
VOA慢速英语2014 From Traditional to 'Freak,' the Evolution in American Folk Music 从传统到'怪胎,'的演变在美国的民间音乐

时间:2014-03-11 15:39:45




From Traditional to 'Freak,' the Evolution in American Folk Music 从传统到'怪胎,'的演变在美国的民间音乐

From VOA Learning English, welcome to This IsAmerica. I’m Steve Ember. This week on our program, we explore American folk music, the music of thepeople. Our musical guide is Barbara Klein. Comealong with us, and sing along any time you like!


"Good Night Irene," is an example of a traditional folksong. That means the song is so old, no one reallyknows who wrote it.


Huddie Ledbetter, the singer and guitarist known asLedbelly, first recorded "Good Night Irene" in 1932.Since then more than a hundred other versions havebeen recorded. "Good Night Irene," was a huge hit for the Weavers2 in 1950.


Folk music researcher Bob Carlin notes the historicimportance of protest songs. They help give voice to cultural and socialmovements, he says.


One of the members of the Weavers was Pete Seeger. He was among those who popularized folk music in the 1940s. Later, he wrote some of the best known songsof the civil rights and anti-Vietnam War protests of the 60s.


Pete Seeger could be called the King of the ProtestSong, in the words of folk musician Tony Trischka. Yethis greatest influence may have come frompopularizing a song that he himself did not write. "WeShall Overcome" came from a Negro spiritual.


As Tony Trischka points out, the original version wascalled "We Will Overcome." Pete Seeger thought "shall" sounded better. And he made other changes, like adding the verse "we are not afraid" to offersupport for the protests taking place across the country.


"We Shall Overcome," became the theme song of the American civil rightsmovement.


"Folk songs sometimes tell stories about real events. Anexample is the story of a young man whose last namewas spelled D-U-L-A but pronounced "Dooley."


Tom Dula was a Civil War veteran in North Carolina. He was tried and found guilty of the murder of his girlfriendLaura Foster. He was hanged in 1868, yet the case leftmany questions.


The story was retold in poems and songs -- includingthe hit song, "Tom Dooley," recorded in 1958 by theKingston Trio.

这个故事是新编的诗词歌赋 - includingthe主打歌,“汤姆·杜利,”由theKingston三重奏录制于1958年。

Folk singer and songwriter Amy Speace says the history of American folkmusic can be imagined as a tree with many branches. At the center, shesays, is Woody Guthrie.


Woody Guthrie wrote almost 3,000 songs. But he only recorded about 300 ofthem. His granddaughter Anna Canoni says that was partly because he didnot have enough money to record more. He made only one record with amajor record company.


Yet for all his influence, millions of Americans today remember him for justone song, which children learn in school.


The song, "This Land Is Your Land," seems like theperfect expression of pride in country. What manypeople do not know is that it was meant sarcastically3, as just the opposite. Woody Guthrie wrote it in 1940 inreaction to Irving Berlin's popular song, "God BlessAmerica."


In fact, Woody Guthrie first called his song, "GodBlessed America for Me." It was meant as a protestsong against private property and the unequal treatmentof citizens.


This meaning is made clear later in the song, in theparts that most children never learn in school:


Another verse talks about seeing hungry peoplestanding in line for public aid at the relief office. WoodyGuthrie was a voice for labor4 unions and striking workers and families beatendown by the Great Depression in the 1930s.


In the 1960s, folk singers like Joan Baez and Bob Dylanprotested the Vietnam War. Bob Dylan's, "Blowin’ in theWind," became a big hit for the folk group Peter, Pauland Mary in 1963.


Singer and songwriter Amy Speace says there are stillprotest songs being written. She points to the examplesof Steve Earle and Neil Young as well as what she callsmore contemporary folkies.


That would include herself, a child of the 80s. AmySpeace describes one of her songs as a protest song, but more of a story with the protest quietly built into it. The story is about a girl whose brother is a soldier whogets killed in a desert war. The song is called, "TheWeight of the World."


A new kind of folk music mixes elements of traditional folk and rock withmostly acoustic5 instruments. Some call it "freak folk." Others hate that name.


Whatever you call it, one artist often used as an example is the singer,songwriter and harp6 player Joanna Newsom. This song is called, "Sprout7 and the Bean."


Some people probably think of a folk singer as a fossil from the 1960s. A long-haired, guitar-playing idealist who sings about bringing the world together.


But these days, with music production software, digital video and socialnetworks all easily available, folk artists really can bring the world together.


Our program was written by Nancy Steinbach and produced by Caty Weaver1.Barbara Klein was our narrator, and I’m Steve Ember inviting8 you to join usagain next week for This Is America from VOA Learning English.

我们的节目是由Nancy Steinbach撰稿和卡蒂Weaver.Barbara克莱因生产是我们的解说员,我史蒂夫灰烬,邀请您加入usagain下周这是美国美国之音学英语。



1 weaver LgWwd     
  • She was a fast weaver and the cloth was very good.她织布织得很快,而且布的质量很好。
  • The eager weaver did not notice my confusion.热心的纺织工人没有注意到我的狼狈相。
2 weavers 55d09101fa7c612133657b412e704736     
织工,编织者( weaver的名词复数 )
  • The Navajo are noted as stockbreeders and skilled weavers, potters, and silversmiths. 纳瓦霍人以豢养家禽,技术熟练的纺织者,制陶者和银匠而著名。
  • They made out they were weavers. 他们假装是织布工人。
3 sarcastically sarcastically     
  • 'What a surprise!' Caroline murmured sarcastically.“太神奇了!”卡罗琳轻声挖苦道。
  • Pierce mocked her and bowed sarcastically. 皮尔斯嘲笑她,讽刺地鞠了一躬。
4 labor P9Tzs     
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
5 acoustic KJ7y8     
  • The hall has a fine acoustic.这个大厅的传音效果很好。
  • Animals use a whole rang of acoustic, visual,and chemical signals in their systems of communication.动物利用各种各样的听觉、视觉和化学信号来进行交流。
6 harp UlEyQ     
  • She swept her fingers over the strings of the harp.她用手指划过竖琴的琴弦。
  • He played an Irish melody on the harp.他用竖琴演奏了一首爱尔兰曲调。
7 sprout ITizY     
  • When do deer first sprout horns?鹿在多大的时候开始长出角?
  • It takes about a week for the seeds to sprout.这些种子大约要一周后才会发芽。
8 inviting CqIzNp     
  • An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room.一股诱人的咖啡香味飘进了房间。
  • The kitchen smelled warm and inviting and blessedly familiar.这间厨房的味道温暖诱人,使人感到亲切温馨。

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