经济学人248:艾滋病 幽灵般的转机
时间:2014-12-24 07:56:21
A spectre returns
The fall in HIV infections
conceals1 a worrying rise among gay men
A TELEVISION campaign in the 1980s showed a volcano exploding and dark clouds
looming2 over a blackened tombstone
chiselled3 with the word AIDS. “Don't die of ignorance”, intoned a grim voice. Panic about the HIV/AIDS
epidemic4 was widespread. Now better treatment, and better understanding of how the virus spreads, means that HIV is no longer a death sentence. But amid the good news there is cause for concern; among gay men in Britain infections are rising.
According to statistics released on November 18th by Public Health England (PHE), part of the NHS, 110,000 people in Britain were living with HIV in 2013, the highest number ever. But that is cause for celebration. Those infected are living much longer. People are being tested more often and diagnosed sooner. Between 2004 and 2013 new infections among heterosexuals fell by half.
Over the same period, however, the estimated annual number of new infections among men who have sex with men rose by a third, to 3,250. Some 13% of gay men in London are living with HIV. Compare that to San Francisco; the prevalence is higher—fairly static at about 24%—but the rate of new diagnoses is falling. In London, it is rising. This is partly explained by better testing. But reckless behaviour is also to blame.
“Chemsex”—taking drugs, especially crystal methamphetamine, GBL, or mephedrone, just before or during sex—is the chief innovation. Such drugs fuel sex binges, enabling people to have sex for longer, risking
trauma5 and
abrasion6, and with a greater number of partners. Both increase the risk of transmission. The internet makes it easier to meet casual partners. David Stuart of 56 Dean Street, an NHS sexual-health clinic in Soho, says the centre sees around 100 gay men every month who use drugs for sex. Most have not had sober sex in six months, he says.
“化学性爱”——在性爱前或性爱后服用毒品,尤其是冰毒, 伽玛丁内酯(GBL)或是甲氧麻黄酮——是主要的诱因。此类药物刺激性欲,延长人们性爱时间,与大量的同伴性爱更易造成外伤和擦伤,二者都增加了艾滋病传播的几率。网络让人们更容易接触到随意的性爱伙伴。迪恩街56号英国全民医疗服务性爱健康诊疗中心的大卫·斯图尔特说,该中心每月大概会接待100位借助药物进行性爱的男同性恋。大多数在最近的六个月内都是服药性爱。
Cultural shifts may also be to blame. For some, fear of HIV may manifest itself in avoidance of the subject, via drugs and escapism, says Mr Stuart. But Amrou al-Kadhi, a magazine editor and drag performer,
frets7 that others are in denial. Treatment has so improved that some assume they no longer need worry. He worries that some men treat post-exposure
prophylactics8 like the morning-after pill. (Such medicine may stop infection if taken straight after exposure to HIV.) There is a divide, he suggests, between older gay men, who saw the horrors of the AIDS epidemic, and the young, who seem more
文化观念的转变也是一个原因。斯图尔特表示,对一些人来说,借着毒品和逃避现实,对HIV的恐慌更可能使它变为一个逃避话题。。但是杂志编辑兼戏剧演员Amrou al-Kadhi担心其他人不肯接受现实。由于当前医疗技术进步不小,有人会认为无需担忧。他担心有些人将做爱后预防药看的跟避孕药似的,尽管此类药物可能会预防直接暴露于艾滋病后的感染。他建议,经历过艾滋病蔓延的年长男同性恋者和比较自满的年轻人需要分别对待。
Analysis by Colin Brown, a research fellow at PHE, suggests that testing may not be as widespread as some believe. In 2011, 58% of gay men in Britain said they had been tested for HIV within the past year. But figures from sexual-health clinics in the capital suggest that 20% or less of HIV-negative gay men there get tested every year, half the rate in San Francisco. That city has seen a steeper decline in the proportion of those infected but
unaware10 of it—who are most likely to infect others—than London has.
Better treatments leave campaigners with a
dilemma11. They want to see transmissions decline and promote behaviour that minimises risk. But they also want to
reassure12 those who contract HIV that they can still live a long life. Some gay men appear to have taken the second message to heart at the expense of the first.