经济学人66:捕获希格斯粒子 敌军现身?
时间:2013-11-26 03:03:51
Science and Technology
Looking for the Higgs
Enemy in sight?
The search for the Higgs boson is closing in on its
ON JULY 22nd two teams of researchers based at CERN, Europe's main particle-physics laboratory, near Geneva, told a meeting of the European Physical Society in Grenoble that they had found the strongest hints yet that the Higgs boson does, in fact, exist.
The Higgs (named after Peter Higgs, a British
physicist2 who predicted its existence) is the last unobserved part of the Standard Model, a 40-year-old theory which successfully describes the behaviour of all the fundamental particles and forces of nature bar gravity.
希格斯粒子(它以预言其存在的英国物理学家彼得·希格斯的名字命名) 是"基础模型"中最后一个尚未观测到的组件,"基础模型"已有40年的历史,它成功地描述了所有基础粒子的行为及除重力以外的所有自然力。
Mathematically, the Higgs is needed to complete the model because, otherwise, none of the other particles would have any mass.
The problem with the
elusive3 boson is not creating it in the first place.
Two of the world's particle accelerators, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN and its American rival, the Tevatron at Fermilab on the
outskirts4 of Chicago, each have more than enough oomph to
conjure5 up the Higgs—at least if it looks anything like theory suggests it should.
The difficulty, rather, is spotting signs of it in the jetsam of subatomic
debris6 these machines produce.
Both laboratories use similar approaches: smashing particles called hadrons into each other.
The LHC collides beams of protons.
The Tevatron works with protons and antiprotons.
In each case the particles concerned are accelerated to within a whisker of the speed of light before they are forced, head-on, into each other.
During such a collision, their
kinetic7 energy is converted into other particles (since, as Einstein showed, energy and mass are but two sides of the same coin).
The more kinetic energy there is, the heavier these daughter particles can be.
Unfortunately hadrons, such as protons and antiprotons, are made of smaller bits called quarks.
As a result, hadron collisions can be messy and difficult to interpret.
If a Higgs were to be made in such a collision, the
complexity8 of hadrons means that other particles would be created along with the boson.
Both it and its companions would then decay almost instantly into a
plethora9 of less
fleeting10 bits, some of which could be detected.
In theory, analysing this shower of daughter particles should give away whether or not a Higgs was involved.
But other sorts of subatomic process that do not involve the Higgs can produce
precisely11 the same final readings as those the missing boson is predicted to generate.
Finding a Higgs-like signal among the daughters is therefore not, by itself, enough to say you have discovered the Higgs.
What is needed is an unexpected abundance of such signals.
And it is just such excess that two separate experiments at the LHC, known as CMS and
ATLAS12, have detected.
Neither reaches the
exacting14 standard of proof that particle
physicists15 require to accept a result unequivocally—namely one chance in 3.5m that it occurred by accident.
Instead, they each achieved a significance of somewhere between one chance in 1,000 and one in six, depending on which statistical test you use.
What set the scientists gathered in Grenoble aflutter, though, was that both experiments ascribed the excesses they observed to the same
putative16 decay pattern—one involving W bosons, which
mediate17 the weak nuclear force that is responsible for certain types of radioactive decay.
Both teams also ascribe the same mass to their putative Higgses, namely 130-150 gigaelectron-volts (the units in which particle physicists measure mass).
That is at the low end of the predicted range.
Sadly, even taken together these results are far from
robust18 enough to claim the Higgs's discovery.
With a little tweaking, the Standard Model might explain them in other ways.
Guido Tonelli and Fabiola Gianotti, who head CMS and ATLAS respectively, therefore urge caution.
各自领导CMS和ATLAS的基多·汤内利(Guido Tonelli)及法比奥拉·贾诺蒂(Fabiola Gianotti)因而呼吁要格外的小心谨慎。
Their goal is to have enough data by the end of the year either to say definitely that the Higgs has a mass of 130-150 gigaelectron-volts, or that if it exists at all, then it must be heavier than that.
If this is the case, the hunt will continue at higher and higher energies (and therefore masses) until either the thing is found, or there is nowhere left in the energy landscape for it to be hiding.