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时间:2012-11-23 05:33来源:互联网 提供网友:jpstudy   字体: [ ]

   [00:20.00]Okay, everybody, it’s a new day 好的,大家,今天是新的一天

  [00:21.56]an opportunity for all of us to make amends1 让我们有机会做些调整
  [00:26.24]So, why don’t we start at the beginning? 不如从头开始吧?
  [00:26.36]Horns, trumpets2, very percussive3 in the first section 喇叭,小号 第一段节奏感重些
  [00:28.60]Strings, more energy in those bows. Ready? 弦乐,弓要拉得更有活力些 预备?
  [00:44.92]-lt’s fine. l’ll take you right through. -Thank you - 不要紧,我直接带你去 - 谢谢
  [00:49.32]They’re rehearsing right now 他们正在排练
  [02:13.80]-Hey, Dad, what are you doing here? -What am l doing? - 嘿,爸,你怎么在这? - 我怎么在这?
  [02:18.96]l’ve come to see you conduct 我来看你指挥啊
  [02:19.60]-What are you doing? -l’m rehearsing - 你在做什么? - 我正在排练
  [02:23.76]-Aren’t you conducting? -Not today. No. l’m... - 你不指挥吗? - 今天不,我...
  [02:28.32]-You’re playing the drum. -l am. lt’s percussion4 - 你在打鼓 - 我是啊,敲打乐器
  [02:32.80]lt’s what l do 那是我的工作
  [02:37.76]-l thought you were conducting. -Not today. l’ll explain - 我以为你在指挥 - 今天没有,我再跟你解释
  [02:42.12]l should get back 我该下去了
  [02:43.60]You just walked off the stage and nobody noticed? 你刚走下台 而却没人发现吗?
  [02:45.32]Come on, stop it. What are you doing here? 别这样,你怎么来了?
  [02:47.60]l’m visiting. lt’s a surprise 我来看你,是个惊喜
  [02:50.36]l came to spend some time with my son, the conductor 我来跟我的指挥家儿子 相处个几天
  [02:56.36]-That’s my cue5. -Well, get back, get back - 那是我的信号 - 那快回去啊,快去
  [03:00.84]Okay 好
  [03:15.04]-That’s very good. -Very good. Yeah - 很好 - 很好,嗯
  [03:20.48]Never hit a drum in my life, but suddenly l’m very good 我这辈子没打过鼓 但我突然成了专家
  [03:22.28]Without training, without skill 没受过训练也没有技能
  [03:26.56]without all the musical talent that you have 完全没有你所拥有的音乐细胞
  [03:28.08]Never said l was conducting, Dad 我从未说过我是指挥家
  [03:31.36]Yeah, well, your mother said you were doing well 是啊,你妈说你混得很好
  [03:35.44]that you were conducting and composing and doing your music 不但做指挥还自己写音乐
  [03:36.92]l am doing my music. lt’s percussion. lt suits me just fine 我是在自己做音乐 敲打乐器很适合我
  [03:44.68]But the drum? 打鼓是怎么回事?
  [03:48.76]lt’s low pressure, and l enjoy it 没什么压力,我很喜欢
  [03:51.92]l get to travel, the money’s fine, l got no ties 可以四处旅游 收入也不错,也不必担责任
  [03:54.48]Everybody said that you had a talent, that you had a future 大家都说你有天分 前途无量
  [04:02.04]People are polite, Dad. You know, they don’t always tell you the truth 爸,那是客套 他们不见得都跟你说实话
  [04:04.12]The truth is, l was never quite good enough 事实是,我一直都不够厉害
  [04:09.92]But all that education, and now you’re disappointed? 但念了这么多书 你现在突然感到失望吗?
  [04:16.76]l’m not disappointed 我没有失望
  [04:18.24]l’m not disappointed, but you obviously6 are 我不失望 但很显然的你很失望
  [04:20.72]No, l’m not disappointed. lt just seems like a waste, that’s all 不,我不失望 只是感到很可惜罢了
  [04:23.72]Of what? What’s it a waste of? Of your telephone wire? 什么很可惜?浪费了什么? 你的电话线吗?
  [04:25.72]No, no. lt’s not that. l didn’t say that 不、不,我没这么说
  [04:31.28]You know, l still compose, and l conduct in my spare time 我还是有谱曲 空闲时也会从事指挥
  [04:34.44]but nobody wants to employ me to do that professionally 但没有人愿意聘我当职业指挥家
  [04:35.44]That’s just the way it is 事实就是这样
  [04:38.96]Well, l guess l’m just saying it’s never too late. You could... 我想说的是一切都还来得及 你可以...
  [04:40.72]You could keep at it and go back to studying 你可以继续努力 回学校去再念书
  [04:44.80]-and l could help you out. -lt doesn’t work like that, Dad - 我可以资助你 - 不是那样的,爸
  [04:45.68]lf it was going to have happened, it would have happened by now 若会发生的话 早就已经发生了
  [04:50.24]Besides, l’m not sure it’s what l wanted. l think maybe l was doing it for you 况且,我不确定那是不是我想要的 我想可能都是为了你
  [04:55.84]Dad, the point is, this suits me just fine. This is what l want 爸,重点是,我现在很好 这才是我要的
  [04:56.92]l don’t believe that 我不相信
  [05:04.20]Hey. Hey 嘿,嘿
  [05:06.36]Are you managing okay at home? 你一个人在家还好吗?
  [05:10.32]-Yeah, l’m cooking every day. -Cooking? Yeah? - 嗯,我每天都烧饭 - 烧饭?是喔?
  [05:14.84]-Do you know what you’re doing? -No, l just make it up, but... - 你知道自己在做什么吗? - 不,我就随兴做...
  [05:20.68]Well, l thought we could spend a couple of days together 我在想说 我们可以共处一两天
  [05:23.64]l... Dad, l fly to Europe this evening 我...爸,我今晚要飞欧洲
  [05:27.76]lt’s a big trip. We gotta pack up this afternoon 这是长途旅程 我们今天下午就要打包完毕
  [05:28.32]l wish l could, honestly, but you know... 我真希望我可以,但是...
  [05:31.12]l’m sorry, Dad. That would have been great 抱歉,爸 能相处几天应该很棒
  [05:41.56]Well... 嗯...
  [05:51.32]l went to see David in New York. ls he still at the same address? 我到了纽约去看大卫 他的地址还是一样吗?
  [05:55.48]Yeah. l think so 应该吧
  [05:57.04]Yeah, l want to check his address and phone number with you 嗯,我想跟你对一下 他的电话与住址
  [05:59.16]Sure 好啊
  [06:04.12]-l need some fresh air. -All right - 我需要透点气 - 好
  [06:10.20]-Robert, come on. Don’t smoke. -What do you mean, don’t smoke? - 劳勃,拜托,别抽烟 - 什么叫别抽烟?
  [06:15.84]Don’t smoke. You know better. Come on 别抽烟,你很清楚的 拜托
  [06:16.84]Don’t smoke 别抽烟
  [06:21.32]All right, l won’t smoke. Not in front of you 好啦,我不在你面前抽就是了
  [06:22.28]Not if it upsets you, but you know l do smoke sometimes 若让你这么不高兴 但你也知道我偶尔会抽
  [06:26.16]Just so you know 只是告知你一声
  [06:30.88]-Anyway, you used to smoke. -l know l used to smoke - 反正你以前也抽烟 - 我知道我以前也抽
  [06:31.64]That’s when l didn’t know any better 那是我年轻不懂事
  [06:33.44]Now l do. Your mother made me stop, too 我现在懂了 你妈也让我戒了
  [06:37.24]You know, l will, too, but occasionally8 l do smoke. When l wanna quit, l’ll quit 我也会戒的,但现在我偶尔会抽 等我想戒时就会戒了
  [06:41.92]-Hey, Robert. -Hey, Dave - 嘿,劳勃 - 嘿,大卫
  [06:43.60]Let me get this straight. You worked in a wire factory 让我把话说明吧 你以前在电线工厂上班
  [06:48.16]smoking a couple of packs a day 一天抽好几包
  [06:49.64]but me being a percussionist9 and having an occasional7 cigarette 我现在是打击乐手 偶尔抽根烟
  [06:52.64]-isn’t good enough for you? -Come on - 对你来说就是不成才? - 别不高兴嘛
  [06:58.72]You know, Mom used to say, "Make your dad proud 你知道妈以前常说 要让你爸骄傲
  [07:01.80]"He works10 so hard for us." And l know you’re not proud of me “他为我们家努力了一辈子” 我知道你不以我为傲
  [07:02.56]l know 我知道
  [07:03.84]-That’s not true. -l can feel it. lt’s fine - 不是这样的 - 我感觉得到,没关系
  [07:07.44]l’m working hard here. l’m doing the best l can 我在这也很努力 我很尽力
  [07:09.24]-Have your cigarette. -What? - 抽你的烟 - 什么?
  [07:13.00]Have your cigarette, you need it 抽你的烟啊,你需要抽
  [07:18.56]No, you know what? l quit 不,你知道吗?我现在就戒
  [07:24.16]-Hi, Robert. -Hey, l just quit smoking - 嗨,劳勃 - 嘿,我刚戒烟
  [07:24.52]-Good job. -Thanks - 做得好 - 谢了
  [07:29.04]l’m not quitting because you want me to 我不是因为你要我戒我才戒
  [07:29.60]l’m quitting ’cause l know you don’t think l can 我戒烟是因为你认为我戒不掉
  [07:34.48]-Just to make that clear, okay? -Okay - 这点要先讲清楚,好吗? - 好
  [07:38.48]Anyway, you sounded good on the drums 不论如何 你的鼓打得很好
  [07:40.96]l missed a beat when l heard you coming in 你走进来时 我错掉了一拍
  [07:44.72]bumping your bag. You kind of threw me off there 当你的行李碰碰作响时 你让我分心了
  [07:48.32]Well, anyway, what’s a missed beat here and there? 反正偶尔错掉一拍有什么大不了?
  [07:52.56]lt’s good, sounded very good 很好,很好听
  [07:53.48]Yeah. Thanks, Dad 嗯,谢谢,爸
  [08:00.20]We don’t see each other very often. l wasn’t trying to... 我们不常见面 我不是要...
  [08:04.72]l’m sorry, you know. l just... 抱歉,我只是...
  [08:07.16]Look, you just gave up smoking. You’re gonna be a little edgy11 听着,你才刚戒烟 情绪难免有点不稳定
  [08:09.64]ls that... ls that what it is? 是...是这样吗?
  [08:12.64]-Well, anyway, l’m sorry. -Yeah, well, l’m sorry, too - 不论如何,很抱歉 - 我也很抱歉
  [08:20.20]-Of course. -This is James Green - 当然 - 这位是詹姆士格林
  [08:20.64]Hey, James, l want to introduce you to my father 嘿,詹姆士 我介绍我爸给你认识
  [08:24.80]-famous conductor. -Hi, James - 著名指挥家 - 嗨,詹姆士
  [08:25.36]This is Frank12, my dad. Very famous dad 这位是法兰克,我爸 著名父亲
  [08:28.28]-Nice to meet you. -Nice meeting you - 幸会 - 幸会
  [08:29.92]-Good luck with everything. -Thanks - 一切顺利 - 谢谢
  [08:31.84]He’s busy 他很忙


1 amends AzlzCR     
n. 赔偿
  • He made amends for his rudeness by giving her some flowers. 他送给她一些花,为他自己的鲁莽赔罪。
  • This country refuses stubbornly to make amends for its past war crimes. 该国顽固地拒绝为其过去的战争罪行赔罪。
2 trumpets 1d27569a4f995c4961694565bd144f85     
喇叭( trumpet的名词复数 ); 小号; 喇叭形物; (尤指)绽开的水仙花
  • A wreath was laid on the monument to a fanfare of trumpets. 在响亮的号角声中花圈被献在纪念碑前。
  • A fanfare of trumpets heralded the arrival of the King. 嘹亮的小号声宣告了国王驾到。
3 percussive M3gz9     
  • When it is dragged over pliant areas, an additional percussive tap could indicate this collision. 当它被拖到受范区域时,一个附加的敲击声提示这种碰触。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
  • Pneumatic DTH (Down-The-Hole) hammer is one of main pneumatic percussive-rotary drilling equipments. 风动冲击器是气动冲击回转钻进的主要设备之一。 来自互联网
4 percussion K3yza     
  • In an orchestra,people who play percussion instruments sit at the back.在管弦乐队中,演奏打击乐器的人会坐在后面。
  • Percussion of the abdomen is often omitted.腹部叩诊常被省略。
5 cue Nn3zp     
  • When she coughs,it's my cue to come onto the stage.她一咳嗽,就是给我暗号出场。
  • The actor missed his cue and came onto the stage late.这演员错过了向他发出的提示,上场晚了。
6 obviously uIKxo     
  • Obviously they were putting him to a severe test.显然他们是在给他以严峻的考验。
  • Obviously he was lying.显然他是在撒谎。
7 occasional rIwxn     
  • That sort of thing is quite occasional and not regular.那种事十分偶然,没有规律。
  • We must figure in occasional expenses in the budget.我们必须在预算中把临时费用算计在内。
8 occasionally EInxn     
  • He went on talking,occasionally wiping at his face with a towel.他继续说着,偶尔用毛巾擦一下脸。
  • I like playing football best,but occasionally I play table tennis,too.我最喜欢踢足球,偶尔也打打乒乓球。
9 percussionist n3Nz9     
  • She overcame her deafness and eventually became a successful percussionist. 她克服了耳聋的毛病,最后当了打击乐队敲打手。 来自辞典例句
  • For many years I practiced these techniques as a professional percussionist in jazz and new music. 许多年来作为一个职业的爵士乐和新音乐演奏者我不断实践着。 来自互联网
10 works ieuzIh     
  • We expect writers to produce more and better works.我们期望作家们写出更多更好的作品。
  • The novel is regarded as one of the classic works.这篇小说被公认为是最优秀的作品之一。
11 edgy FuMzWT     
  • She's been a bit edgy lately,waiting for the exam results.她正在等待考试结果,所以最近有些焦躁不安。
  • He was nervous and edgy, still chain-smoking.他紧张不安,还在一根接一根地抽着烟。
12 frank JibxK     
  • A frank discussion can help to clear the air.坦率的谈论有助于消除隔阂。
  • She is frank and outgoing.她很爽朗。
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