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英国语文第一册 第23期:早晨和夜晚

时间:2018-04-25 01:31来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   LESSON 23 MORNING AND NIGHT 第二十三课 早晨和夜晚

  See how bright it is! The sun is up. The birds are up. Hark! Do you hear them sing? 看,天多亮啊!太阳升起来了。鸟儿也醒来了。听!你听见它们在唱歌吗?
  The bees are at work. They have been up a long time. 蜜蜂在工作。他们早就醒来了。
  Make haste, that we may go and watch them near the hive. 抓紧时间,我们好就近蜂房那里去观察它们。
  It is good for you and for me to rise with the sun, and the birds, and the bees. 当太阳升起的时候起床对你我,对鸟,还有蜜蜂都有益处。
  Now, kneel down, and thank God that He has kept you all through the night. 现在,跪下来,感谢神,因他保佑你度过了夜晚。
  Ask Him to bless you, and keep you safe all day long. 求他祝福你,并在一天之中保佑你。
  See, now, the sun is down. Look how red the sky is in the west. It will soon be dark. 瞧,现在,太阳落下去了。看西边的天空多么红。天很快就要黑了。
  The birds are at rest in the trees. See how each one hides its head in its wing. 鸟儿在树上休息了。你看它们把头藏在了翅膀底下。
  It is time, too, for you to say, “Good night” and to go to bed. But do not go to rest till you have knelt down to pray to God, and to thank Him for all His love and care. 也是时候轮到你说“晚安”了,去睡觉吧。但请先你跪下来感谢上帝对你的爱和关照,然后才休息吧。
  Ask Him to watch you in the night. He sees you, and will keep you safe from harm. 求他在夜晚保护你。他看着你,也会保佑你安全,不受伤害。
  I will not fear, for God is near, “我不会感到害怕,因为上帝在身旁,
  Through the dark night, as in the light; 整个夜晚,犹如白昼;
  And while I sleep, safe watch will keep. 当我睡着,他会保护我的安全。
  Why should I fear, when God is near? 当有神在旁边,我有什么可恐惧的呢?“
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