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英国语文第三册 第17期:我们是七个

时间:2018-04-27 01:56来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   LESSON 17 We are seven 第十七课 我们是七个

  I met a little cottage girl, 我遇到了一个女孩的小屋,
  She was eight years old, she said; 她八岁的时候,她说;
  Her hair was thick with many a curl 她的头发是厚许多旋度
  That clustered round her head. 集群圆她的头。
  Sisters and brothers, little maid, 兄弟姐妹,小女仆,
  How many may you be?" 你们是几个人?”
  How many? seven in all," she said, 有多少?七,”她说,
  And, wondering, looked at me. 思考着看着我。
  And where are they, I pray you tell?" 他们在哪儿,我请求你告诉?”
  She answered, "Seven are we; 她回答说,“我们一共七个;
  And two of us at Conway dwell, 我们两个人住在康威,
  And two are gone to sea; 两人去了海边;
  Two of us in the churchyard lie, 两个躺在墓地,
  My sister and my brother; 我的姐姐和我的哥哥;
  And in the churchyard cottage I 我在教堂墓地小屋
  Dwell near them with my mother." 和我妈妈住在他们附近。”
  You say that two at Conway dwell, 你说,两个在康威住,
  And two are gone to sea, 和两个都去大海,
  Yet ye are seven; I pray you tell, 是的你们是七;求你告诉
  Sweet maid, how this may be?" 我可爱的小女佣,这里有几个?”
  Then did the little maid reply, 那时小女佣回答,
  Seven boys and girls are we; 我们七个男孩和女孩;
  Two of us in the churchyard lie, 我们两个在教堂墓地撒谎,
  Beneath the churchyard tree." 教堂墓地树下。”
  You run about, my little maid, 你到处跑,我的小女仆,
  Your limbs they are alive; 你的四肢活着;
  If two are in the churchyard laid 如果两个都在教堂墓地
  Then ye are only five." 然后你们只有五个。”
  Their graves are green, they may be seen." 他们的坟墓是绿色的,他们可能见过。”
  The little maid replied, 小女仆回答说:
  Twelve steps or more from my mother's door. 十二个步骤或更多从我母亲的门。
  And they are side by side. 和他们肩并肩。
  My stockings there I often knit, 我的长袜,我经常编织,
  My 'kerchief there I hem1; 我的手帕,我哼哼;
  And there upon the ground I sit,— 我坐在地上,-
  I sit and sing to them. 我坐着唱歌。
  And often after sunset, sir, 往往日落之后,先生,
  When it is light and fair, 当它是光和公平的,
  I take my little porringer 我把我的小粥碗
  And eat my supper there. 和吃我的晚餐。
  The first that died was little Jane: 第一个死亡的是小珍:
  In bed she moaning lay, 她呻吟着躺在床上,
  Till God released her of her pain, 直到上帝释放她的痛苦,
  And then she went away. 然后她就走了。
  So in the churchyard she was laid; 所以在教堂墓地,她了;
  And, all the summer dry, 所有的夏季干燥,
  Together round her grave we played, 我们一起围着她坟墓,
  My brother John and I. 我的兄弟我和约翰。
  "And when the ground was white with snow, 当雪的地面是白色的,
  And I could run and slide. 我可以运行和幻灯片。
  My brother John was forced to go; 我的哥哥约翰被迫去;
  And he lies by her side." 和他躺在她身边。”
  How many are you, then," said I, 你是多少,我说,
  If they two are in heaven?" 如果他们两个是在天堂吗?”
  The little maiden2 would reply, 小少女会回复,
  O master! we are seven." 啊,主人!我们是七个。”
  But they are dead, those two are dead, 但他们都死了,这两个都死了,
  Their spirits are in heaven."— 他们的精神是在天堂。”-
  'Twas throwing words away; for still 是扔的话,仍然
  The little maid would have her will, 小女仆会她,
  And said, "Nay3, we are seven." 说,不,我们是七个。”


1 hem 7dIxa     
  • The hem on her skirt needs sewing.她裙子上的褶边需要缝一缝。
  • The hem of your dress needs to be let down an inch.你衣服的折边有必要放长1英寸。
2 maiden yRpz7     
  • The prince fell in love with a fair young maiden.王子爱上了一位年轻美丽的少女。
  • The aircraft makes its maiden flight tomorrow.这架飞机明天首航。
3 nay unjzAQ     
  • He was grateful for and proud of his son's remarkable,nay,unique performance.他为儿子出色的,不,应该是独一无二的表演心怀感激和骄傲。
  • Long essays,nay,whole books have been written on this.许多长篇大论的文章,不,应该说是整部整部的书都是关于这件事的。
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