经济学人:"人脑PK计算机" 人类智慧的褪色?(2)
时间:2018-12-05 04:48:18
In 2011 Hector Levesque of the University of Toronto became annoyed by systems that “passed” the Turing Test by joking and avoiding direct answers. 2011年多伦多大学Hector Levesque对那些靠开玩笑和不直接回答问题”通过“图灵测试的系统感到恼火。
He later asked to borrow MrWinograd’s name and the
format1 of his dissertation’s puzzle to
pose2 a more
genuine3 test of machine “understanding”: the Winograd Schema. 随后他借用Winograd先生的名字和他论文中的谜题格式制作了一个更加真实的机器“理解能力”测试:Winograd模式。
The answers to its battery of questions were obvious to humans but would require computers to have some reasoning ability and some knowledge of the real world. 其整组问题的答案对人类来说都是显而易见的,但却需要计算机有一定的推理能力和对现实世界了解。
The first official Winograd Schema Challenge was held this year, 今年举行了第一次官方Winograd模式挑战,
with a $25,000 prize offered by
Nuance4, the language-software company, for a program that could answer more than 90% of the questions correctly. Nuance语言软件公司为能够答对90%以上问题的计算机程序提供25000美元的奖励。
The best of them got just 58% right. 但表现最好的正确率也只有58%。
Though officially
retired5, MrWinograd continues writing and researching. 尽管正式退休了,Winograd仍在继续写作和研究活动。
One of his students is working on an application for Google Glass, a computer with a display
mounted6 on eyeglasses. 他的一个学生在开发谷歌眼镜的应用程序(一个显示器安装在眼镜上的计算机)。
The app would help people withautismby reading the facial expressions of conversation partners and giving the wearer information about their
emotional7 state. 该应用程序可以帮助孤独症患者通过阅读谈话对象的面部表情反馈给佩戴者对方的情绪状态信息。
It would allow him to integratelinguistic and non-linguistic information in a way that people with autism find difficult, as do computers. 此程序可以将孤独症人群和计算机认为复杂的语言和非语言信息整合在一起。
Asked to trick some of the latest digital assistants, like Siri and Alexa, he asks them things like “Where can I find a nightclub my Methodistuncle would like?”, 谈及整蛊时下最新的数字助理,如Siri和Alexa,他问数字助理以下问题,如:“我在哪里可以找我的卫理公会教派叔叔会喜欢的夜总会?”
which requires knowledge about both nightclubs (which such systems have) and Methodist uncles (which they don’t). 这需要了解夜总会的知识(系统包含)和卫理公会教派的叔叔(系统不包含)。
When he tried “Where did I leave my glasses?”, one of them came up with a link to a book of that name. 当他问“我把眼镜放哪儿了?”其中一个弹出该书名的图书链接。
None offered the obvious answer: “How would I know?” 二者都没有给出明摆着的答案:“我怎么知道?”