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  • 英文原版对话1000个:611 Island Fun

    Todd: So, Shuan, you took a cruise and the cruise left he U.S. Shuan: It left yeah. It left Florida. Todd: OK, and did you only stay at sea or did you make stops on your cruise ship? Shuan: We actually made 4 different stops. I cannot remember the la...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:610 The Cruise

    Todd: Hey, Shuan, it's good to see you. How was your break? Shuan: Ah, it was great Ted. I went to, I went on actually, a Caribbean cruise with my friend Jason. Todd: No, way, you went on a cruise? Shuan: Yeah, it was, it was a hectic cruise mind you...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:609 Students and Jobs

    Todd: You know, Greg, we were both talking about how we have part-time job, you know, I think there's a lot of benefit but looking back, sometimes I wonder if it's not so good if children work. Greg: Why? Todd: You know, I just think, basically, that...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:608 Part-Time Job

    Todd: Hey, so, Greg, growing up in the states, did you have any part-time jobs like in high school and stuff? Greg: Oh, I've had part-time jobs ever since I was a child. Todd: Right, me too. Greg: My first actually, I used to work for the American Se...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:607 Big Bad Brothers

    Todd: So, greg you were saying you had brothers and they always picked on you like all older brothers do. Do you have any stories about your brothers used to do to you? Greg: Ah, yes, you know I think back on some of the crazy fights we had and it is...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:606 Working in the U.K.

    Joel: Hey, Tom, I have a student that just got a working holiday visa for the U.K., and she asked me what she will be able to do whe she's out there, but I don't even know what a working holiday visa is, and I haven't been to the U.K., so I don't kno...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:605 White Water Ride

    Tom: I don't know what to do for my next holiday. Have you ever tried rafting? Joel: Yeah, actually. I was a camp counselor one time for this high school program and we did a week long rafting trip in Utah. I can't remember the name of the river, but...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:604 Learning Language

    Tom: Joel, you speak Thai. Joel: Yeah, a little bit. Tom: Your wife speaks English. Joel: Yep, yep. Tom: So, at home, what language do you use? Joel: We usually speak English when we want to have real communication because her English is much better...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:603 Get Gadget

    Joel: So, I know a lot of things are cheaper in Thailand, but like electronics, are they cheaper in Thailand or cheaper in Japan? Tom: That's a difficult question. I think electrical accessories are cheaper in Thailand. Do you know what I mean by tha...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:602 Bairgain Shopping

    Joel: Hey, Tom, when you were in Thailand, did you, were you good at bargaining? You know how you have to haggle to get the price lower. Tom: Once I got started it was OK, but, oh, getting started was so difficult. Joel: What do you mean? Tom: I just...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:601 Nice Haircut!

    Tom: Hey, Joel, you got your hair cut. Joel: You can notice that. I don't have much hair left. You can see that it got cut. Tom: Yeah, why don't you grow it out? Joel: Actually, you can't notice right now cause it's cut so short but my hair's curly,...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:600 Buying a House

    Todd: Michael, this is a beautiful home. Mike: Yeah, we've lived here for about twelve years and it's too big for us now. Todd: Really. It's pretty big. Mike: Well, yeah, I mean, it's got four bedrooms and it's got this big living room area and dinin...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:599 Life in Togo

    Todd: Now, Michael, you were in the Peace Corps? Mike: Peace Corps, yeah. Todd: Can you explain what the Peace Corps is and what you did? Mike: Well, it's an organization, U.S. Government organization that sends young people for the most part, colleg...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:598 Big University

    Todd: Now, Michael, I think you grew up California, right? Mike: No, I didn't. Todd: You didn't! Mike: No. Todd: I thought you were from Santa Barbara. Mike: No, no. I was born in Cincinnati and I grew up, I grew up there and I lived from my teenage...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:597 Chance Encounter

    Todd: Hey, Michael, I just met your wife. She's a really nice woman. Really friendly. Mike: Yeah. yeah. We met a long time ago. We've been married a lot of years, now. Todd: How did you meet actually? Mike: Oh, gosh, we back when we were both student...
