
VOA慢速英语2018 欧洲和日本的宇宙飞船开启7年的水星之旅

时间:2018-10-28 22:42:00



European, Japanese Spacecraft Begins Seven-Year Trip to Mercury

European and Japanese space agencies have successfully launched a spacecraft as part of a joint1 effort to study Mercury, the closest planet to the sun.


The unmanned “BepiColombo” spacecraft launched from French Guiana on October 20. It is named after the Italian scientist Giuseppe “Bepi” Colombo. The Ariane 5 rocket lifted it into orbit. The spacecraft carried two probes, one developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the other by Japan Aerospace2 Exploration Agency (JAXA).

这颗无人驾驶的贝皮科伦坡号(BepiColombo)太空飞船于10月20日从法属圭亚那发射升空。它以意大利科学家朱塞佩·“贝皮”·科伦坡的名字命名。阿丽亚娜5号(Ariane 5)火箭将它送入轨道。该航天器携带了两颗探测器,一颗由欧洲航天局(ESA)开发,另一颗由日本宇宙航空研究机构(JAXA)开发。

The trip to Mercury will take seven years. Scientists hope the mission will give them more information about the planet’s inside core, as well as possibly answer questions about how our solar system was formed.


ESA said the $1.5-billion mission is one of the most complex in its history. Mercury’s nearness to the sun makes it an especially difficult planet to study. There is intense gravitational pull from the sun, as well as extreme solar radiation. And the planet has extreme temperatures.


The BepiColombo spacecraft will have to follow an elliptical path to Mercury. Its trip includes one “fly-by” of Earth and two of Venus. It also will make six fly-bys of Mercury itself. This will let it slow down before arriving at its target in December 2025.


Once it arrives there, BepiColombo will release the two probes, called Bepi and Mio. The probes will independently investigate the surface and the magnetic field of Mercury. The probes are made to work in extreme temperatures -- from very hot to very cold. On the side facing the sun, the temperature is 430 degrees Celsius3, but away from the sun, it is minus 180 degrees Celsius.


ESA’s Bepi probe will operate in Mercury’s inner orbit. JAXA’s Mio will be in the outer orbit. Scientists hope the data gathered will give them information on the internal structure of the planet, its surface and physical development.


The scientists are building on the knowledge gained by the American space agency NASA’s Messenger probe. It ended its mission in 2015 after a four-year orbit of Mercury. The only other spacecraft to visit Mercury was NASA’s Mariner4 10, which flew past the planet in the mid-1970s.

科学家们是基于美国航天局(NASA)的信使号(Messenger)探测器获得的信息。信使号探测器在绕水星轨道4年之后,于2015年结束了它的使命。另一颗前往水星的航天器只有美国宇航局的水手10号(Mariner 10,)探测器,它于20世纪70年代中期掠过了水星。

Mercury is not much bigger than Earth’s moon. It has a huge iron core, about which little is known.


Guiseppe “Bepi” Colombo was an Italian professor, mathematician5 and engineer. Some call him the “Grandfather of the Fly-By” because his research helped in the exploration of Mercury, Saturn6 and Halley’s Comet.


It is the second recent cooperation between the Europeans and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. JAXA’s Hayabusa2 probe dropped a German-French space vehicle on the asteroid7 Ryugu earlier this month.


I’m Anne Ball.

Words in This Story

probe - n. a device that is used to obtain information from outer space and send it back to Earth

solar - adj. of or relating to the sun

core - n. the central part of something

elliptical - adj. shaped like a flattened circle



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6 Saturn tsZy1     
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7 asteroid uo1yD     
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