
VOA慢速英语2013 尼日利亚年轻人抵制博科圣地

时间:2013-09-22 13:41:37




AS IT IS 2013-09-19 Young Nigerians Resist Boko Haram 尼日利亚年轻人抵制博科圣地

Hello, and welcome back for another edition of As It Is.  I’m Jim Tedder1 in Washington.  Today, we travel to Nigeria to learn about some young people who want to punish members of a famous militant2 group.  But some wonder if this civilian3 organization will someday become yet another problem for the Nigerian government.

大家好,欢迎回到又一期的“ As It Is ”,我是在华盛顿的吉姆·特德。今天,我们前往尼日利亚去了解一些想要惩罚一个著名军事集团的成员的年轻人。但是仍有不少人担心这些民间组织将会成为尼日利亚政府的另一个问题。

Then we’ll hear from some law experts who think that the process of becoming a lawyer takes too long, and costs too much.  Is it possible to become a good lawyer without going to law school for 3 years?  Stay with us for As It Is, a way to learn English while hearing about your world!

然后我们将会听到一些认为成为一名律师耗时又耗钱的法律专家的评论。如果不耗费三年时间在法律学校学习法律是不是不可能成为一名有能力的律师?持续关注我们 “因为它是”,同时学习英语和听见你自己的世界的方法。

Nigeria’s northeastern Borno state is home to the Islamist militant group, Boko Haram.  Hundreds of young men there have formed a civilian group to resist Boko Haram. These civilians4 work actively5 with the military to find Boko Haram militants6.  The civilians use methods outside the law to punish what they consider wrongdoing.  But now their members have become targets.


At least 55 members of a civilian defense7 group in Borno State have been killed by people who appear to be Boko Haram militants.  The killings8 took place in a series of attacks, beginning in August.


The civilian policing group is called the Civilian JTF, the Civilian Task Force.  It is similar to the Nigerian military’s JTF, the Joint9 Task Force.  The government military force has tried to control the Islamist rebellion in northern Nigeria that has continued since 2009.


Baba Garba Chajo helped form the Civilian JTF this June.  He says the group’s job is to help the military.  And he says that includes searching for and arresting militants.


 “In the past we were at the receiving end of the Boko Haram.  But now we are the ones sending them on the run.  We no longer fear Boko Haram because we have conquered our fears.  And we have all sworn by the holy Quran to justly pursue our duties without recourse to worldly gains.”


But there have been problems.   Mr. Chajo said they had to get soldiers to shoot several members of their group.  He said that in one village, Civilian JTF members were robbing and attacking people.  He described their actions as “worse than Boko Haram.”


Baba Garba Chajo once worked as a mechanic.  But he now spends his time looking for members of Boko Haram as he drives the streets of Maiduguri in Borno State.  Many local people are tired of the rebellion.  They praise the efforts of the Civilian JTF.


The military supports the Civilian JTF and provides them with protection.  The idea is that local people know the communities and are better able to find militants. But the military has not given any guns to Civilian JTF members.


Military spokesman Lieutenant10 Colonel Sagir Musa says the Civilian JTF has been important to a current government offensive.  He says the three-month-long offensive is helping11 control Boko Haram’s continuing attacks against civilians.


Colonel Musa described the militants as, in his words, not happy.  He said they are no longer able to move freely.  But others are not so sure.  The military has cut off cellphone communication in much of the northeast and blocked the battle areas.  Progress is hard to measure.


And there are concerns that supporting the civilian group will lead to more big problems.  Some experts say the formation of a civilian fighting group in Nigeria marks a government surrender of power.


Shehu Sani heads the Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria.  He says the military is failing in its responsibility to these untrained and unarmed young people.  And Mr. Sani says members of the Civilian JTF violate human rights.  He accuses them of attacking and arresting people suspected of belonging to the Boko Haram group.


The human rights activist12 says, “These people will someday grow to be another monster that the Nigerian state has to deal with.”


Does Law School Take Too Long and Cost Too Much?


Medical doctors and lawyers have usually held a respected place in American society.  But the educational costs necessary to join the professions can be way too high for many young people.  Faith Lapidus joins us now with information that may save students both time and money. 


People who want to become lawyers traditionally attend three years of law school. Like medical students, many law students are deeply in debt by the time they finish their juris doctor, or JD, degree. Those who take out loans borrow an average of around $125,000 to attend a private school. The average for public law schools is about $75,000.


Almost all graduates must pass a bar examination to get a license13 to practice law. This is a professional test administered by states.


New York University Law School Professor Samuel Erstreicher has written a paper about bar exam requirements. It appeared in the school’s Journal of Legislation and Public Policy. Professor Erstreicher suggests that more students should be allowed to take the bar exam after two years of law school. He notes that this was more common in the past. Supreme14 Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo and President Franklin Roosevelt both took the bar exam after two years.

纽约法律大学的教授Samuel Erstreicher曾经写过一个关于律师职业考试的文章,它被刊登在学校杂志Legislation and Public Policy上。Erstreicher教授建议应该允许法律学校毕业两年的学生参加职业考试,他点出这在过去十分常见,超级法官Justice Benjamin Cardozo和富兰克林·罗斯福总统都是在法律学校毕业之后的两年后参加的职业考试。

Professor Erstreicher also suggests a more professional, instead of a more academic, program of study. Learning more about professional skills, he says, would better prepare a lawyer to serve the needs of average Americans.


Some schools offer a two-year program in addition to three-year traditional courses of study. Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles established a program called SCALE in 1974. It says this is the oldest two-year JD program in the country.


Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago became the country’s first top law school to add an accelerated program. That was in 2009. Northwestern has the same requirements for accelerated students as for three-year students. They must learn the same material and pay the same price as students in the traditional program. Why, then, would someone want to do that? We asked Northwestern’s law school dean, Daniel Rodriguez.

位于芝加哥的西北法律大学于2009年成为了全国名牌法律学校中首个添加加速学习项目大学,西北大学对于加速学生的要求与三年制的法学学生的要求相同,他们必须交付于三年制的学生一样的费用同时学习好三年制学生所有的课程,为什么?那么又有谁会想去做这种事情呢?我们学问了西北法律大学的院长,Daniel Rodriguez.。

“For some of them it’s because they have a very clear sense of what they want to do when they get out of law school. Maybe they have a job lined up. Or, more likely, they have a strong sense of what their professional career would be. And they may be more urgent – a little bit of a hurry about it.”


Some lawyers argue against two-year programs. They question whether many law firms would want to hire lawyers without that third year of law school.  I’m Faith Lapidus.






1 tedder 2833afc4f8252d8dc9f8cd73b24db55d     
  • Jim Tedder has more. 吉姆?特德将给我们做更多的介绍。 来自互联网
  • Jim Tedder tells us more. 吉姆?泰德给我们带来更详细的报道。 来自互联网
2 militant 8DZxh     
  • Some militant leaders want to merge with white radicals.一些好斗的领导人要和白人中的激进派联合。
  • He is a militant in the movement.他在那次运动中是个激进人物。
3 civilian uqbzl     
  • There is no reliable information about civilian casualties.关于平民的伤亡还没有确凿的信息。
  • He resigned his commission to take up a civilian job.他辞去军职而从事平民工作。
4 civilians 2a8bdc87d05da507ff4534c9c974b785     
平民,百姓( civilian的名词复数 ); 老百姓
  • the bloody massacre of innocent civilians 对无辜平民的血腥屠杀
  • At least 300 civilians are unaccounted for after the bombing raids. 遭轰炸袭击之后,至少有300名平民下落不明。
5 actively lzezni     
  • During this period all the students were actively participating.在这节课中所有的学生都积极参加。
  • We are actively intervening to settle a quarrel.我们正在积极调解争执。
6 militants 3fa50c1e4338320d8495907fdc5bdbaf     
激进分子,好斗分子( militant的名词复数 )
  • The militants have been sporadically fighting the government for years. 几年来,反叛分子一直对政府实施零星的战斗。
  • Despite the onslaught, Palestinian militants managed to fire off rockets. 尽管如此,巴勒斯坦的激进分子仍然发射导弹。
7 defense AxbxB     
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
8 killings 76d97e8407f821a6e56296c4c9a9388c     
谋杀( killing的名词复数 ); 突然发大财,暴发
  • His statement was seen as an allusion to the recent drug-related killings. 他的声明被视为暗指最近与毒品有关的多起凶杀案。
  • The government issued a statement condemning the killings. 政府发表声明谴责这些凶杀事件。
9 joint m3lx4     
  • I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.我重重地摔了一跤,肩膀脫臼了。
  • We wrote a letter in joint names.我们联名写了封信。
10 lieutenant X3GyG     
  • He was promoted to be a lieutenant in the army.他被提升为陆军中尉。
  • He prevailed on the lieutenant to send in a short note.他说动那个副官,递上了一张简短的便条进去。
11 helping 2rGzDc     
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
12 activist gyAzO     
  • He's been a trade union activist for many years.多年来他一直是工会的积极分子。
  • He is a social activist in our factory.他是我厂的社会活动积极分子。
13 license B9TzU     
  • The foreign guest has a license on the person.这个外国客人随身携带执照。
  • The driver was arrested for having false license plates on his car.司机由于使用假车牌而被捕。
14 supreme PHqzc     
  • It was the supreme moment in his life.那是他一生中最重要的时刻。
  • He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.他把起诉书送交最高法院。

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