经济学人82:基础物理 反物质研究突飞猛进
时间:2013-11-27 02:24:09
Science and Technology Fundamental physics Antimatter of fact
科技 基础物理 反物质研究突飞猛进
Researchers at CERN have held on to anti-atoms for a full quarter of an hour
READERS who were paying attention in their maths classes may recall that quadratic equations often have two solutions, one positive and one negative.
So when, in 1928, a British
physicist1 called Paul Dirac solved such an equation relating to the electron, the fact that one answer described the opposite of that particle might have been brushed aside as a curiosity.
因此1928年,当英国物理学家保罗·狄拉克(Paul Dirac)在解一道有关微观电子的类似方程时,得到了一个描述电子颗粒负状态的结果,该结果按照异常情况本应该予以舍弃,但实际情况并非如此。
But it wasn't. Instead, Dirac interpreted it as antimatter-and, four years later, it turned up in a real experiment.
Since then antimatter-first, anti-electrons, known as positrons, and then antiversions of all other particles of matter-has become a
staple2 of both real science and the
fictional3 sort.
What has not been available for study until recently, however, is entire anti-atoms.
A handful have been made in various laboratories, and even held on to for a few seconds.
But none has hung around long enough to be examined in detail because, famously, antimatter and matter
annihilate4 each other on contact.
But that has now changed, with the
preservation5 of several hundred such atoms for several minutes by Jeffrey Hangst and his colleagues at CERN, the main European particle-physics laboratory near Geneva.
但现在这种情况已经得到了改观,欧洲原子核研究组织(CERN)—日内瓦附近的欧洲粒子物理研究试验室—的Jeffrey Hangst及其同事已将数百颗这种原子的生命状态持续了几分钟。
The reason this is important is that Dirac's equation is misleading.
Antimatter cannot be the perfect opposite of matter, otherwise neither would exist at all.
If they truly were perfect opposites, equal amounts of the two would have been made in the Big Bang, and they would have
annihilated6 each other long since, leaving only light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation to fill the universe.
galaxies7, stars and planets-and
physicists8 to ponder such things-exist therefore means there is a subtle
asymmetry9 between matter and antimatter, and that nature somehow favours the former.
Two such
asymmetries10 have indeed been found. But neither is big enough to explain why so much matter has survived.
Being able to look at entire anti-atoms might give some further clue.
Last November the ALPHA
collaboration11 at CERN, which Dr Hangst leads, managed to put positrons into orbit around 38 antiprotons-thus creating anti-hydrogen atoms-and then held on to them in a magnetic trap for a few tenths of a second.
Now, as they report in Nature Physics, the researchers have used their device to preserve anti-hydrogen for 16 minutes (aeons in atomic-physics terms).
This gives the anti-atoms plenty of time to settle into their ground state, the most stable condition a particle or atom can
As a result, Dr Hangst and his colleagues can look in a
leisurely13 manner for novel ways that antimatter might differ from the common-or-garden variety.
Their first experiment will involve nudging the trapped anti-atoms with microwaves.
If the frequency of these microwaves is just right, they will
flip14 an anti-atom's spin.
That reverses the polarity of the atom's magnetic field and ejects it from the trap.
The frequency needed to do this can then be compared with that which
flips15 the spin of an ordinary hydrogen atom. If the two turn out to be different, it will point towards the nature of the mysterious cosmic asymmetry.
Besides being of huge interest (it would, after all, be a
legitimate16 answer to the question "why are we here?"), such a result would also have a pleasing symmetry of its own.
The original discovery of antimatter was a nice example of theory predicting an undiscovered fact. This would be a fact that repaid the compliment by predicting an undiscovered theory.