

时间:2005-04-27 16:00:00



47 联合国关于儿童问题的特别会议

TITLE=DEVELOPMENT REPORT - United Nations Special Session1 on Children
BYLINE=Jill Moss2

    (start at 1') This is Bill White with the VOA Special English Development Report.
    The United Nations (1)General Assembly3 will hold a special (2)session on children beginning September Nineteenth.  The meeting will bring together government leaders, child (3)activists, non-government (4)organizations and many young people. The three-day gathering5 will give officials a valuable chance to change how the world thinks about children.  
    Eleven years ago, the U-N held a similar meeting called the "World (5)Summit6 for Children."  During that (6)conference, seventy-one heads of state and government signed a (7)treaty7 aimed at improving the lives of children around the world.  (8)Efforts to reach the goals (9)established in that treaty have made the rights of children an important (10)issue.
    The U-N (11)agency for children, UNICEF, is supporting the special session.  Officials are expected to produce a plan of action to (12)guarantee that three important goals are reached.  The goals are the best possible start in life for all children, a good education for all children and the chance for all children to become an important part of their (13)communities.  The session will also examine progress made since the Nineteen-Ninety World Summit for Children.
    Former South African President and Nobel Peace Prize winner (14)Nelson Mandela is working toward8 these goals.  He is joined by his wife Graca Machel who is an activist4 for children.  They are calling on community, business and government leaders to form an international movement aimed at improving the world for young people.   
    The movement is hoping to build international support for a public campaign to help children.  Several world leaders have joined the movement.  They include South (15)Korean President Kim Dae-Jung and Queen Rania of Jordan. Movie stars, professional sports teams, and the creators of children's television programs and books also have joined the movement.  
    The group's public campaign lists ten ways to improve the lives of young people.  These include educating children, (16)protecting them from war and fighting the disease9 (17)AIDS.  UNICEF officials say the goal of the movement is for people around the world to get (18)involved, take action and work for change.  They say that for every child who comes into the world, the hopes and dreams of the human race are (19)reborn. 
    This VOA Special English Development Report was written by Jill Moss.  And this is Bill White.

(1)General Assembly n.会员大会
(2)session [ 5seFEn ]n.会议, 开庭
(3)activist [ 5Aktivist ]n.行动主义者
(4)organization [ 7C:^Enai5zeiFEn ]n.组织, 机构, 团体
(5)summit [ 5sQmit ]n.最高首脑
(6)conference [ 5kCnfErEns ]n.会议
(7)treaty [ 5tri:ti ]n.条约
(8)effort [5efEt]n.努力
(9)established [ is5tAbliFt ]adj.已制定的
(10)issue [ 5isju: ]n.论点, 问题
(11)agency [ 5eidVEnsi ]
(12)guarantee [ 7^ArEn5ti: ] vt.保证
(13)community [ kE5mju:niti ]n. 社会
(14)Nelson Mandela [ mAn5delE ]纳尔逊 曼德拉 [1918, 南非黑人反种族隔离活动家]
(15)Korean [kE5rIEn]adj.韩国的
(16)protect [ prE5tekt ]vt.保护
(17)AIDS [eIdz]abbr.爱滋病
(18)involved [ in5vClvd ]adj有关的
(19)reborn [ 5ri:bC:n ]adj.重生



1 session Kz1wC     
  • This matter will go over until the next session.这件事将留待下次会议讨论。
  • Congress is now in session.国会现在正在开会。
2 moss X6QzA     
  • Moss grows on a rock.苔藓生在石头上。
  • He was found asleep on a pillow of leaves and moss.有人看见他枕着树叶和苔藓睡着了。
3 assembly MORyw     
  • He took his seat in an unobserved corner of the assembly room.他在会议室一个不为人注意的犄角坐下来。
  • It was very quiet in the assembly hall.会场里静悄悄的。
4 activist gyAzO     
  • He's been a trade union activist for many years.多年来他一直是工会的积极分子。
  • He is a social activist in our factory.他是我厂的社会活动积极分子。
5 gathering ChmxZ     
  • He called on Mr. White to speak at the gathering.他请怀特先生在集会上讲话。
  • He is on the wing gathering material for his novels.他正忙于为他的小说收集资料。
6 summit eHezk     
  • They climbed up the mountain and reached the summit.他们爬山,最终达到了山顶。
  • The summit of the mountain is lost in the cloud and mist.山顶隐没在云雾之中。
7 treaty nmlwj     
  • Hungary has indicated its readiness to sign the treaty.匈牙利已表示愿意签订该条约。
  • I believe this treaty will pave the way to peace in Europe. 我相信这个条约将为欧洲的和平铺平道路。
8 toward on6we     
  • Suddenly I saw a tall figure approaching toward the policeman.突然间我看到一个高大的身影朝警察靠近。
  • Upon seeing her,I smiled and ran toward her. 看到她我笑了,并跑了过去。
9 disease etMxx     
  • The doctors are trying to stamp out the disease.医生正在尽力消灭这种疾病。
  • He fought against the disease for a long time.他同疾病做了长时间的斗争。

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