经济学人25:辐射尘中 幸免于难
时间:2013-11-21 05:14:45
Science and Technolgy.
Radiation and evolution.
Surviving fallout.
辐射尘中 幸免于难。
Birds can evolve to cope with the lingering effects of nuclear incidents.
THE disaster last year at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, caused by an earthquake and
tsunami1, scored seven on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES). No worse rating exists. Radiation is harmful to living things, yet the long-term effects of
persistently2 high levels of background radiation on
ecosystems3 are poorly understood.With this in mind, a team led by Timothy Mousseau of the University of South Carolina and Anders Moller of the University of Paris-Sud set out to compare bird species
dwelling4 near the Fukushima plant with those living at the site of another nuclear incident that scored a seven on the INES: the Ukrainian town of Chernobyl, where disaster struck in 1986.
Remarkably5, they found that some species seem to develop a
tolerance6 for radioactivity over time.
去年,地震和海啸引发了福岛第一原子能发电站核泄漏事故,在国际核与辐射事件等级标准(INES)中被评为第七级;没有比这情况还糟的分级了。核辐射对生物有害,而长时间高水平的本底辐射对生态系统有何影响,人们还知之甚少。为了研究这个问题,南卡罗莱纳大学的Timothy Mousseau和巴黎第十一大学的Anders Moller率团队着手比较在两个INES七级事故事发地(福岛核电站和1986年发生事故的乌克兰小镇切尔诺贝利)附近栖息的鸟类种群。结果出人意料。他们发现随着时间迁移,似乎有些鸟类发展出了对核辐射的耐受力。
Fukushima and Chernobyl are more than 7,000km (4,350 miles) apart, but Dr Mousseau and his colleagues soon realised that the two sites had much in common. Both are in areas that have a
temperate7 climate with species that have similar habits and needs. And both are surrounded by a mixture of farmland and forest. Upon closer examination the researchers found that 14 species of bird lived in both regions, including the barn swallow, great tit, great reed warbler, buzzard and Eurasian jay. With so many similarities between the two places, a comparison of the biological responses to radiation in each (recent in Fukushima; long-term in Chernobyl) would surely be
To do this, during July 2011, the researchers counted and identified birds at 300 locations near Fukushima that had radiation levels as low as 0.5 microsieverts per hour and as high as 35 (for comparison, dental X-rays rarely expose patients to more than 0.05 microsieverts). Then they compared these results to bird data collected in areas that had the same range of radiation levels near Chernobyl between 2006 and 2009.
Their results, published in Environmental Pollution, show that as radiation levels in an area rose to 35 microsieverts per hour, the average number of birds dropped by almost a third compared with the areas where radiation levels were only 0.5 microsieverts per hour. This makes sense: in those areas with a high level of radiation, living things would tend to die or sicken and fail to reproduce. However, when researchers looked at the 14 bird species that lived in both regions, they found that the same level of radiation was associated with twice as large a drop in bird numbers in Fukushima as in Chernobyl.
The reasons for this are not clear. It is possible that the composition of the radionuclides are proving more dangerous to the Fukushima birds than they are to the birds near Chernobyl. But Dr Mousseau suggests a more likely explanation is that evolution has already been at work near Chernobyl,
killing9 off individual birds that cannot cope with the background radiation and allowing the
genes10 of those that have some tolerance to be passed on. The birds at Fukushima are only beginning to face the
evolutionary11 challenge of living in a radioactive world.