

时间:2005-04-27 16:00:00



71 大卫·麦卡罗笔下的约翰·亚当斯总统

TITLE=AMERICAN MOSAIC1 #827 - New Interest in John Adams
BYLINE=Paul Thompson

(Start at 0'51") A recent book by American history writer David McCullough has (1)renewed interest in America's second president, John Adams. Shep O'Neal tells us more.
Very few people in history have left a record as clear as John Adams.  He carried a small book with him every day in which he wrote about his experiences.  He also wrote thousands of letters to his family members and friends.  
History experts say John Adams has not been remembered as widely as President Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the famous American (2)Declaration2 of (3)Independence.  Yet the experts say it was John Adams who was greatly (4)responsible for the (5)approval of the Declaration of Independence.  It was also John Adams who worked to have George Washington lead the army.  And it was John Adams who demanded a fair legal system for the new country. 
He made sure that all court systems of the United States are separate from other parts of the government.
David McCullough's new book (6)describes John Adams' personal and political life.  It tells of the events that took place around him.  It tells of the thousands of kilometers he traveled and the dangers he faced.  
Mister3 McCullough's book is also a love story.  Abigail Adams was the second president's wife and friend.  She was also a political advisor4 to whom he always listened.  During their long marriage they wrote thousands of letters to each other about their ideas and feelings.
Recently, Mister McCullough appeared before (7)Congress5 to support (8)legislation6 to build a memorial to John Adams in Washington.  Mister McCullough said no one except George Washington was more important in winning our independence and (9)establishing our government than John Adams.  He never failed to answer the call to serve his country.
Congress is now preparing the legislation needed to (10)provide land in Washington for a memorial to John Adams.  The memorial will be built with money given by (11)private citizens.



BYLINE=Nancy Steinbach
(Start at 4'10") Our VOA listener question this week comes from (1)Burma.  Aye Ayethwe asks how to prepare the Italian food known as (2)pizza.
Pizza has a bread-like (3)crust7 that is covered with tomato (4)sauce, (5)cheese and vegetables or meat.History experts say the idea of using bread to hold other foods began with the Greeks.  They ate flat breads (6)baked with oil, (7)garlic and (8)onions.  The Romans also made a similar food. By the eighteenth century, the word "pizza" had developed from the Latin8 word "picea." 
Experts say Raffaele Esposito of Naples, Italy baked the first modern pizza in Eighteen-Eighty-Nine.  The stories say he baked pizza especially for the visit of the Italian King and Queen.  He made his pizza in the colors of the Italian flag - green (9)herbs, white (10)mozzarella cheese and red tomatoes.  The (11)popularity of the food soon spread to Northern Italy and Europe.
People from Italy brought pizza to the United States in the last half of the nineteenth century. Gennaro Lombardi opened the first American pizza shop in New York City in Nineteen-Oh-Five.  But it was not until after World War Two that pizza became popular in America.  That was when American soldiers demanded pizza they had eaten in Italy.
Experts say the best pizza in the world is still made in Naples.  Today, people all over the world make and love pizza.  Why? Because it is fun to eat and tastes great.  Pizza makers9 (12)mix (13)flour, (14)yeast, salt and water for the crust. They form it into a large circular10 pie.  They put tomato sauce and cheese on the crust.  They may add onions, (15)mushrooms, (16)peppers or meat. Then they bake it in an extremely hot oven11
Many Americans do not make their own pizza. They go to a pizza restaurant.  Or they send out for it.  This means they telephone a local pizza shop, order their favorite kind of pizza and wait for a store worker to bring it to their house.  
All this talk about pizza has made me hungry.  Maybe I will send out for some pizza for lunch!




TITLE=AMERICAN MOSAIC #827- Hip-Hop Music Conference
BYLINE=Cynthia Kirk

(Start at 7'28") The first yearly12 (1)conference on hip-hop music took place in New York City last month. More than three-hundred rap13 music artists, producers, reporters, (2)politicians, and (3)spiritual leaders gathered for three days of (4)discussions. They talked about the (5)influence of hip-hop music on America's young people and its future.  Shirley Griffith tells us about hip-hop. 
Hip-hop music is also known as rap. It began about thirty years ago in the streets of New York City. Since then, the music has become a two-thousand-million dollar (6)cultural force. Its (7)popularity has spread beyond the black youth culture that created it. Now, seventy-five percent of hip-hop records are bought by white people. And the worldwide market continues to (8)expand. Here is popular rap artist Eminem with the song, "The Real Slim Shady14."
Political leaders, (9)religious leaders and even some fans have (10)denounced rap music for using bad words and (11)describing (12)violent acts in songs. Rap singers have been (13)criticized for spreading messages of hate against women and (14)homosexuals in some of their songs.  
The main idea of the hip-hop conference was "taking back (15)responsibility."  The rap industry is fighting to prevent the government from (16)establishing laws to control hip-hop music.  The people at the meeting agreed on a plan of action. They promised to create (17)coalitions among people in the music industry and social organizations. They agreed to establish more programs to help young people. They promised to protect young people from adult material in their songs. They also agreed to work to protect rap music from what they consider attacks on freedom of speech. 
We leave you now with another popular rap song. Doctor Dre and Snoop Dogg perform "The Next Episode15." (Stop at 13'05")

(1)renew [ ri5nju: ]vt.使更新
(2)declaration [ 7deklE5reiFEn ]n. 宣言
(3)independence [ 7indi5pendEns ]n.独立, 自主
(4)responsible [ ris5pCnsEbl ]adj.有责任的
(5)approval [ E5pru:vEl ]n.正式批准
(6)describe [ dis5kraib ]vt.描写
(7)congress [ 5kCN^res ]n.(代表)大会, [C~] (美国等国的)国会, 议会
(8)legislation [ 7ledVis5leiFEn ]n.立法, 法律的制定(或通过)
(9)establish [ is5tAbliF ] v.建立
(10)provide [ prE5vaid ]v.提供
(11)private [ 5praivit ]adj.私人的

(1)Burma [ 5bE:mE ]n.缅甸(东南亚国家)
(2)pizza [ 5pi:tsE ]n.比萨饼(一种涂有乳酪核番茄酱的意大利式有馅烘饼)
(3)crust [ krQst ]n.面包皮
(4)sauce [ sC:s ]n.沙司
(5)cheese [ tFi:z ]n.干酪
(6)baked [ beik ]v.烘焙
(7)garlic [ 5^B:lik ]n.[植]大蒜
(8)onion [ 5QnjEn ] n.洋葱
(9)herb [ hE:b ]n.药草, 香草
(10)mozzarella [mRtsE5relE]n.一种意大利干酪, 色白味淡的
(11)popularity [ 7pCpju5lAriti ]n. 流行
(12)mix [ miks ]v.混合
(13)flour [ 5flauE ]n.面粉
(14)yeast [ ji:st ]n.酵母, 发酵粉
(15)mushroom [ 5mQFrum ]n.蘑菇
(16)pepper [ 5pepE ]n.胡椒粉

(1)conference [ 5kCnfErEns ]n.协商会
(2)politician [ pCli5tiFEn ]n.政治家, 政客
(3)spiritual [ 5spiritjuEl ]adj.精神上的
(4)discussion [ dis5kQFEn ]n.讨论
(5)influence [ 5influEns ]n.影响
(6)cultural [5kQltFEr(E)l]adj.文化的
(7)popularity [ 7pCpju5lAriti ]n. 流行
(8)expand [ iks5pAnd ] vi.发展
(9)religious [ ri5lidVEs ]adj.宗教的
(10)denounce [ di5nauns ]vt.公开指责, 公然抨击, 谴责
(11)describe [ dis5kraib ]vt.描写
(12)violent [ 5vaiElEnt ]adj.暴力的
(13)criticize [ 5kritisaiz ]v.批评, 责备
(14)homosexual [ 7hEumEu5seksjuEl ] n.同性恋
(15)responsibility [ ris7pCnsE5biliti ]n.责任
(16)establish [ is5tAbliF ] v.建立
(17)coalition [ 7kEuE5liFEn ]n.合并, 接合, 联合




1 mosaic CEExS     
  • The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white.今天早上的天空是幅蓝白相间的画面。
  • The image mosaic is a troublesome work.图象镶嵌是个麻烦的工作。
2 declaration rxrxj     
  • We read the declaration posted on the bulletin board.我们读了贴在布告板上的声明。
  • At the recent convention a declaration was adopted.在最近举行的大会上通过了一项宣言。
3 mister rnQzwB     
  • Mister Smith is my good friend.史密斯先生是我的好朋友。
  • He styled himself " Mister Clean ".他自称是“清廉先生”。
4 advisor JKByk     
  • They employed me as an advisor.他们聘请我当顾问。
  • The professor is engaged as a technical advisor.这位教授被聘请为技术顾问。
5 Congress eY1y1     
  • There were some days to wait before the Congress.大会的召开还有几天时间。
  • After 18 years in Congress,he intented to return to private life.在国会供职18年后,他打算告老还乡。
6 legislation q9uzG     
  • They began to draft legislation.他们开始起草法规。
  • The liberals band together against the new legislation.自由党员联合一致反对新的立法。
7 crust enxzu     
  • This article focuses on radiation present in the earth crust.本文重点介绍源自地壳的辐射。
  • Earth quakes can result from stresses in the earth's crust.地壳内的应力可能引起地震。
8 Latin 9pWzAI     
  • She learned Latin without a master.她无师自通学会了拉丁语。
  • Please use only Latin characters.请仅使用拉丁文字符。
9 makers 22a4efff03ac42c1785d09a48313d352     
  • The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality. 这一产品的制造商向我们保证说他们没有牺牲质量。
  • The makers are about to launch out a new product. 制造商们马上要生产一种新产品。 来自《简明英汉词典》
10 circular MnHy4     
  • The bright boy altered it to a circular form.这个聪明的男孩把它改成了圆形。
  • The lamp stands on a circular base.这盏台灯是装在圆形底座上的。
11 oven iJuxQ     
  • You put food inside an oven to cook it.你把食物放进烤箱里热一下。
  • She baked bread in an oven.她用烤炉烤面包。
12 yearly 0fxwM     
  • The flower show is a yearly event in our town.我们镇上的花展一年举行一次。
  • The yearly rental of her house is 2400 yuan.她这房子年租金是2400元。
13 rap SABzi     
  • I heard a rap on the door.我听到有轻轻的敲门声。
  • Today we are going to rap about relationships.今天我们要聊聊关系的问题。
14 shady AEczp     
  • This is a shady avenue.这是条林阴大道。
  • He's a rather shady person.他是个相当靠不住的人。
15 episode Titzy     
  • The episode was a huge embarrassment for all concerned.这段小插曲令所有有关人员都感到非常尴尬。
  • This episode remains sharply engraved on my mind.这段经历至今仍深深地铭刻在我的心中。

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