   当前位置:首页>英语网刊>2017年英语网刊> 英语周刊第30期
在线英语听力室 (1970-01-01)  字体: [ ]  
本 期 目 录 :

1.英语听力-经典教程 最新精选
3.想笑就笑-A Gentle Reminder(委婉提醒)
9.英文演讲-President Bush Meets with Economic Advisors


英语听力-经典教程 最新精选














  When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didn't look like any doctor I'd ever known. He never yelled at us for playing in his yard. I remember him as someone who was a lot nicer than 1)circumstances warranted.

  When Dr. Gibbs wasn't saving lives, he was planting trees. His house sat on ten acres, and his life's goal was to make it a forest.

  The good doctor had some interesting theories concerning plant 2)husbandry. He came from the "No pain, no gain" school of 3)horticulture. He never watered his new trees, which flew in the face of conventional wisdom. Once I asked why. He said that watering plants spoiled them, and that if you water them, each successive tree generation will grow weaker and weaker. So you have to make things rough for them and 4)weed out the 5)weenie trees early on.

  He talked about how watering trees made for shallow roots, and how trees that weren't watered had to grow deep roots in search of 6)moisture. I took him to mean that deep roots were to be treasured.

So he never watered his trees. He'd plant an oak and, instead of watering it every morning, he'd beat it with a rolled-up newspaper. Smack! Slap! Pow! I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the tree's attention.

  Dr. Gibbs 7)went to glory a couple of years after I left home. 8)Every now and again, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I'd watched him plant some twenty-five years ago. They're 9)granite strong now. Big and 10)robust. Those trees wake up in the morning and beat their chests and drink their 11)coffee black.

  I planted a couple of trees a few years back. Carried water to them for a 12)solid summer. Sprayed them. Prayed over them. The whole nine 13)yards. Two years of 14)coddling has resulted in trees that expect to be 15)waited on hand and foot. Whenever a cold wind blows in, they tremble and chatter their branches. Sissy trees.

  Funny things about those trees of Dr. Gibbs'. 16)Adversity and 17)deprivation seemed to benefit them in ways comfort and ease never could.

Every night before I go to bed, I check on my two sons. I stand over them and watch their little bodies, the rising and falling of life within. I often pray for them. Mostly I pray that their lives will be easy. But lately I've been thinking that it's time to change my prayer.

  This change has to do with the inevitability of cold winds that hit us at the core. I know my children are going to encounter hardship, and I'm praying they won't be naive. There's always a cold wind blowing somewhere.

  So I'm changing my prayer. Because life is tough, whether we want it to be or not. Too many times we pray for ease, but that's a prayer seldom met. What we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into 18)the Eternal, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we won't be 19)swept 20)asunder.











1、 注:这句话的直译是:即使情况允许(发火)的时候,他(吉布斯医生)也会非常和蔼。circumstances: n. [复数形式]情况,境况。warrant: vt. 使有(正当)理由,成为……的根据

2、 husbandry [5hQzb[ndri] n. 耕作;家政,节俭

3、 horticulture [5hC:tikQltFE] n. 园艺(学)

4、 weed out 剔除,清除

5、 weenie [5wi:ni] n. 牛肉熏香肠,猪牛肉混合香肠

6、 moisture [5mCistFE] n. 湿度,水分

7、 go to glory 死

8、 every now and again 时而,不时

9、 granite [5grAnit] n. 花岗石,坚如磐石

10、 robust [rE5bQst] a. 强健的,茁壮的

11、 black coffee 此处喻指树所遭受的磨难

12、 solid [5sClid] a. 连续的,完整的

13、 yard [ja:d] n. 码,一码约为0.914米

14、 coddle [5kCdl] vt. 悉心照料,娇养,溺爱

15、 wait on 服侍(某人);招待(顾客)

16、 adversity [Ed5vE:siti] n. 逆境,苦难

17、 deprivation [7depri5veiFEn] n. 剥夺,丧失

18、 the Eternal [宗教用语]上帝

19、 sweep [swi:p] vt.(风等)刮起,(浪等)冲走,席卷

20、 asunder [E5sQndE] ad. 碎,散


想笑就笑-A Gentle Reminder(委婉提醒)

  Having been married a long time, my husband sometimes needs a gentle reminder of a special occasion. On the morning of our 35th anniversary, we were sitting at the breakfast table when I hinted, "Honey, do you realize that we've been sitting in these same two seats for exactly 35 years?"

  Putting down the newspaper, he looked straight at me and said, "So, you want to switch seats?"


  (1) reminder n. 提醒

  (2) anniversary n.周年纪念

  (3) hint v.暗示

  (4) switch v.改变




① How long had the couple been married?

A. 33 years

B. 34 years

C. 35 years

D. 36 years

② When did the wife try to hint to her husband?

A. in the morning

B. at noon

C. in the afternoon

D. in the evening

③ What was the husband doing when his wife hinted to him?

A. He was reading the newspaper.

B. He was sweeping the floor. ,

C. He was cooking.

D. He was repairing the chairs.

④ The husband thought that his wife wanted to_____ .

A. change the old chairs to new ones

B. abandon the old chairs

C. exchange each other's seat

D. read his newspaper

⑤ The wife hinted to her husband that_____ .

A. they should celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary

B. they should change their old chairs to new ones

C. they should exchange their seats

D. they should buy another table










                   Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

  Once upon a time there was a king, who had a wife with golden hair, and she was so beautiful that her equal was not to be found anywhere on earth.

  It happened that she fell ill, and when she felt that she was about to die, she called the king to her and said, "If you want to remarry after my death then do not take anyone who is not as beautiful as I am, and who does not have such golden hair as mine. That you must promise me."

  After the king had promised her this, she closed her eyes and died.

  For a long time the king could not be comforted, and he did not consider taking a second wife. Finally his councilors said, "There is no other way. The king must remarry, so that we will have a queen."

  Then messengers were sent out far and wide to seek a bride, who in beauty was entirely the equal of the deceased queen. However, no such bride could be found in the whole world. And even if a bride this beautiful had been found, she would not have had such golden hair. Thus the messengers returned home without success.

  Now the king had a daughter who was just as beautiful as her deceased mother, and who also had such golden hair. After she had come of age, the king looked at her one day that she resembled his deceased wife in every way, and he suddenly felt a great love for her.

  Then he said to his councilors, "I will marry my daughter, for she is the image of my deceased wife, and nowhere else can I find a bride who is her equal."

  When the councilors heard this they were horrified and said, "God has forbidden that a father should marry his daughter. Nothing good can come from sin, and the kingdom will be pulled along into ruin."

  The daughter was even more horrified when she heard her father's decision. Hoping to dissuade him from his intentions, she said to him, "Before I fulfill your wish, I must have three dresses: one as golden as the sun, one as silver as the moon, and one that glistens like the stars. Further, I must have a cloak put together from a thousand kinds of pelts and fur. Every animal in your kingdom must contribute a piece of its skin for it."

  Now she thought, "That will be entirely impossible for him to achieve, and in this way I will divert my father from his wicked thoughts."

  But the king did not give in, and the most skilled maidens in his kingdom had to weave the three dresses, one as golden as the sun, one as silver as the moon, and one that glistened like the stars. And his huntsmen had to capture all the animals in his entire kingdom and take a piece of skin from each one. From these a cloak of a thousand kinds of fur was made.

  Finally, when everything was finished, the king had the cloak brought to him. Spreading it out, he said, "Tomorrow is our wedding day."

  When the king's daughter saw that there was no more hope to change her father's mind, she made the decision to run away. During the night, while everyone was asleep, she got up and took three things from among her valuables: a golden ring, a little golden spinning wheel, and a little golden reel. She put the three dresses from the sun, moon, and stars into a nutshell, put on the cloak of all kinds of fur, blackened her hands and face with soot. Then surrendering herself to God, she set forth. She walked the entire night until she came to a great forest. Being tired, she sat down in a hollow tree and fell asleep.

  The sun came up, and she continued to sleep, and she was still asleep by broad daylight. Now it came to pass that the king who owned these woods was hunting in them. When his dogs approached the tree they sniffed then ran around it barking.

  The king said to the huntsmen. "See what kind of wild animal is hiding there."

  The huntsmen followed his command, and when they returned they said, "A strange animal, like none we have ever seen before, is lying in the hollow tree. There are a thousand kinds of fur on its skin. It is just lying there asleep."

  The king said, "See if you can capture it alive, then tie it onto the cart and bring it along."

  When the huntsmen took hold of the girl, she awoke. Filled with fear, she cried out, "I am a poor child who has been abandoned by her father and mother. Have pity on me and take me with you."

  Then they said, "All-Kinds-of-Fur, you are good for the kitchen. Come with us. You can sweep up the ashes."

  Thus they set her on the cart and drove her home to the royal castle. There they showed her a little cubbyhole under the stairs, where the light of day never entered, and said, "This is where you can live and sleep, you furry little animal."

  Then she was sent to the kitchen, where she carried wood and water, tended the fire, plucked the poultry, sorted vegetables, swept up the ashes, and did all the dirty work.

  All-Kinds-of-Fur lived there miserable for a long time. Oh, you beautiful princess, what will become of you?

  Now one day it happened that a banquet was being held in the castle, and she said to the cook, "May I go up for a little while and take a look? I will stand outside the door."

  The cook answered, "Yes, go ahead. But you have to be back here in a half hour and carry out the ashes."

  Then she took her oil lamp and went into her cubbyhole. Taking off her fur cloak, she washed the soot from her hands and face so that her full beauty again came to light. Then she opened the nut and took out her dress that glistened like the sun. And after she had done all this she went upstairs to the banquet. Everyone stepped out of her way, for no one knew her, and everyone thought that she was a princess.

  The king approached her, reached his hand out to her, and danced with her, and thought in his heart, "My eyes have never before seen such beauty."

  When the dance had ended, she curtsied, and while the king was looking around, she disappeared, and no one knew where she had gone. The guards who stood watch in front of the castle were called and questioned, but no one had seen her.

  Now she had run back to her cubbyhole, quickly taken off her dress, blackened her hands and face, put on the fur cloak, and was once again All-Kinds-of-Fur.

  After she had returned to the kitchen and was about to set to work and sweep up the ashes, the cook said, "That's enough until tomorrow. Make the king's soup for me, so I can have a look upstairs, but don't let a hair fall into it, or in the future there will nothing more for you to eat."

  Then the cook went away, and All-Kinds-of-Fur made soup for the king. She made bread soup, and as good as she knew how. When it was done, she got her golden ring from the cubbyhole and placed it in the bowl that the soup was in.

  When the dance was over, the king had his soup brought to him. He ate it, and it tasted so good to him, that he thought he had never eaten a better soup. But when he reached the bottom of the bowl, he saw a golden ring lying there, and he could not imagine how it had gotten there.

  He ordered the cook to come before him. The cook was terrified when he heard this order, and he said to All-Kinds-of-Fur, "For sure you let a hair fall into the soup. If that's true, you'll get a beating."

  When the cook came before the king he was asked who had cooked the soup, and he answered, "I cooked it."

  The king said, "That is not true, for it was made in a different way, and much better than usual."

  The cook answered, "I must confess that I did not cook it, it was the little furry animal."

  The king said, "Go and have her come up here."

  When All-Kinds-of-Fur arrived, the king asked, "Who are you."

  "I am a poor child who no longer has a father or a mother."

  He asked further, "What are you doing in my castle?"

  She answered, "I am good for nothing, except having boots thrown at my head."

  He asked further, "Where did you get the ring that was in the soup?"

  She answered, "I do not know anything about the ring."

  Thus the king could learn nothing, and he had to send her away again.

  Some time later there was another banquet, and All-Kinds-of-Fur, as before, asked the cook for permission to have a look. He answered, "Yes, but come back in a half hour and cook the bread soup for the king that he likes so much."

  She ran to her cubbyhole, quickly washed herself then took from the nut the dress that was as silver as the moon and put it on. Then she went upstairs and looked like a princess. The king came up to her and was delighted to see her again, and because a dance was just beginning, they danced together. But as soon as the dance was over she again disappeared so quickly that the king did not notice where she went.

  She ran to her cubbyhole, turned herself back into a furry animal, and went to the kitchen to make the bread soup. While the cook was upstairs she got the golden spinning wheel and put it in the bowl, so that the soup was prepared on top of it. Then it was taken to the king, who ate it, and it tasted as good to him as the last time. He had the cook brought before him, who again had to confess that All-Kinds-of-Fur had made the soup. All-Kinds-of-Fur again came before the king, and she answered that she was only good for having boots thrown at her head, and that she knew nothing at all about the little golden spinning wheel.

  When the king gave a banquet for the third time, everything happened as before. But this time the cook said, "You are a witch, you furry animal, always putting something in the soup that makes it very good and taste better to the king." But because she asked, he allowed her to look in on the ball at the appointed time.

  This time she put on the dress that glistened like the stars, and thus clothed she stepped into the hall. The king danced again with the beautiful maiden, thinking that she had never been so beautiful. And while he was dancing he placed a golden ring on her finger, without her noticing it. Further, he had ordered that this dance should last a long time. When it was over, he tried to keep hold of her by her hands, but she tore herself loose and jumped so quickly into the crowd that she disappeared before his eyes. She ran as fast as she could to her cubbyhole beneath the steps, but because she had stayed away too long, more than a half hour, she could not take off the beautiful dress, but instead just threw the fur cloak on over it. And in her haste she did not cover herself entirely with soot, and one finger remained white.

  All-Kinds-of-Fur now ran into the kitchen, made the bread soup for the king, and while the cook was away, put the golden reel in it.

  When the king found the reel at the bottom of his bowl had All-Kinds-of-Fur called before him. Catching sight of the white finger, he saw the ring that he had put on her while they were dancing. He seized her by the hand and held her fast. As she attempted to free herself and run away, her fur cloak opened a little, and the dress of stars glistened out. The king grabbed the cloak and tore it off. He golden hair appeared, and she stood there in full splendor, no longer able to hide. And after she had wiped the soot and ashes from her face, she was more beautiful than anyone who had ever been seen on earth.

  The king said, "You are my dear bride, and we shall never part."

  Then their wedding was celebrated, and they lived happily until they died.












(What A) Wonderful world

              Art Garfunkel

Don't know much about history

Don't know much biology

Don't know much about a science book

Don't know much about the French I took

But I do know that I love you

And I know that if you love me, too

What a wonderful, wonderful world this would be

Don't know much about geography

Don't know much trigonometry

Don't know much about algebra

I don't know what a slide rule is for

But I do know "one and one is two"

And if this one could be with you

What a wonderful, wonderful world this would be

What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world

Now I don't claim to be an 'A' student

But I'm trying to be

I think that maybe by being an 'A'-student, baby-babe

I could win your love for me

Don't know much about the Middle Ages

Looked at the pictures then I turned the pages

Don't know nothing about no "Rise and fall"

Don't know nothing about nothing at all

Girl it's you that I've been thinking of

And if I could only win your love

What a wonderful, (what a) wonderful world this would be

What a wonderful, wonderful world this would be

What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world

What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world 多么美好的世界































 这首歌曲是美国著名的小喇叭手Herb Albert 和友人合写,最早是由已故黑人歌手 Sam Cook山姆库克演唱,1978 年,亚特葛芬柯翻唱此曲。

 亚特葛芬柯,曾是"赛门与葛芬柯二重唱"( Simon & Garfunkel )的一员,嗓音清亮,负责了大部分的主唱。

 俩人拆伙以后,各自发展音乐事业。由于创作能力较弱,亚特葛芬柯在排行榜上的成绩明显逊色许多。这首歌算是他单飞后,最为人熟知的一首曲子。难得的是,老搭档保罗赛门( Paul Simon )及著名的民谣歌手詹姆斯泰勒( James Taylor)都前来为这首歌担任和声。



  Oscar winning screen writers may lose in the long run.

Academy Award nominees who go home empty-handed may not have a shiny Oscar to show off, but they may turn out to be the bigger winners in the game of life.

  According to a study published in British Medical Journal on December 21, Oscar-winning screenwriters are more successful, more productive, and more respected than losing nominees; however, they die sooner by about four years.

  Because success is usually linked to better health, "this is the first occupation ever that success is not associated with improved longevity," says Donald Redelmeier, lead author of the study.

  Researchers tracked down information about every person who was ever nominated for an Oscar since the awards were first handed out 73 years ago.

  To explain the puzzling findings, he offers two theories. The first is the "work-to-death hypothesis."

  According to Redelmeier, screenwriters are more apt to lead unhealthy lifestyles, meaning they smoke more, exercise less, and work a lot of late-night hours, which translates into not enough sleep.

  Screenwriters don't have a boss to report to, which brings into account Redelmeier's second explanation, the "party-hearty hypothesis."

  "When you become a successful screenwriter, you gain status without daily accountability, and as a consequence your success may lead you to more alcohol, more parties, and more obesity," he says.

  Redelmeier hopes his study will stress how important it is to lead a healthy lifestyle.

  "The bottom line," he says, "is that greater success may sometimes lead to worse health if people fail to look after themselves."






  为了进一步解释这一出人意料的研究发现,雷德梅尔提出了两个理论。第一个理论是"鞠躬尽瘁论(work-to-death hypothesis)"。


  由于编剧这个职业工作时间比较自由,因此雷德梅尔提出了第二个理论"派对过量论(party-hearty hypothesis)"。 他说:"当你成为一名成功的编剧后,你的社会地位将不断提高,工作量也开始不固定,应酬骤然增加,成功意味着你要喝更多的酒,出席更多的宴会,增加更多的赘肉。"





It is a stereotype as old as time: women are chatterboxes, while men tend to be more reticent.

但奥斯汀得克萨斯大学(University of Texas)的研究人员进行的一项新研究发现,在闲聊这个问题上,男性和女性几乎是一样的,他们每天平均用词都达1.6万。

But a new study by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin has found that when it comes to gabbing, men and women are about equal, with each using an average of 16,000 words a day.


The study, published today in the journal Science, refutes more than a decade of claims that women use more words each day than men. One set of numbers that is commonly tossed around is that women use 20,000 words a day compared with only 7,000 for men.

研究人员首次开发出了一种方法,利用电子激活录音器(electronically activated recorder)记录正常语言。这种数字录音器能追踪人们的互动行为,包括对话。

The researchers first developed a method for recording natural language using the electronically activated recorder (EAR). The digital voice recorder tracks people's interactions, including their conversations.




  How few, of all the hearts that loved, Are grieving for thee now; And

  why should mine to-night be moved With such a sense of woe?

  Too often thus, when left alone, Where none my thoughts can see, Comes back a word, a passing tone From thy strange history.

  Sometimes I seem to see thee rise, A glorious child again; All virtues beaming from thine eyes That ever honoured men:

  Courage and truth, a generous breast Where sinless sunshine lay: A being whose very presence blest Like gladsome summer-day.

  O, fairly spread thy early sail, And fresh, and pure, and free, Was the first impulse of the gale Which urged life's wave for thee!

  Why did the pilot, too confiding, Dream o'er that ocean's foam, And trust in Pleasure's careless guiding To bring his vessel home?

  For well he knew what dangers frowned, What mists would gather, dim; What rocks and shelves, and sands lay round Between his port and him.

  The very brightness of the sun The splendour of the main, The wind which bore him wildly on Should not have warned in vain.

  An anxious gazer from the shore-- I marked the whitening wave, And wept above thy fate the more Because--I could not save.

  It recks not now, when all is over: But yet my heart will be A mourner still, though friend and lover Have both forgotten thee!


英文演讲-President Bush Meets with Economic Advisors

August 8, 2007

12:44 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, Mr. Secretary. Thank you for your hospitality. We're pleased to be here at the Treasury Department.

This morning I spoke with Governor Huntsman of Utah. He gave me an update on the efforts to rescue the trapped miners. I told him our nation's thoughts and prayers are with the miners and their families, and that the federal government will help in any way we can.

I just finished a productive meeting with members of my economic team. We discussed our thriving economy and what we need to do to keep it that way. We care a lot about whether our fellow citizens are working, and whether or not they've got money in their pockets to save, spend, or invest as they see fit. We talked about America's role in the global economy.

My administration follows a simple philosophy: Our economy prospers when we trust the American people with their own paychecks. When I came to office in 2001, our nation was headed toward a recession. And so we acted. We acted on the philosophy I just described, and we cut the taxes across-the-board. And the American people have used this money to fuel an economic resurgence.

Since 2003, our economy has added more than 8.3 million new jobs and almost four years of uninterrupted growth. We continue to grow at a steady pace, and during the most recent quarter, it grew at an annual rate of 3.4 percent. Unemployment is low. Real after-tax income has increased by an average of more than $3,400 per person since I took office.

Tax cuts let Americans keep their own money. It stimulates entrepreneurship. And we have a debate here in Washington over tax cuts. Democrats in Congress want to increase taxes and turn them into additional government programs, and I strongly oppose that approach.

We want the people to keep more of their own money because we understand that the American economy, entrepreneurs and small business owners are the ones who create jobs. The genius of our free market economy is that it grows from the bottom up, through the college student who starts up a business in a parent's garage, or a stay-at-home mom who works out of a home office, or the small business owner who dreams of growing his or her enterprise into a big business.

The entrepreneurial spirit has helped our economy keep pace with new technologies, and America is a leader in innovation. Twelve years ago, eBay did not exist. Today eBay is a global business that reported nearly $6 billion in net revenues last year. Hundreds of thousands of Americans now make part of their living by selling products on that website. EBay is an entrepreneurial success story that has helped thousands of Americans become entrepreneurs themselves.

Recently in Nashville, I met a woman who runs a bun company. She cooks bread. Her name was Cordia Harrington. She carved out a foothold in the industry and has built five small businesses. Her businesses employ 260 people. She makes a good product. My point is, this is the enterprising spirit that we must support and encourage here in Washington, D.C.

I appreciate the fact that Hank Paulson agreed to join my administration, after a long career as one of the world's most successful investment bankers. Here's how he puts it. He said, "This is far and away the strongest global economy I've seen in my business lifetime." In other words, not only is our economy strong, but so is the economies around the world. You know, when you grow your economy and -- it's good news for the Treasury and good news for the deficit.

When people earn money, tax revenues go up. This year, tax revenues are expected to be $167 billion higher than last year's, because the economy is growing. Growing tax revenues combined with spending restraint has helped us drive down the federal deficit, and we were able to do so without raising the taxes on the people who work, or without raising taxes on small business owners or farmers. Estimates show the deficit will drop to $205 billion this year. That is well below the average of the past 40 years as a percentage of our economy.

Earlier this year I proposed a budget that will completely eliminate the federal deficit within the next five years and produce surplus by 2012. We can achieve this, but it's going to require spending restraint and it's going to require keeping taxes low to keep this economy growing.

Not everybody agrees with this approach. There's been a heated debate so far in Congress, and I suspect there will be a lot of heat when they come back, because Democrats in Congress got a significant appetite for more federal spending. They passed a budget resolution that includes an extra $205 billion in discretionary spending over the next five years. That averages out to about $112 million per day; $4.7 million per hour; $78,000 per minute. Put another way, it's about $1,300 in higher spending every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every year for the next five years.

Now, somebody is going to have to pay for it. And that, of course, will be the hardworking American people will have to pay for that excessive spending. If the majority in Congress gets it way, American families, small businesses will face a massive tax hike. It would amount to the largest tax increase in American history.

Now, look, I recognize the Democrats control the Congress, and with it, the power of the purse. I also have some power, and it's called the veto. And I have the votes in Congress to sustain vetoes, and therefore, I will use the veto to keep your taxes low and to keep federal spending under control.

When members of Congress return from their August recess they'll have less than a month to pass the 12 spending bills needed to keep the federal government running before the end of the fiscal year on September 30th. They need to pass these spending bills, one at a time, before the deadline. In a time of war, I ask them to start by sending me the spending bill for the Department of Defense, so I can sign that into law.

There's some long-term challenges to our economy and we need to work together to address those challenges. One way to address the challenges is to continue opening up markets for America's goods and services, and the best way to do that is to expand free trade. We've negotiated new free trade agreements with Peru, Colombia, Panama and Korea. And now the Congress needs to carry out its responsibilities and approve these agreements.

We're going to work hard to conclude the Doha Round of trade negotiations, all aiming to open up new opportunities for U.S. producers and aiming to fulfill a great calling, and that is to help eliminate poverty around the world.

We need to reform our health care system by making private health insurance more affordable and available. We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by promoting alternative fuels. We need to confront the rising cost of entitlement programs like Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security. I look forward to working with Republicans and Democrats to come up with sensible solutions to solve these problems, so that we can say we solved the problems and not pass them on to future generations.

I'm an optimistic person, particularly when it comes to the ability of Americans to create and dream and work hard. I'll be less optimistic if Congress has its way and raises taxes on the American people. And that's why we're going to work hard not to let them do so. We'll keep good policies in place. We want this to be the land of dreamers and doers. I love the stories of the small business owner in Nashville, or the idea that eBay didn't exist 12 years ago and now is a booming, thriving enterprise. The purpose of government is to make it more possible for people to realize dreams, and to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit. That has been the policies of this administration and it will continue to be the policies of this administration.

Thank you all very much.

END 12:54 P.M. EDT




1. 不接受成绩单复印件;

2. TOEFL、GRE或其他考试成绩未收到-- 多数学校对这些成绩只承认ETS寄去的正本,而不接受申请人提供的成绩单。但ETS处理需时最少六星期,这种延迟常被对方认为未收到;

3. TOEFL成绩低于标准,要求重考-- TOEFL成绩最低标准470分到550不等;

4. 拟修专业填写不详-- 许多申请人在填表时,未把拟修专业(Proposed major)填明,对方来信要求补充;

5. 缺少自传、读书计划等材料;

6. 尚未收到推荐信;

7. 要求提供学位证明;

8. 要求更改专业-- 拟修专业的课程已取消或每年只在秋季开课。

9. 提出的财力证明数额不足或未经银行证明。




  如果入学申请已被批准,通常对方会先以正式函件通知,然后再发Ⅰ-20表,也有些学校要申请者填写一张回执,说明是否接受,还有些学校要求先缴一笔定金(deposit) ,然后才发Ⅰ-20表,这种定金通常在注册时可抵充学费。如果不止一个学校发来录取通知,那么,在慎重选择后应及早通知不去的学校,并退还Ⅰ-20表。


范文1: 请求受理入学申请(企管专业本科)

  Enclosed is my completed application form. I have also requested all my credentials to be forwarded to you. They should reach you shortly.

  I would like to assure you of my deep intention to attend your Undergraduate School of Business Administration for the spring semester of 1989. I sincerely hope that you will process my application and expedite my papers at your earliest convenience.

范文2: 申请表已填寄,为何又寄来新表

  I have just received from your office an application form and information for international students. However, I have completed and submitted the same form and paid the $ 25 admission / evaluation fee before.

  Would you please tell me if my application and fee have reached you or if the recent materials were sent me by mistake?

  Thanks for your assistance.

范文3: 寄交申请表及申请费

  Thank you for your letter and the application forms Enclosed you will find the completed forms and three checks (80 dollars) for the application fee and the first month's rent for dormitory. The additional 5 dollars will be deposited at your college. I shall appreciate any favorable action you might take in admitting me to your college for the spring semester of 1990.

  I am most anxious to hear from you soon. Thank you for your attention.

范文4: 寄交入学及资助申请表并催寄Ⅰ-20表

  Attached I am sending you the completed application forms for admission and financial aid for the fall term of 1989. I would like very much to be admitted into your Department of Social Work for a bachelor's degree.

  I have requested that the letters of recommendation and my academic transcript be sent to you. I also hope to receive your Ⅰ-20 form as soon as possible.

  I am most anxious to hear from you soon. Thank you for your attention.

范文5: 请美国大学将成绩单转寄他校

  I wish to request that official transcripts of my academic record be forwarded to the Graduate Admissions Offices of the following institutions:

University of Texas, Arlington-2 copies

University of Maryland, College Park-2 copies

Eastern Illinois University-2 copies

Florida Tech University-1 copy

Long Island University, Brooklyn Center-2 copies

  Enclosed you will find a check for $ 25.00 to cover the cost of these transcripts.

For your reference, I attended the University between September, 1990 and February 1991. and received an M.S. degree in Civil Engineering.

  Your prompt response to this request will be greatly appreciated.

  Check enclosed please.

范文6: 补寄申请费及财力证明

  I am sorry that I forgot to enclose the application fee in my previous letter. Attached herein you will find a check for $ 20 as the fee.

  Also enclosed is a statement of my mother Mrs. Lin, which is supported by a certificate of deposit. The amount of financial resources is more than sufficient to cover my educational expenses.

  Thank you very much for your assistance.

范文7: 附财力证明,但仍请考虑奖学金

  I am enclosing the completed application for an assistantship and a certificate of account balance issued by my bank. It is hoped that you will send me an I-20 form at your early convenience.

  As mentioned in my previous letter, I do wish to obtain an assistantship for Fall 1989. But if the financial aid is not available. I will come to enroll with my own funds first and wish to be considered for financial aid later in Spring or Fall 1991. The money in my account was supplied by my parents, and I want to be independent of them as early as possible.

范文8: 通知已考TOEFL,成绩将由ETS寄发

  Thank you for your letter of May 16, 1990, I took the TOEFL in mid-May and the score is due to come out in mid-June. The ETS will send you an official score report as soon as it becomes available.

  Your kind attention to my application is much appreciated.

范文9: 通知TOEFL和成绩单已请ETS和学校寄发

  With reference to your letter dated March 15 regarding my application, I wish to inform you that I requested ETS to forward my TOEFL and Tsinghua University to send my transcript to your office about eight weeks ago. They may have reached you or will reach you shortly.

  Many thanks for your assistance.

范文10: 通知TOEFL及GRE成绩已寄出(附收据)

  Thank you for your letter of July 25. I wish to inform you that the official copies of my GRE and TOEFL scores have been requested. Enclosed you will find acknowledgments from ETS which show the code of your University as a recipient of my scores.

  Your assistance is very much appreciated.


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