

时间:2005-04-27 16:00:00



53 乡村卫生保健培训员伊莎贝尔

TITLE=DEVELOPMENT REPORT - Health Care Training for Native Villages BYLINE=Marilyn Christiano
(Start at 1'03") This is Bill White with the VOA Special English DEVELOPMENT REPORT.
Many countries have a (1) continuing need to provide health care in distant villages.  The Medical Mission2 Sisters is an international organization that helps with this.  It began seventy-five years ago.  The Roman Catholic3 workers help provide health care training for people who are not served by modern hospitals, doctors and medicines.
Isabel Harmon has been a Medical Mission Sister for fifty years, many of them in Africa.  She is living in Oaxaca, Mexico, now.  Sister Isabel helps with a training program in the city of Oaxaca for (2) representatives from villages of native people.  It teaches these health care (3) promoters how to help themselves and others in the villages improve their health.
Sister Isabel spends about three days a week, much of the year, traveling to the distant villages by bus, (4) mule4 and foot.  There she continues the training.  
For example, she teaches people how to make (5) vitamins their bodies need to be healthy.  Their villages are too high in the mountains to grow vegetables that usually provide these vitamins.  So she teaches people to cook a common plant, (6) garlic that has been smashed5.  Then the yellow part of eggs is added and the mixture is dried in the sun.  Next, the nuts, (7) almonds and (8) pecans, are smashed and added.  The mixture then is put into small vitamin (9) capsules that can be (10) swallowed.  People take one each day with their usual diet of (11) tortillas and beans.
During the training program, the health care promoters are taught traditional native healing6 methods.  Such knowledge as the medical use of common plants is often lost when local medicine men and women die.  For example, (12) basil is used in many countries to add taste to foods.  But traditionally the leaves of the plant have been used to help heal1 (13) sore throats, ear problems, muscle pain, headache and stomach pain.  For stomach pain, the leaves are cooked in water and the liquid drunk7.  For an earache8, the oil from the leaves is dropped in the ear.
Sister Isabel has helped produce a book that (14) describes common plants in the Oaxaca area and explains how they can be used for healing.  She hopes the idea of developing a guidebook of medical plants will spread so people in many countries can improve their own medical care.
This VOA Special English Development Report was written by Marilyn Christiano. This is Bill White.

(1)       continuing [kEn`tinjUiN] adj.继续的, 连续的, 持续的
(2)       representative [9repri`zent[tiv] n.代表
(3) promoter [pr[`mEUtE] n.促进者, 助长者
(4) mule [mjU:l] n.骡子
(5) vitamin [`vitEmin] n.维他命
(6) garlic [`gB:lik] n.[植]大蒜, 蒜头
(7) almond [ `B:mEnd] n.[植]杏仁
(8) pecan [pi`kAn] n.[植]美洲山核桃
(9) capsule [`kApsjU:l] n.胶囊
(10) swallow [`swRlEU] vi.吞下
(11) tortilla [tC:`til[] n.玉米粉圆饼
(12) basil [`bAzl] n.罗勒, 罗勒属植物
(13) sore throats 喉痛
(14) describe [dis`kraib] vt.描写, 记述, 形容, 形容 v.描述



1 heal Fd9xt     
  • Time helped heal the old wounds.时间有助于治愈旧创伤。
  • This wound will soon heal if yon keep it clean.如果你保持伤口清洁,它很快就会痊愈。
2 mission fDIxX     
  • He was charged with an important mission.他受委托承担一项重要使命。
  • I'll leave you to undertake an important mission.我要让你承担一项重要使命。
3 catholic irxzd     
  • The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.教皇是罗马天主教的最高领袖。
  • She was a devoutly Catholic.她是一个虔诚地天主教徒。
4 mule G6RzI     
  • A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代。
  • He is an old mule.他是个老顽固。
5 smashed smashed     
adj.喝醉酒的v.打碎,捣烂( smash的过去式和过去分词 );捣毁;重击;撞毁(车辆)
  • Several windows had been smashed. 几扇窗户劈里啪啦打碎了。
  • In time-honoured tradition, a bottle of champagne was smashed on the ship. 依照由来已久的传统,对着船摔了一瓶香槟。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 healing krTz1V     
n.康复,复原adj.有治疗功用的v.(使)愈合( heal的现在分词 );治愈;(使)结束;较容易忍受
  • miraculous powers of healing 神奇的治病能力
  • She seems to have a vocation for healing. 看来她具备治病救人的才能。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 drunk LuozL6     
  • People who drives when they are drunk should be heavily penalised.醉酒驾车的人应受重罚。
  • She found him drunk when she came home at night.她晚上回家时,经常发现他醉醺醺的。
8 earache tkrzM     
  • I have been having an earache for about a week.我的耳朵已经痛了一个星期了。
  • I've had an earache for the past few days.我耳痛好几天了。

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