

时间:2005-04-27 16:00:00



58 在丹麦庆祝美国国庆节

TITLE=AMERICAN MOSAIC1 #824 - Fourth of July in Denmark
BYLINE=Nancy Steinbach

(Start at 1'00") Next Wednesday is the Fourth of July - (1) America's Independence Day.  Americans celebrate the (2) anniversary2 of their (3) declaration3 of independence from Britain in Seventeen-Seventy-Six.
Each year, Americans hold parties to celebrate the Fourth of July.  They fly American flags, sing (4) patriotic4 songs and light (5) fireworks.   It might surprise you to learn that America's Independence Day also is celebrated5 in (6) Denmark. Shirley Griffith explains.
From the middle Eighteen-Eighties until Nineteen-Hundred, one of every ten people in Denmark moved to the United States.  They were poor farmers seeking a new economy and a better life.  Most settled in America's middle west.
In Nineteen-Twelve, these (7) immigrants6 created an organization called the Danish-American Society.  It bought land back home in Denmark near the city of (8) Aalborg, about two-hundred-fifty kilometers northwest of Copenhagen.  The society gave the land to Denmark on the condition that America's Independence Day would be celebrated there every year.
Denmark's (9) ruler at the time, King Christian7, agreed.  He (10) established a national park on the land.  He said the park would represent the friendship between the two nations.
That is why America's Independence Day has been celebrated at Rebild National Park and in the city of Aalborg ever since.
Over the years, hundreds of thousands of visitors have joined with (11) Danes in the celebration at Rebild Park. American and (12) Danish flags fly side by side. People eat American and Danish food.  They listen to speeches. Speakers in the past have included former presidents George Bush and Ronald Reagan and actor Danny Kaye.
Celebrations in nearby Aalborg extend8 over a few days.  Events include concerts and shows. This year, the United States Air Force Band will take part in the celebration.
The final event of the (13) Fourth of July celebration in Aalborg is the same as in the United States -- fireworks.  Then the nation of Denmark ends its celebration of America's Independence Day until next year.



BYLINE=Paul Thompson

(Start at 4'20") Our VOA listener question this week comes in an E-mail from (1) Indonesia. Antonius Japarizal would like us to explain the words "two-by-four."  He says he has heard it in the sentence, "You have to use a two-by-four to get his attention."
This question really belongs in our program, "Words and their Stories," but we will answer it anyway.  A two-by-four is a piece of wood. The name comes from the (2) measurement9 of the wood -- two inches by four inches.  That is about five (3) centimeters by ten centimeters.  Or two times as wide as it is thick. 
A two-by-four is usually cut to the length you need.  It is used in houses and other buildings.  A two-by-four is very common.  You can buy it in almost any store in the United States that sells building (4) supplies and wood.
Now to explain the sentence.  Let us say you work with a young man who has not been performing well at work.  He can think of nothing but a young woman he recently met.   All he can think of is the next time he will see her or talk to her on the telephone.  His mind has only room for thoughts of the young woman.
You might say of such a person, "You have to hit him with a two-by-four to get him to pay attention."
The English language is full of such sayings.  Some of them are very funny.  Here are two more. 
Let us say this same young man has a new dog.  It is a nice dog, but not very (5) smart.  The young man has been trying to train the dog. But the dog can not learn to obey the most simple command. 
You might say the dog is as stupid "as a sack10 full of (6) hammers."   A hammer is a tool you use to hit nails into a two-by-four.  But a hammer can not think or do anything.  A sack full of hammers is really useless. 
You could also say the same dog is a real "air head."  This means the dog has no brain, only air in its head. 
All three of these (7) expressions are similar.  You could use any one of them to explain the young man who thinks of nothing but his new lady friend.  But you get the idea.  I do not have to hit you with a two-by-four to get your attention, because you are not an airhead.  And no one who listens to Special English is as (8) dumb11 as a sack full of hammers.



TITLE=AMERICAN MOSAIC #824 - Don't Stop The Carnival12
BYLINE=Nancy Steinbach
(Start At 7'56") American singer and songwriter Jimmy Buffett loves the (1) Caribbean area and its music.  A few years ago, he and writer Herman Wouk worked together to produce a musical play. The story was based on Mister13 Wouk's book, "Don't Stop the (2) Carnival."  The show was first performed in the American state of Florida.  Now it has opened in the (3) Bahamas.  Jimmy Buffett says it might go to (4) Broadway in New York City sometime in the future. Steve Ember tells us about it.
"Don't Stop the Carnival" is about a man named Norman Paperman who leaves New York City and buys a hotel in the Caribbean. The show starts with the (5) chorus14 singing about him. 
Jimmy Buffett also owned a hotel in the Caribbean.  It burned to the ground.  Norman Paperman also has nothing but trouble with his hotel.  This song tells about his problem with the (6) water supply.
"Don't Stop the Carnival" is a funny show about how Norman (7)operates his hotel and organizes his life.  He finally decides to go back to New York.  We leave you now with the final song from the show "Don't Stop the Carnival."  It is called "Time To Go Home."
(1) America's Independence Day n.美国独立日
(2) anniversary [ 7Ani5vE:sEri ] n.周年纪念
(3) declaration of independence n.独立宣言
(4) patriotic [ 7pAtri5Ctik ] adj.爱国的, 有爱国心的
(5) fireworks n.烟火, 激烈争论
(6) Denmark [ 5denmB:k ] n.丹麦(北欧国家,首都哥本哈根)
(7) immigrant [ 5imi^rEnt ] adj.(从外国)移来的, 移民的, 移居的 n.
(8) Aalborg [ 5C:lbC:^ ] 奥尔堡[丹麦]
(9) ruler [ 5ru:lE ] n.统治者, 管理者, 尺, 直尺 n.标尺, 划线板,
(10) establish [ is5tAbliF ] vt.建立, 设立, 安置, 使定居, 使人民接受
(11) Dane [ dein ] n.丹麦人
(12) Danish [ 5deiniF ] n.丹麦语 adj.丹麦的
      (13) Fourth of July n. 美国国庆日(七月四日)


(1) Indonesia [ 7indEu5ni:zjE ] n.印尼(东南亚岛国)
(2) measurement [ 5meVEmEnt ] n.测量法, 度量, (量得的)尺寸,
(3) centimeter [5sentImi:tEr(r)] n.厘米
(4) supply [ sE5plai ] n.补给, 供给, 供应品 vt.补给, 供给, 提供,
(5) smart [ smB:t ] n.刺痛, 痛苦 adj.巧妙的, 聪明的, 漂亮的,
(6) hammer [ 5hAmE ] n.铁锤, 槌, 锤子 v.锤击, 锤打
(7) expression [ iks5preFEn ] n.表达, 表情, 脸色, 声调, 腔调, 榨出, 语
(8) dumb [ dQm ] adj.哑的, 无说话能力的, 不说话的, 无声音的


(1) Caribbean [ kAri5bi(:)En ] n.加勒比海
(2) carnival [ 5kB:nivEl ] n.狂欢节, 饮宴狂欢
(3) Bahamas [ bE5hB:mEz ] n.巴哈马群岛
(4) Broadway [ 5brC:dwei ] n.纵贯纽约市的大街道, 百老汇
(5) chorus [ 5kC:rEs ] n.合唱, 合唱队, 齐声
(6) water supply n.给水, 自来水, 供水系统
(7) operate [ 5CpEreit ] v.操作, 运转, 开动, 起作用




1 mosaic CEExS     
  • The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white.今天早上的天空是幅蓝白相间的画面。
  • The image mosaic is a troublesome work.图象镶嵌是个麻烦的工作。
2 anniversary Cw0zD     
  • They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.他们每年庆祝一番结婚纪念日。
  • Today is my parents'30th wedding anniversary.今天是我父母结婚30周年纪念日。
3 declaration rxrxj     
  • We read the declaration posted on the bulletin board.我们读了贴在布告板上的声明。
  • At the recent convention a declaration was adopted.在最近举行的大会上通过了一项宣言。
4 patriotic T3Izu     
  • His speech was full of patriotic sentiments.他的演说充满了爱国之情。
  • The old man is a patriotic overseas Chinese.这位老人是一位爱国华侨。
5 celebrated iwLzpz     
  • He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.不久他就成了英格兰最负盛名的年轻画家之一。
  • The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience.观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。
6 immigrants 5567ded20d0822e7a8dbcdb0836717a9     
n.移民( immigrant的名词复数 )
  • Illegal immigrants were given the opportunity to regularize their position. 非法移民得到了使其身份合法化的机会。
  • Immigrants from all over the world populate this city. 这个城市里生活着来自世界各地的移民。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 Christian KVByl     
  • They always addressed each other by their Christian name.他们总是以教名互相称呼。
  • His mother is a sincere Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。
8 extend ZmixQ     
  • Can you extend your visit for a few days more?你能把你的访问再延长几天吗?
  • The examinations extend over two weeks.考试持续两个星期。
9 measurement xC6xu     
  • I can find the size of something by means of measurement.我可以用测量法求得某物的体积。
  • He has made an accurate measurement of my garden.他准确地丈量了我的花园。
10 sack mCbz7     
  • They made him pay for his offence by giving him the sack.他们解雇了他,从而使他因自己的过错而受到了惩罚。
  • If you're late again tomorrow,you'll get the sack!如果你明天再迟到,那就卷铺盖走吧!
11 dumb 4k1zE     
  • She is very kind to the dumb children.她对哑童非常好。
  • It was dumb of you to say that.你说这种话太愚蠢了。
12 carnival 4rezq     
  • I got some good shots of the carnival.我有几个狂欢节的精彩镜头。
  • Our street puts on a carnival every year.我们街的居民每年举行一次嘉年华会。
13 mister rnQzwB     
  • Mister Smith is my good friend.史密斯先生是我的好朋友。
  • He styled himself " Mister Clean ".他自称是“清廉先生”。
14 chorus urozX     
  • Never before have I heard this song sung in chorus.我从来没有听过这首歌的合唱。
  • The children repeated the words after her in chorus.孩子们跟她齐声朗读单词。
15 champagne iwBzh3     
  • There were two glasses of champagne on the tray.托盘里有两杯香槟酒。
  • They sat there swilling champagne.他们坐在那里大喝香槟酒。

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