
VOA慢速英语2011--Simple Steps Can Save Millions of Newbor

时间:2011-09-14 07:04:49



Health Report - Simple Steps Can Save Millions of Newborn Lives

健康报道 - 简单措施就能挽救数百万新生儿生命
This is the VOA Special English Health Report.
The latest estimate is that more than three million babies die each year within the first month of life. A report says this is down from 4.6 million deaths in two thousand nine. Still, newborn babies represent about forty percent of all deaths in children under five years old.
Experts say five countries have the lowest survival rates: India, Nigeria, Pakistan, China and the Democratic Republic of Congo. India has one-fourth of all deaths within the first four weeks after birth.
The report is from the private humanitarian1 group Save the Children and the World Health Organization. Dr. Joy Lawn from Save the Children says simple actions can help save lives.
这份报告来自个人人道主义组织救助儿童会和世界卫生组织。来自救助儿童会的乔伊·罗恩(Joy Lawn)博士表示,一些简单措施就能帮助挽救生命。
JOY LAWN: “Not delivering the baby onto a dirty surface, drying the baby, keeping the baby warm and feeding the baby straight away resulted in almost a halving2 of newborn deaths in very rural areas in India.”
Field studies show that these simple steps could prevent at least two-thirds of deaths in newborns each year. Dr. Lawn says having trained medical workers present would also save many babies and mothers.
JOY LAWN: "If you had the health workers with the right equipment and the right drugs in these settings, definitely maternal3 and neonatal deaths -- child deaths -- could be halved4.”
And the equipment does not have to be complex. A student team at Rice University in Houston, Texas, developed a low-cost device to assist newborns with breathing problems. The device is called infantAIR. The researchers plan to test it at a hospital in Malawi, then develop training programs for nurses and hospital technicians.
The World Health Organization estimates that about fifteen hundred pregnant women die each day, or about one a minute. Millions of others suffer infections or injuries from pregnancy5 and childbirth.
A recent conference in Washington presented winning ideas in a competition called "Saving Lives at Birth." There were more than six hundred entries. The top honors went to Dr. Michelle McIntosh and her team at Monash University in Australia.
华盛顿最近召开的一次会议展示了《保障母婴生命安全》这一竞赛的获奖创意,这次大赛收到了600多份参赛作品。澳大利亚莫纳什大学米歇尔·麦金托什(Michelle McIntosh)博士及其团队获得了最高荣誉。
They plan to manufacture a dry powder containing the drug oxytocin. Oxytocin reduces the bleeding that causes twenty-five percent of all maternal deaths. The powder would be used in a spray that the mother could inhale6 into her lungs.
The contest organizers included the US Agency for International Development and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
There is evidence that programs to reduce newborn deaths are starting to make progress, especially in parts of South Asia. But progress is slower in Africa. The new report says Africa could need more than one hundred fifty years to reach the current survival rates in the United States or Britain.
And that’s the VOA Special English Health Report. I’m Jim Tedder7.
Contributing: Vidushi Sinha



1 humanitarian kcoxQ     
  • She has many humanitarian interests and contributes a lot to them.她拥有很多慈善事业,并作了很大的贡献。
  • The British government has now suspended humanitarian aid to the area.英国政府现已暂停对这一地区的人道主义援助。
2 halving c6f26b86dcde43d12ca22a6b8a0bba9a     
n.对分,二等分,减半[航空、航海]等分v.把…分成两半( halve的现在分词 );把…减半;对分;平摊
  • You searched those halving your salary cut your enthusiasm. 你呈现,薪水减半降低了你的任务热情。 来自互联网
  • Halving the repeater spacing made it possible to quadruple the bandwidth. 把增音机间隔缩小一半,就能使带宽增加三倍。 来自互联网
3 maternal 57Azi     
  • He is my maternal uncle.他是我舅舅。
  • The sight of the hopeless little boy aroused her maternal instincts.那个绝望的小男孩的模样唤起了她的母性。
4 halved e23e4ddc1c29e5a63536d2c9bb621fbc     
v.把…分成两半( halve的过去式和过去分词 );把…减半;对分;平摊
  • The shares have halved in value . 股价已经跌了一半。
  • Overall operating profits halved to $24 million. 总的营业利润减少了一半,降至2,400 万元。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 pregnancy lPwxP     
  • Early pregnancy is often accompanied by nausea.怀孕早期常有恶心的现象。
  • Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage.怀孕期吸烟会增加流产的危险。
6 inhale ZbJzA     
  • Don't inhale dust into your lung.别把灰尘吸进肺里。
  • They are pleased to not inhale second hand smoke.他们很高兴他们再也不会吸到二手烟了。
7 tedder 2833afc4f8252d8dc9f8cd73b24db55d     
  • Jim Tedder has more. 吉姆?特德将给我们做更多的介绍。 来自互联网
  • Jim Tedder tells us more. 吉姆?泰德给我们带来更详细的报道。 来自互联网

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