is telling us to go. 本能告诉我们必须 我们必须去
[04:33.92]And our parents are good people. 我们的父母都是好人
[04:35.52]They love us. 他们爱我们
[04:36.72]Yeah, they love us, right? 是啊,他们爱着我们 不是吗?
[04:39.20]I'm sure they'd hate if anything happened to us. 我肯定如果有什么不好的 事情发生他们一定会很讨厌的
[04:39.32]They really love us. 他们十分爱我们
[04:46.28]Wait here one second, okay? 在这儿等一下,好吗?
[04:50.52]We'll go, and it'll be fun. 我们要去 一定很好玩
[04:50.64]Don't cry. It's gonna work out. 别哭了 我们会找到办法的
[04:54.80]I can't lie! 我不能撒谎
[04:58.80]Mom, it's amazing how sometimes I come to your conclusions. 妈咪,有些时候我得到跟你一样 的结论,真是太奇妙了


1 humiliation Jd3zW     
  • He suffered the humiliation of being forced to ask for his cards.他蒙受了被迫要求辞职的羞辱。
  • He will wish to revenge his humiliation in last Season's Final.他会为在上个季度的决赛中所受的耻辱而报复的。
2 allowance RLdyr     
  • My monthly allowance is 50 yuan.我每月的津贴是50元。
  • I have to work to earn my allowance.我非得工作挣零用钱。
3 flaunt 0gAz7     
  • His behavior was an outrageous flaunt.他的行为是一种无耻的炫耀。
  • Why would you flaunt that on a public forum?为什么你们会在公共论坛大肆炫耀?
4 dealing NvjzWP     
  • This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.该商店因买卖公道而享有极高的声誉。
  • His fair dealing earned our confidence.他的诚实的行为获得我们的信任。
5 kiln naQzW     
  • That morning we fired our first kiln of charcoal.那天上午,我们烧了我们的第一窑木炭。
  • Bricks are baked in a kiln.砖是在窑里烧成的。
6 touching sg6zQ9     
  • It was a touching sight.这是一幅动人的景象。
  • His letter was touching.他的信很感人。
7 sophisticated vimzWz     
  • She has become very sophisticated since she went to live in London.移居伦敦后她变得世故多了。
  • This is a very sophisticated machine.这是一台非常精密的机器。
8 glamorous ezZyZ     
  • The south coast is less glamorous but full of clean and attractive hotels.南海岸魅力稍逊,但却有很多干净漂亮的宾馆。
  • It is hard work and not a glamorous job as portrayed by the media.这是份苦差,并非像媒体描绘的那般令人向往。
9 dowdy ZsdxQ     
  • She was in a dowdy blue frock.她穿了件不大洁净的蓝上衣。
  • She looked very plain and dowdy.她长得非常普通,衣也过时。
10 accessories 464b656ace0f8ba7b077c68256c26730     
n.附件;附件( accessory的名词复数 );(衣服的)配饰;从犯;妇女饰品
  • a range of furnishings and accessories for the home 各种各样的家居装饰物及配件
  • These are indispensable accessories. 这些是不可缺少的附件。 来自《简明英汉词典》
11 venue ALkzr     
  • The hall provided a venue for weddings and other functions.大厅给婚礼和其他社会活动提供了场所。
  • The chosen venue caused great controversy among the people.人们就审判地点的问题产生了极大的争议。
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