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听电影学英语-这个男人来自地球 03

时间:2011-03-08 08:00来源:互联网 提供网友:fchlrmlyz   字体: [ ]

  [00:02.63]只是他们知识不多 They just didn’t know as much.
[00:04.43]John说的那个人可以与人类文明同步学习 John’s man would have learned as the race learned.
[00:07.43]事实上 如果他喜欢刨根问底 In fact, if he had an inquiring mind,
[00:10.60]他的知识储备将会是惊人的 His knowledge might be astonishing.
[00:13.70]如果你要写书 我有兴趣看看 If you do write that, let me have a look at it.
[00:16.00]我保证你会掀起一股人类学的热潮的 I’m sure you’ll make some anthropological1 boners.
[00:18.26]就这么定了 It’s a deal.
[00:19.36]他为什么会活那么久? What would keep him alive?
[00:21.25]听听生物学家怎么说? What does the biologist say?
[00:23.10]香烟 Cigarettes.
[00:24.76]和冰激凌 And ice cream.
[00:26.60]好 好 我想想 All right, all right, I’ll play.
[00:28.73]嗯 从科幻角度说 All right, um, in science fiction terms,
[00:32.46]我觉得是  I would say...
[00:35.63]完美的人体细胞再生功能 Perfect regeneration of the body’s cells,
[00:39.46]特别是重要器官 Especially in the vital organs.
[00:41.60]事实上 人体原本被设计成 Actually, the human body appears designed
[00:43.50]能活到190岁左右 To live about 190 years.
[00:45.60]我们大多数人死于慢性中毒 Most of us just die of slow poisoning.
[00:49.46]也许他在某方面做对了 Maybe he did something right,
[00:51.00]而历史上的其他人恰恰没有做到 Something everybody else in history had done wrong.
[00:54.33]比如?像吃饭? What, like eat the food,

[00:55.76]喝水? 呼吸? Drink the water, and breathe the air?
[00:57.80]在现代社会之前 Prior to modern times,
[00:59.78]这些都是纯天然的 Those were pristine2.
[01:01.70]人们已经把人类活动扩展到了 We’ve extended our lifespan in a world that’s, uh...
[01:06.20]不宜生存的地方 Not fit to live in.
[01:08.10]这种现象是有可能的 You know, it could happen.
[01:09.60]胰腺细胞每24小时代谢一次 The pancreas turns over cells every 24 hours,
[01:11.93]胃部组织每3天更新一次 The stomach lining3 in three days,
[01:13.57]全身细胞每星期更新一次 The entire body in seven years,
[01:15.16]但其过程并不稳定 But the process falters4.
[01:16.73]废物的堆积 最后导致官能阻滞 Waste accumulates, eventually proves fatal to function.
[01:19.56]如果他的免疫系统运作神奇 Now if a quirk5 in his immune system
[01:22.23]那就能完全地解毒 Led to perfect detox,
[01:24.00]完美地更新 然后 Perfect renewal6, then yeah.
[01:26.00]他可以躲过衰老 He could duck decay.
[01:28.26]这样的秘诀 谁都想拥有 Mm, that’s a secret we’d all love to have.
[01:30.53]你真想变成那样吗? Would you really want to do that?
[01:33.50]活1’4000年? Live 14,000 years?
[01:35.43]当然 前提是我活得健康而且不变老 Well, if I could stay healthy and I didn’t age,
[01:38.26]为什么不呢? I mean, why not?
[01:39.43]是啊 多好的学习机会啊 Yeah. What a chance to learn.

  [01:41.63]有人肚子饿了吗? Is anyone hungry?
[01:44.50]我越想 是的 我越觉得可能 You know, the more I think about it, yeah, it’s possible.
[01:47.40]任何事都有可能 是吧? Anything is possible, right?
[01:49.00]毕竟 前一个世纪属于神秘 后一个世纪属于科学 After all, one century’s magic, another century’s science.
[01:52.30]那时候人们认为哥伦布是神经病 不是吗? They thought columbus was a nut job, right?
[01:54.46]巴斯德(法国 发明狂犬疫苗) 还有哥白尼? Pasteur, copernicus?
[01:55.56]还有很久之前的阿利斯塔克斯(古希腊天文学家;约前三世纪) Aristarchus long before that.
[01:57.23]对 Right.
[01:58.36]我有机会和哥伦布一起航行 I had a chance to sail with columbus,
[02:00.71]但是我不擅长冒险 Only I’m not the adventurous7 type.
[02:03.12]我当时很肯定地球就是圆的 I was pretty sure the earth was round,
[02:06.09]但在这件事上 我仍然觉得 But at that point, I still thought
[02:08.85]他有可能从某个边缘摔下去 He might fall off an edge someplace...
[02:21.50]看看大家 John Look around, john.
[02:23.90]我们刚刚都上当了 We just did.
[02:25.33]我觉得刚才那段话肯定有个笑点 I suppose there’s a joke in there somewhere,
[02:27.70]但我没抓住 But I don’t get it.
[02:29.00]其实没什么笑点 There’s nothing to get.
[02:30.90]我们在讨论什么? What are we talking about?
[02:32.73]我们在讨论一个穴居人 We were just talking about a caveman
[02:34.66]从远古生存至今 Who survives until the present time.
[02:37.06]就像你说的 一旦我掌握了学习方法 As you said, what a chance to learn,
[02:39.43]这是多好的学习机会啊 Once I learned to learn.
[02:43.03]你在我们来之前喝过威士忌了吗? Did you start the whiskey before we got here?
[02:47.10]假设这是部科幻小说 Pretend it’s science fiction.
[02:50.06]想象下 Figure it out.
[02:51.86]好吧 一个非常年迈的克鲁马努人 Okay, a Very old cro-Magnon
[02:56.40]生存至今 Living until the present.
[03:00.53]哦! Oh!
[03:05.73]怎么了? What?
[03:07.83]John刚刚坦白说他有1’4000岁了 John just confided8 that he’s 14,000 years old.
[03:10.76]哦 John 你看起来不过900岁 Oh, john, you don’t look a day over 900.
[03:14.40]好吧 好吧 Okay, okay.
[03:15.66]好吧 彭祖 我来陪你玩 All right, spock, I’ll play your little game.
[03:17.43]怎样?点睛之笔在哪儿? What do you want? What’s the punch line?
[03:20.15]每隔10年左右 当人们开始 Every ten years or so, when people start
[03:22.83]注意到我不会变老 我就会离开 To notice I don’t age, I move on.
[03:27.16]很好 很直白 John That’s very good, that’s very quick, john.
[03:29.61]你完成的时候 我想要读读这个故事 I wanna read that story when you’re done.
[03:32.03]你们想知道更多吗? You want more?
[03:33.56]当然 这个故事相当好 By all means. This is great.
[03:35.46]好吧 现在  All right, now...
[03:37.53]你觉得你是那个  So you think that you are a...

  [03:40.20]那个穴居人 A, uh, cro-Magnon.
[03:41.30]这点不是老师教的 Well, I didn’t learn it in school.
[03:42.90]我猜这是最好的解释 That’s my best guess,
[03:44.63]根据考古学数据 地图 考古研究 Based on archaeological data, maps, anthropological research.
[03:49.13]从美索不达米亚平原起 Since mesopotamia,
[03:50.53]我已经理清了距今4’000年 I’ve got the last... 4,000 years straight.
[03:53.73]你的思维跳跃在大多数人之前 所以 请继续 You’re ahead of most people, so please, go on.
[03:56.90]你们已经了解了背景知识 Well, you know the background stuff,
[03:58.50]所以我会尽量简短 So I’ll make it brief.
[03:59.96]在被我称作我的第一世 In what I call my first lifetime,
[04:02.46]我长到35岁 I aged9 to about 35...
[04:04.20]就是你们看到的样子 What you see.
[04:05.86]我最后统领我的部落 I ended up leading my group.
[04:08.03]我被当做拥有魔力的 They saw me as magical.
[04:09.90]我甚至都不需要决斗 I didn’t even have to fight for it.
[04:12.96]后来他们由于害怕 将我驱逐了 Then fear came, and they chased me away.
[04:15.86]他们觉得我在 They thought that I was
[04:17.40]偷走他们的岁数 以便活得更久 Stealing their lives away to stay young.
[04:19.76]这就是史前吸血鬼传说的起源 The prehistoric10 origin of the vampire11 myth.
[04:22.10]你太棒了! That is good!
[04:23.06]第一个1’000年 First thousand years,
[04:24.13]我是亲身经历的 I didn’t know up from sideways.
[04:26.26]那么你怎么知道是头1’000年呢? How do you know the first thousand years?
[04:28.73]有根据的猜测  An informed guess, based on what
[04:30.30]根据我记忆中获得的信息 I’ve learned in my memories.
[04:31.80]大多数人无法记住童年时期 Most people can scarcely remember their childhood,
[04:33.90]但你却能记得那个时期? But you have memories of that time?
[04:36.00]像你一样 我有选择地记忆 Like yours, selective.
[04:37.60]人生有起有落 也有心灵创伤 You know, the high points, the low points, traumas12.
[04:41.00]这些东西永远铭记在心 They stick in the mind forever.
[04:42.76]不管是3岁还是35岁 你都能感到疼痛 Put down at 3 or 35, you still feel a twinge.
[04:49.13]继续 Go on.
[04:50.50]我不停地被追赶 因为我不会死亡 I kept getting chased because I wouldn’t die,
[04:53.58]所以我找到了融入社会的窍门 So I got the hang of joining new groups I found.
[04:57.01]我也想到要周期性地迁徙 I also got the idea of periodically moving on.


1 anthropological anthropological     
  • These facts of responsibility are an anthropological datums- varied and multiform. 这些道德事实是一种人类学资料——性质不同,形式各异。 来自哲学部分
  • It is the most difficult of all anthropological data on which to "draw" the old Negro. 在所有的人类学资料中,最困难的事莫过于“刻划”古代的黑人。 来自辞典例句
2 pristine 5BQyC     
  • He wiped his fingers on his pristine handkerchief.他用他那块洁净的手帕擦手指。
  • He wasn't about to blemish that pristine record.他本不想去玷污那清白的过去。
3 lining kpgzTO     
  • The lining of my coat is torn.我的外套衬里破了。
  • Moss makes an attractive lining to wire baskets.用苔藓垫在铁丝篮里很漂亮。
4 falters fd2ab5918c10d6fbce972ade02d2da5c     
(嗓音)颤抖( falter的第三人称单数 ); 支吾其词; 蹒跚; 摇晃
  • He never falters in his determination. 他的决心从不动摇。
  • The plan never falters; the design never changes. It is all ordered. 大自然从不步履蹒跚,从不三心二意,一切都是有条不紊。
5 quirk 00KzV     
  • He had a strange quirk of addressing his wife as Mrs Smith.他很怪,把自己的妻子称作史密斯夫人。
  • The most annoying quirk of his is wearing a cap all the time.他最令人感到厌恶的怪癖就是无论何时都戴著帽子。
6 renewal UtZyW     
  • Her contract is coming up for renewal in the autumn.她的合同秋天就应该续签了。
  • Easter eggs symbolize the renewal of life.复活蛋象征新生。
7 adventurous LKryn     
  • I was filled with envy at their adventurous lifestyle.我很羨慕他们敢于冒险的生活方式。
  • He was predestined to lead an adventurous life.他注定要过冒险的生活。
8 confided 724f3f12e93e38bec4dda1e47c06c3b1     
v.吐露(秘密,心事等)( confide的过去式和过去分词 );(向某人)吐露(隐私、秘密等)
  • She confided all her secrets to her best friend. 她向她最要好的朋友倾吐了自己所有的秘密。
  • He confided to me that he had spent five years in prison. 他私下向我透露,他蹲过五年监狱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 aged 6zWzdI     
  • He had put on weight and aged a little.他胖了,也老点了。
  • He is aged,but his memory is still good.他已年老,然而记忆力还好。
10 prehistoric sPVxQ     
  • They have found prehistoric remains.他们发现了史前遗迹。
  • It was rather like an exhibition of prehistoric electronic equipment.这儿倒像是在展览古老的电子设备。
11 vampire 8KMzR     
  • It wasn't a wife waiting there for him but a blood sucking vampire!家里的不是个老婆,而是个吸人血的妖精!
  • Children were afraid to go to sleep at night because of the many legends of vampire.由于听过许多有关吸血鬼的传说,孩子们晚上不敢去睡觉。
12 traumas 7da1e4c0a8ca7c0043a49c2bf2de8868     
n.心灵创伤( trauma的名词复数 );损伤;痛苦经历;挫折
  • She felt exhausted after the traumas of recent weeks. 她经受了最近几个星期的痛苦之后感到精疲力竭。
  • Conclusion: Safety lens of spectacles can protect the occurrence of ocular traumas. 结论:安全镜片可以预防眼镜碎片所致的眼外伤。 来自互联网
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