经济学人72:寻医问药 In need of therapy
时间:2013-12-05 02:23:29
Business Books; Book Review; Wall Street analysis; In need of therapy;
Exile on Wall Street: One
Analyst1's Fight to Save the Big Banks from Themselves. By Mike Mayo.
Mike Mayo likes to ask blunt questions about issues that no one else will touch. To some, his
queries2 are sparklers that light up
dreary3 quarterly
earnings4 calls between the heads of major banks and financial
analysts5; to others, they come from nowhere, rockets that bring down banking's high-fliers.
Mr Mayo is a well-known bank analyst who currently works for Crédit Agricole Securities USA. He has been a star attraction at half a dozen firms, is beloved by the media, followed by clients, and
loathed6 by whatever institution happens to have earned his derision. This approach has cost him a succession of jobs, but it has not stopped him from having a successful career. There are many reasons for this. Mr Mayo hates being criticised, but has few reservations about criticising others. He has a deep belief in
capitalism7, but holds many of its leading
practitioners8 in contempt; J.P. Morgan's Jamie Dimon is almost alone in drawing praise. He
writhes9 if he feels his employers are disloyal, yet shows little
loyalty10 himself, seemingly always on the prowl for a better opportunity.
梅奥是位名气了得的金融分析师,现在就职于法国农信银行美国分行,他在工作过的六七家公司都是风云人物。媒体青睐他,客户追随他,不幸被其奚落的机构痛恨他。虽然出名的代价是工作换了一个又一个,但这仍无碍于他在事业上的成功。其原因有很多。梅奥讨厌别人批评自己,但他批评起别人来却毫不委婉;他对资本主义深信不疑,却对很多大资本家嗤之以鼻。摩根大通的Jamie Dimon几乎是唯一得到过他好评的人。他为员工是否对他忠心耿耿而纠结,自己却频频跳槽,似乎总在找机会另谋高就。
Such qualities are vital in a profession where objectivity is important and constantly tested. For the friendly analyst there are
gourmet11 meals, rides on private jets, subsidised nights at strip clubs and, with luck, a bigger slice of profits. By contrast, when in 1999 Mr Mayo issued a 1,000-page report, telling the industry he covered that the good times were over, the consequences were uncomfortable. The report made his reputation but cost him his job. In describing his struggles in the intervening years, he writes: “Large banks have enough
clout12 to beat the living daylights out of anybody who gets in the way—politicians, the press, or analysts like me.”
Markets can be equally unkind. Some of his best calls,
notably13 a
persistent14 scepticism about Citigroup, took years to be proved right. If he had run his own fund, Mr Mayo says, he would have made a lot of money over time, but “I probably would have folded several times as well.” Sometimes, notably in the case of Lehman Brothers, his view proved too optimistic.
But why, overall, aren't the big financial firms, and the analysts who cover them, better at the job? Mr Mayo offers the usual reasons:
corruption15, lousy disclosure, ridiculous compensation packages for
incompetent16 managers who are
overseen17 by incompetent regulators, conflicts of interests that are little short of
rife18. All of this he
illustrates19 with names and dates, a close-up view of
venality20 that, by itself, makes “Exile on Wall Street” a story worth reading. Since the financial crisis, Mr Mayo's 1999 report has become the conventional wisdom. To create another stir, he may need to become positive.