经济学人22:高龄母亲的福音 45岁也能生娃
时间:2013-11-21 05:10:50
Science and Technolgy.
Life begins at 45.
Hope for older mothers.
WHEN it comes to reproduction, men have it easy. Almost to the end of their lives most have an ample supply of
sperm1. Women are not so lucky. They are born with a supply of eggs that typically runs out when they reach middle age. That could be about to change, however. Researchers have confirmed that women harbour ovarian stem cells, and that these can give rise to new eggs.
Stem cells have the ability to divide continuously and to change into different types of cells. Stem cells from adults can produce a variety of cell types, in addition to those that make up the tissue in which they are found.
In 2004 Jonathan Tilly of Harvard Medical School and his colleagues discovered stem cells in mouse ovaries. Since then it has been shown that these ovarian stem cells can develop into eggs, be fertilised and produce
perfectly2 healthy mouse pups. But researchers have been reluctant to believe that something similar might be possible in humans.
2004年,哈弗医学院的Jonathan Tilly及其同事在老鼠卵巢里发现了干细胞。迄今已经证实,此类卵巢干细胞能够分化成为卵细胞,卵细胞在受精后还能发育成健康的鼠宝宝。但是研究者尚不能确信人类也存在类似机能。
Proving that this was indeed the case was
tricky3. Human ovarian tissue-especially from young, healthy donors-is not easy to come by. Dr Tilly's breakthrough came when he discovered that a former colleague, Yasushi Takai of Saitama Medical University in Japan, had in his freezer healthy ovarian tissue from 30 patients who had changed sex.
想要弄清真相有些困难。人类卵巢组织很难找到,健康的年轻捐献者的组织更难寻觅。幸而Tilly博士发现他的前同事——日本埼玉医科大学的Yasushi Takai在冰箱里存放了30个变性人不再需要的健康卵巢组织,取得了突破。
Using a sophisticated cell-sorting technique, the researchers developed a way to identify ovarian stem cells that works for both mice and humans. Then they took the human ovarian stem cells, labelled them with a green
fluorescent4 protein and put them back into a slice of human ovary (grafted onto a living mouse, so that it was functioning much like a normal ovary). The glowing green cells soon produced a brand new crop of human eggs, according to their findings published this week in Nature Medicine.
Offshoring fertilisation.
Fertilising these eggs for
experimentation5 is forbidden in America. Britain's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, however, will allow it in certain cases. So next month Dr Tilly will take some of his stem cell booty to Edinburgh to
collaborate6 with Evelyn Telfer, who has developed a technique for growing human eggs from an early stage. She holds a licence to fertilise them experimentally.
美国禁止为实验用的卵细胞受精,不过英国的人类受精和胚胎学管理局将在某些研究中允许给卵细胞授精。所以,下个月Tilly博士将带着卵细胞去爱丁堡与Evelyn Telfer合作。Evelyn Telfer掌握了用卵母细胞培育卵细胞的技术,持有给试验用细胞授精的许可。
The discovery could revolutionise
infertility7 treatment for women in several ways. For one thing, research has shown that in mice, even
aged8 ovaries contain ovarian stem cells. And when those stem cells are placed into a young ovary, they will develop healthy eggs. This raises the possibility that, one day, women of advanced age could have their own biologically related children. Currently, many women over 45 have to make do with in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) using the egg of a younger woman.
Other treatments will become available sooner. OvaScience, a fertility company based in Boston which has exclusive rights to exploit Dr Tilly's research on mammalian ovarian stem cells, will begin offering a novel treatment in July. This uses a woman's own stem cells to provide her eggs with extra energy by creating fresh mitochondria-sub-units that exist within cells and supply them with energy. They too can become scarcer and less productive with age. Previous studies have shown that boosting mitochondria can dramatically increase the success rates of IVF. When it comes to reproduction, men will still have it easier for some time. But women are
catching9 up.