
VOA慢速英语2012 Education Report - A Community Helps Burmese Refugees Learn English

时间:2012-01-20 13:18:13



Education Report - A Community Helps Burmese Refugees Learn English

教育报道 - 帮助缅甸难民学习英语的一个群体

This is the VOA Special English Education Report.


About eighteen thousand refugees from Burma have come to the United States each year since two thousand seven. Some have settled in Howard County, Maryland, between Baltimore and Washington. A local school began teaching English to the children of the refugees.


But while the children learned the language, their parents did not. That makes communication with teachers difficult.


Currently almost fifty Burmese youngsters attend Bollman Bridge Elementary School. Laurel Conran is a teacher there.

目前有将近50名缅甸青少年就读于Bollman Bridge小学。劳雷尔·康仁(Laurel Conran)是该校一名教师。

LAUREL CONRAN: "The main idea is the global idea."


She teaches English to speakers of other languages.


LAUREL CONRAN: "Today we were doing text structures. I wanted them to know the vocabulary, the language of text structures, so when they go back into the classroom and work with their peers, they can do this successfully in the classroom."


One of her students is Tha Neih Ciang. Another student is Tha Neih's mother, Tin Iang. Ms. Conran practices English with Tin Iang at the mother's workplace. Many Burmese refugees work at Coastal1 Sunbelt Produce, a supplier of fruits and vegetables to restaurants and other businesses.

Tha Neih Ciang是她的学生之一,另一名学生是Tha Neih的母亲Tin Iang。康仁女士在妈妈们的工作场所和Tin Iang练习英语。许多缅甸难民在海洋阳光地带农产品公司(Coastal Sunbelt Produce)工作,这是一家面向餐馆和其它公司的水果蔬菜供应商。

Laurel Conran started classes at the company to help refugees from the country also known as Myanmar learn English.


LAUREL CONRAN: "The program is a six-week session. It's once a week, on every Wednesday, from twelve to one o'clock. So every Wednesday I go to Coastal Sunbelt."


As the Burmese workers eat lunch, they also practice their new language skills. They sit in small groups with an English-speaking volunteer.


Lisa Chertok has a child at Bollman Bridge. She is also a manager at Coastal Sunbelt. She helped Ms. Conran develop the lessons, which she says have really helped.

丽莎·切尔托克(Lisa Chertok)有个孩子在Bollman Bridge小学就读。她还是阳光海岸地带公司的经理。她帮助康仁女士开发了这一课程,并认为这一课程确实有帮助。

LISA CHERTOK: "Well, when the Burmese employees got here, they were very, very shy. Now I find that they are more responsive as employees. They're more communicative. They're also, as parents, they are more involved in their children's school."


Jonathan Davis is the principal of Bollman Bridge Elementary School.

乔纳森·戴维斯(Jonathan Davis)是Bollman Bridge小学校长。

JONATHAN DAVIS: "I really see it as the beginning of a great partnership2 between a business and a school, and we've just begun to scratch the surface with how that could benefit, really, the greater community."


Mr. Davis hopes the lessons will help Burmese parents feel better about communicating with the school.


JONATHAN DAVIS: "Even as simply as making a phone call to say that their son or daughter is sick, even if that's the amount of English that they have gotten from the program, that truly will help us."


SPEAKER: "Please welcome Laurel Conran and Lisa Chertok."


For their work, the two women received a Community Builders Award from Howard County.


LAUREL CONRAN: "I love this program. As a community we want to work together, collaboratively, because when everybody works together it is a win-win situation."


And that's the VOA Special English Education Report. You can read, listen and learn English and much more with our programs and activities at You can watch a video about the Howard County program on our website. And you can find captioned3 videos at the VOA Learning English channel on YouTube. I'm Steve Ember.

Contributing: June Soh



1 coastal WWiyh     
  • The ocean waves are slowly eating away the coastal rocks.大海的波浪慢慢地侵蚀着岸边的岩石。
  • This country will fortify the coastal areas.该国将加强沿海地区的防御。
2 partnership NmfzPy     
  • The company has gone into partnership with Swiss Bank Corporation.这家公司已经和瑞士银行公司建立合作关系。
  • Martin has taken him into general partnership in his company.马丁已让他成为公司的普通合伙人。
3 captioned 923397b226bd6b0cebec65c75df23f09     
a.标题项下的; 标题所说的
  • This paper reviews the production, development and nationalization of the captioned materials. 本文就铜系合金引线框架材料的生产、发展和国产化进程作一论述。
  • Please advise other considerable hotels for this captioned group. 请推荐其它一些高级的旅馆给这一群打标语的人。

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