经济学人16:天鹅之歌 A swan's song
时间:2013-11-29 02:56:38
Books and Arts;New fiction;A swan's song;
Peter Carey's
delightful1 double story: The Chemistry of Tears,by Peter Carey.
Few writers manage so consistently and
delightfully2 as Peter Carey to
conjure3 wondrous4 scenes populated with idiosyncratic yet
credible5 characters. “The Chemistry of Tears”, Mr Carey's 12th novel, does not disappoint.
As it opens, Catherine Gehrig, a conservator of clocks at a London museum, learns that her colleague and secret lover of 13 years has died. To comfort her in her grief she is assigned a new project: to reconstruct a fantastical 19th-century clockwork swan.
故事从一家伦敦博物馆的钟表管理员凯瑟琳·格里克(Catherine Gehrig)身上开始说起。凯瑟琳得知了她的同事(同时也是她长达十三年的地下情人)的死讯,为了抚平悲痛,她接受了一项新任务——修复一个十九世纪精美的天鹅钟表。
Mr Carey loves grand projects and intricate crafts. In “Oscar and Lucinda” (which won the Booker prize in 1988) he follows an extraordinary glass and iron church downriver to its final destination; the art of
forgery6 pervades7 “Parrot and Olivier in America”. In “The Chemistry of Tears”, the inner workings of a clock's reliable tick-tock contrast with the ultimate betrayal of human flesh.
凯里总爱在故事中给角色各种宏大任务和各种精细的手艺。在《奥斯卡于露辛达》(荣获1988年布克奖)一书中,他描写了一座由玻璃和铁制成的教堂的构想,并且让这个构想随着主人公的旅程顺水而下,直到它的目的地,直到故事的最终;同样的,在小说《奥利维尔与鹦鹉》(“Parrot and Olivier in America ”暂无官方译名)中,他又痴情于仿品工艺,贯穿始终。在《泪水制剂》中,钟表发条永远忠实的滴答声与血肉人类最终的忘弃形成了鲜明对比。
Two stories intertwine. One
strand8, set in 2010, follows Catherine, an “oddly elegant tall woman” with seaweed hair. She
muses9 on her lover's fate, “trapped beneath the earth, all his beauty turned into a factory, producing
methane10, carbon dioxide, rotten egg gas, ammonia.” She drinks vodka and rages at the weather, “hail and hate, the entire back garden stoned to death.”
A second
narrative11 traces the clock's original manufacture. Henry Brandling, a sorrowful, rich Englishman, travels to Germany to commission a “mechanical marvel” so wondrous it will raise his consumptive son from his sickbed.
另一条,追随着发条天鹅,回溯到其最初的诞生。富裕却忧伤的英国男子亨利·布兰德林(Henry Brandling)来到德国,希望能找人制造出一个美妙的“机械奇迹”,好让他身患肺痨的儿子能从中汲取战胜病魔的希望。
Henry's story,
scrawled12 in 11 notebooks, comforts Catherine as her lover can no longer. Yet as she reads and works, the distinction between the
animate13 and inanimate
blur14. She brings Henry's
preening15 swan to life but
eradicates16 the afterlife of her adultery, the e-mail trail between her and her lover: “I deleted, for ever, the
celestial17 light through the pine forest behind Walberswick, the heath at Dunwich in full flower”; she lingers over his final e-mail, “I kiss your toes”, sent hours before he died.
Mr Carey is one of the finest living writers in English. His best books satisfy both intellectually and emotionally; he is lyrical yet never forgets the
imperative18 to entertain. His fault as a novelist is that at times he is too enamoured of his constructs and risks losing the reader. “The Chemistry of Tears” is a shorter and less ambitious book than some of his earlier works—but a wholly enjoyable journey.